Wordlist: Plants

This page will contain list of words for plants (and what was believed to be plants), names for their parts and agriculture. This list is based on "Qenya botany" by David Salo, description of Ents from LOTR (Book Three, Chapter 4: Treebeard) and the food mentioned in LOTR.

English Nûrlâm Part of speech Etymology Comments
(healing herb) arnpâth n NL, literally “king leaf”, see “arn”, “pâth”
alder ulbh n NL < Qenya “ulwe”
algae filp n NL < Early Telerin “felpa” < Primitive Elvish root “FILI” (thin) uncountable
apple orb n NL < Qenya “orva”
ash (tree) sorz n NL < Gnomish “soros”
athelas arnpâth n NL, literally “king leaf”, see “arn”, “pâth”
bark (of tree) parb n Qenya “parma” (skin, bark, parchment, book, writings) < Etym. “PAR” (compose, put together) uncountable
beech (tree) broth n NL < Ilkorin “breth” < Etym. “BERETH”
berry poi n NL < Qenya “pio”
birch dhot n HG, cited as derived from MERP “blotaz”
blackthorn forz n NL < LOS, SV, HG “forzunk” < MERP (gorse) колючий кустарник
bloom lûth- v NL, see “lûth” (n, flower)
blossom lûth- v NL, see “lûth” (n, flower)
bough gholf n NL < Noldorin “golf” (branch, wand) < Etym. “GÓLOB”; changed in case of other interpretations of “golf” in PN “Golfimbul”
branch gholf n NL < Noldorin “golf” (branch, wand) < Etym. “GÓLOB”; changed in case of other interpretations of “golf” in PN “Golfimbul”
breeze zûp- v NL, Qenya word “pusilla” (to puff, whiff, breeze), “puse” (n) written reversed and merged with NL “zûd” (wind) and “zûzd” (breeze) blow of wind or artificial air movement (ventilation, air separation)

о ветре, искусственном потоке воздуха или процессе сепарации воздухом
bud toi n NL < Etym. “TUY” (sprout)
burgeon tûzd n NL < Qenya “tuista”
bush drûth n all major dialects < MERP
carrot sûlg n NL < Middle-Quenya “sulka” < Etym. “SÚLUK” (edible root)
chips tos n NL < Qenya “tusture” (tinder, chips, firewood) < Primitive Elvish “teswā” (chip)? a small piece of wood
coppice trau n NL, merging “tau” (forest, wood) with Qenya “tarwa” (garden, enclosure) < Primitive Elvish “TAÐA”, “TAŘA” forest of bushes or young trees
copse trau n NL, merging “tau” (forest, wood) with Qenya “tarwa” (garden, enclosure) < Primitive Elvish “TAÐA”, “TAŘA” forest of bushes or young trees
cotton izb n NL < Sindarin “esbin”, Quenya “ipsin” (fine, thin thread) uncountable
crown adal n BA < Valarin “Tulukhedelgorûs” (Laurelin) only about trees
cucumber kôlz n NL < Qenya “kolosta”
cultivate isl- v LOS < SV, MB (plant, n.) make agriculture
dust maul n NL < Quenya “malo” (pollen) < Etym. “SMAL” (pollen, powder, flour) uncountable
edible throkhat gerv gerundive from “throkh-” (to eat); lit. “to be eaten”
elm lâlb n NL < Noldorin “laf”, Ilkorin & Gnomish “lalm” < Etym. “(L)ÁLAM”
Ent ornog n NL < “orn” (tree, cf.) merged with Sindarin “Onod”, Noldorin “Ogod” (both meaning “Ent”) and BS “Olog” (troll)
fade nark- v NL < merging TK “nar” (negative particle) + Qenya “narqa” (to wither), Gnomish “narcos” (to rot, decay) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ” intransitive
fan zûp- v NL, Qenya word “pusilla” (to puff, whiff, breeze), “puse” (n) written reversed and merged with NL “zûd” (wind) and “zûzd” (breeze) blow of wind or artificial air movement (ventilation, air separation)

о ветре, искусственном потоке воздуха или процессе сепарации воздухом
farm isl- v LOS < SV, MB (plant, n.) make agriculture
fern filg n NL < Gnomish “fileg”, Qenya “filqe”
fir drodh n ON, probably typo in MERP “brodh” < Albanian
flay daft- v NL, melting Gnomish “daf”, “dôf”, “dauth”
flinders tos n NL < Qenya “tusture” (tinder, chips, firewood) < Primitive Elvish “teswā” (chip)? a small piece of wood
flour por n NL < Etym. “POR” uncountable

