Phrasal verb is the combination of two or three words from different grammatical categories, with one being a verb and other a particle (adverb or preposition), to form a single semantic unit (from lexical or syntactical point of view). These semantic unites cannot be always understood based upon the meanings of individual parts alone, but must be taken as a whole. In other words, the meaning is non-compositional and thus often unpredictable. Phrasal verbs do not include compound predicates. There are thousands of them in English and few in other Indo-European languages. Some combinations of verb with prepositions are not truly phrasal verbs, as prepositions may belong to verb's object or adverbial phrase (“give to” is not phrasal verb, while “give up” is), so some articles for people studying English may be inaccurate in that matter.
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Nûrlâm doesn't have equivalents of English phrasal verbs. However it uses different ways to extend the meaning of basic verbs, which may be translated into English phrasal verbs:
Anyway the majority of English phrasal verbs has unique single-root translation in Nûrlâm, which can be found by picking up a synonym (for example “give up” ~ “surrender”, “look for” ~ “seek”, “take up” ~ “lift”).