In imaginary life of an average orc, phrases he would hear more often are commands and orders. While dictionaries of many real-world languages have infinitives as the basic verb form, in Nûrlâm's dictionary it is the imperative to reflect that stereotype about orcs' life. You will notice that Nûrlâm's dictionary has verbs ending with hyphen. It means that verbs usually have a lot of suffixes attached to the stem, but for commands and orders you don't need them much: just use the stem (without hyphen).
Example: there's entry “gimb-” in dictionary translated with infinitives in English and Russian. To form a command “find!” you shall use just the verb stem without hyphen: “gimb!”.
For more specific commands you may want to specify objects. Nouns are not changed when used as objects.
Examples: “slay the dragon!” = “dog lûgum!”, “find seven rings!” = “gimb udug nazg!”.
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