молотое зерно
flower lûth n NL < Sindarin “loth”, Gnomish “lôs” < Etym. “LOT(H)”;
also Qenya “losse” (white rose), Gnomish “loth” (flower, rose);
compare with all major dialects “lûl”, changed due to similarity with Albanian “lule” (flower) and English “lily”
forest tau n LOS < Sindarin “taw” (wood as material), “tawar”; also Quenya “taurë” (forest), “toa” (wood as material) < Etym. “TÁWAR”; compare also with Etym. “TĀ”, “TAGH” (high, lofty)
fruit gau n NL < Quenya “yávë” < Etym. “YAB” may also refer to vegetables
garden thant n NL, merging Sindarin “sand”, “sant” (garden, field, yard) with Gnomish “tand” (enclosure, garden) from different Primitive Elvish root (TAÐA)
gather srunt- v NL, merging SV “sru” with fictional proto-word “skrinkht” to connect “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” with Sindarin “critha-” (reap) < Etym. “KIRIK” (gather, collect, reap), Primitive Elvish “k'rikta-” may be used as euphemism for “pillage, plunder”
grain blûz n NL, merging Gnomish “bloss” (wheat), Qenya “mul” (to grind) of same origin with all major dialects “blûg” < MERP (to grind, mill) < Albanian “bluaj” (to grind) incl. “grain of sand” etc.; probably an equivalent of Latin “semen”
grain sru n LOS < MB < SV; compare with SV “srû” (fruit) any grain culture (corn, barley, wheat, etc.)
grass barth n NL < Sindarin “parth” (field, sward) + all major Neo-BS dialects “bar” (grass, hay) < MERP < Albanian uncountable
grassland fûdh n NL, merging SV, HG “fûadh” < MERP with Gnomish “fladwen” < “flad” (grass, sward)
grove trau n NL, merging “tau” (forest, wood) with Qenya “tarwa” (garden, enclosure) < Primitive Elvish “TAÐA”, “TAŘA” forest of bushes or young trees
grow ghalb- v NL < Noldorin “galw” (growth), Quenya “alwa” (well-grown) < Etym. “GALA” (to grow; thrive);
compare with ZA “ghald-” (to grow stately, greatly);
compare with Sindarin “gala” (to grow)
to become big
grow (crops) isl- v LOS < SV, MB (plant, n.) make agriculture
harvest srunt- v NL, merging SV “sru” with fictional proto-word “skrinkht” to connect “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” with Sindarin “critha-” (reap) < Etym. “KIRIK” (gather, collect, reap), Primitive Elvish “k'rikta-” may be used as euphemism for “pillage, plunder”
hawthorn forz n NL < LOS, SV, HG “forzunk” < MERP (gorse) колючий кустарник
hay thau n NL < Gnomish “thaf” uncountable
heath bîshk n NL < LOS & all major dialects “bîshûk” < MERP
heather mraun n NL < SV “marraun” < MERP uncountable
hedge thant n NL, merging Sindarin “sand”, “sant” (garden, field, yard) with Gnomish “tand” (enclosure, garden) from different Primitive Elvish root (TAÐA)
herb barth n NL < Sindarin “parth” (field, sward) + all major Neo-BS dialects “bar” (grass, hay) < MERP < Albanian uncountable
holly (tree) irk n NL < Sindarin “ereg”, Middle-Quenya “erkasse” < Etym. “ERÉK” (thorn); compare with Sindarin “Eregion”
honey mâth n SV, MB any sweet substance;
ilex irk n NL < Sindarin “ereg”, Middle-Quenya “erkasse” < Etym. “ERÉK” (thorn); compare with Sindarin “Eregion”
ivy odol n NL < Neo-Sindarin “edol” < Gnomish “ethlin”, Qenya “etil” uncountable
juice saub n NL < Etym. “SAB”; compare Noldorin “saw”, Quenya “sáve”, Primitive Elvish “sāba” juice of fruit or flower;
kingsfoil arnpâth n NL, literally “king leaf”, see “arn”, “pâth”
leaf gâth n LOS < MB, SV “gathl” как о деревьях, так и о книгах и материалах
leaf pâth n ZB < Valarin “Ibrîniðilpathânezel” (Telperion, “Silver-flower leaf-green”); suitable as merging of LOS (see “gâth”), SV “gathl” and HG “pa” (< Sumerian) only literal meaning
lily nidh n ZB < Valarin “iniðil” < “Ibrîniðilpathânezel” (Telperion) any large flower
log kung n MERP
meadow fûdh n NL, merging SV, HG “fûadh” < MERP with Gnomish “fladwen” < “flad” (grass, sward)
meal por n NL < Etym. “POR” uncountable

молотое зерно
moor bîshk n NL < LOS & all major dialects “bîshûk” < MERP
needle bodh n HG < all major dialects “brodh” (pine) < MERP (pine, fir)
oak daurn n NL, merging “dau” (great) with “orn” (tree) (see corresponding articles) with Ilkorin “dorn” (oak), Noldorin “doron” < Etym. “DÓRON”
oat ruth n NL < Gnomish “ruthli” uncountable
page (of book) gâth n LOS < MB, SV “gathl” как о деревьях, так и о книгах и материалах
pansy hîln n NL < Qenya “helin” (pansy, violet) (n.)
peel daft n NL, melting Gnomish “daf”, “dôf”, “dauth”
peel daft- v NL, melting Gnomish “daf”, “dôf”, “dauth”
peg ghru n LOS (stick, pole, penis, club) < SV “ghrû” (erected penis) < ? MB “rû” euphemism for “penis” - compare with “ghîr-” (to lust)
pine stôn n NL < rejected Primitive Elvish “stāna”, “stŏna” < Etym. “THŌN”
plant isl- v LOS < SV, MB (plant, n.) make agriculture
plant sruth- v NL < LOS “sru” (seed, grain) (n) < MB, SV to put seed into the soil
plough gadh n NL < early Primitive Elvish root “HYAÐA”
plow gadh n NL < early Primitive Elvish root “HYAÐA”
pole ghru n LOS (stick, pole, penis, club) < SV “ghrû” (erected penis) < ? MB “rû” euphemism for “penis” - compare with “ghîr-” (to lust)
pollen maul n NL < Quenya “malo” (pollen) < Etym. “SMAL” (pollen, powder, flour) uncountable
poppy lorlûth n NL, “sleep-flower”; see “lor”, “lûth”
potato firdbugh n NL, lit. “egg-root” < LOS, SV, HG “bughnrakh” (potato, lit. “root-ball”, “root-egg”); see “fird”, “bugh” в т.ч. 1 штука
potato ghâmporb n NL, lit. “earth-apple”; see “ghâmp”, “orb”; compare with Neo-Quenya “cemorva” может относится к 1 плоду
powder maul n NL < Quenya “malo” (pollen) < Etym. “SMAL” (pollen, powder, flour) uncountable
prickle thurb n NL, merging Etym. “TER(EW)” (to pierce) with MERP “thumb” (spike) < Albanian;
see also “thrug”, “thruth-”;
compare with Qenya “tinda”, Quenya “tilde” (spike, horn)
puff zûp- v NL, Qenya word “pusilla” (to puff, whiff, breeze), “puse” (n) written reversed and merged with NL “zûd” (wind) and “zûzd” (breeze) blow of wind or artificial air movement (ventilation, air separation)

о ветре, искусственном потоке воздуха или процессе сепарации воздухом
reap srunt- v NL, merging SV “sru” with fictional proto-word “skrinkht” to connect “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” with Sindarin “critha-” (reap) < Etym. “KIRIK” (gather, collect, reap), Primitive Elvish “k'rikta-” may be used as euphemism for “pillage, plunder”
reed lizg n NL < Sindarin “lisg” any plant growing near water with long stem;
rind daft n NL, melting Gnomish “daf”, “dôf”, “dauth”
rind parb n Qenya “parma” (skin, bark, parchment, book, writings) < Etym. “PAR” (compose, put together) uncountable
rod ghru n LOS (stick, pole, penis, club) < SV “ghrû” (erected penis) < ? MB “rû” euphemism for “penis” - compare with “ghîr-” (to lust)
root bugh n LOS (root, origin) < MB, SV “bughn” (root, origin, source, beginning) more literal meaning than in other dialects
sapling tûzd n NL < Qenya “tuista”
seaweed filp n NL < Early Telerin “felpa” < Primitive Elvish root “FILI” (thin) uncountable
sedge lizg n NL < Sindarin “lisg” any plant growing near water with long stem;
seed blûz n NL, merging Gnomish “bloss” (wheat), Qenya “mul” (to grind) of same origin with all major dialects “blûg” < MERP (to grind, mill) < Albanian “bluaj” (to grind) incl. “grain of sand” etc.; probably an equivalent of Latin “semen”
seed sru n LOS < MB < SV; compare with SV “srû” (fruit) any grain culture (corn, barley, wheat, etc.)
separate (by air) zûp- v NL, Qenya word “pusilla” (to puff, whiff, breeze), “puse” (n) written reversed and merged with NL “zûd” (wind) and “zûzd” (breeze) blow of wind or artificial air movement (ventilation, air separation)

о ветре, искусственном потоке воздуха или процессе сепарации воздухом
sheet (of paper, fabric) gâth n LOS < MB, SV “gathl” как о деревьях, так и о книгах и материалах
shoot tûzd n NL < Qenya “tuista”
shrivel nark- v NL < merging TK “nar” (negative particle) + Qenya “narqa” (to wither), Gnomish “narcos” (to rot, decay) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ” intransitive
shrub drûth n all major dialects < MERP
skin daft n NL, melting Gnomish “daf”, “dôf”, “dauth”
skin daft- v NL, melting Gnomish “daf”, “dôf”, “dauth”
sliver tos n NL < Qenya “tusture” (tinder, chips, firewood) < Primitive Elvish “teswā” (chip)? a small piece of wood
sloebush forz n NL < LOS, SV, HG “forzunk” < MERP (gorse) колючий кустарник
sow isl- v LOS < SV, MB (plant, n.) make agriculture
sow sruth- v NL < LOS “sru” (seed, grain) (n) < MB, SV to put seed into the soil
spike thurb n NL, merging Etym. “TER(EW)” (to pierce) with MERP “thumb” (spike) < Albanian;
see also “thrug”, “thruth-”;
compare with Qenya “tinda”, Quenya “tilde” (spike, horn)
splinter tos n NL < Qenya “tusture” (tinder, chips, firewood) < Primitive Elvish “teswā” (chip)? a small piece of wood
sprig tûzd n NL < Qenya “tuista”
sprout tûzd n NL < Qenya “tuista”
stem sharb n NL, merging HG “shab” with Qenya “sirpe” < Primitive Elvish “siripi”
stick gholf n NL < Noldorin “golf” (branch, wand) < Etym. “GÓLOB”; changed in case of other interpretations of “golf” in PN “Golfimbul”
stick ghru n LOS (stick, pole, penis, club) < SV “ghrû” (erected penis) < ? MB “rû” euphemism for “penis” - compare with “ghîr-” (to lust)
sting thurb n NL, merging Etym. “TER(EW)” (to pierce) with MERP “thumb” (spike) < Albanian;
see also “thrug”, “thruth-”;
compare with Qenya “tinda”, Quenya “tilde” (spike, horn)
straw shirb n NL < Gnomish “sirp” < Primitive Elvish root “SIRIPI” (stalk);
see also “sharb” (stem)
sugar mâth n SV, MB any sweet substance;
sward fûdh n NL, merging SV, HG “fûadh” < MERP with Gnomish “fladwen” < “flad” (grass, sward)
syrup mâth n SV, MB any sweet substance;
thorn thurb n NL, merging Etym. “TER(EW)” (to pierce) with MERP “thumb” (spike) < Albanian;
see also “thrug”, “thruth-”;
compare with Qenya “tinda”, Quenya “tilde” (spike, horn)
thrive ghalb- v NL < Noldorin “galw” (growth), Quenya “alwa” (well-grown) < Etym. “GALA” (to grow; thrive);
compare with ZA “ghald-” (to grow stately, greatly);
compare with Sindarin “gala” (to grow)
to become big
tree orn n NL < Sindarin “orn” (tall tree), Quenya “ornë” (high isolated tree) < Etym. “ÓR-NI”
twig gholf n NL < Noldorin “golf” (branch, wand) < Etym. “GÓLOB”; changed in case of other interpretations of “golf” in PN “Golfimbul”
ventilate zûp- v NL, Qenya word “pusilla” (to puff, whiff, breeze), “puse” (n) written reversed and merged with NL “zûd” (wind) and “zûzd” (breeze) blow of wind or artificial air movement (ventilation, air separation)

о ветре, искусственном потоке воздуха или процессе сепарации воздухом
violet hîln n NL < Qenya “helin” (pansy, violet) (n.)
weed ghûd n LOS < HG
whiff zûp- v NL, Qenya word “pusilla” (to puff, whiff, breeze), “puse” (n) written reversed and merged with NL “zûd” (wind) and “zûzd” (breeze) blow of wind or artificial air movement (ventilation, air separation)

о ветре, искусственном потоке воздуха или процессе сепарации воздухом
willow tauz n NL < Quenya “tasar”, Sindarin “tathar” < Etym. “TATHAR”, merged with LOS “tau” (wood, cf.)
winnow zûp- v NL, Qenya word “pusilla” (to puff, whiff, breeze), “puse” (n) written reversed and merged with NL “zûd” (wind) and “zûzd” (breeze) blow of wind or artificial air movement (ventilation, air separation)

о ветре, искусственном потоке воздуха или процессе сепарации воздухом
wither nark- v NL < merging TK “nar” (negative particle) + Qenya “narqa” (to wither), Gnomish “narcos” (to rot, decay) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ” intransitive
wood tau n LOS < Sindarin “taw” (wood as material), “tawar”; also Quenya “taurë” (forest), “toa” (wood as material) < Etym. “TÁWAR”; compare also with Etym. “TĀ”, “TAGH” (high, lofty)

See also

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