Wordlist: Time

This page will contain list of words related to age, time, its intervals, duration and seasons.

English Nûrlâm Part of speech Etymology Comments
(do smth.) again; kru prefix NL < LOS “krul” (“two”), “krut” (“back”, adv) prefix of repeated action or fallback to previous state

префикс повторного действия, возврата в предыдущее состояние, например в таких словах как “отвоевать”, “переделать”, “возвращаться”, “повторить” и т.п.
(do smth.) back kru prefix NL < LOS “krul” (“two”), “krut” (“back”, adv) prefix of repeated action or fallback to previous state

префикс повторного действия, возврата в предыдущее состояние, например в таких словах как “отвоевать”, “переделать”, “возвращаться”, “повторить” и т.п.
(long) period kûrm n NL < TK “kû”; compare also with “kru”, “krut”
(prospective aspect suffix) uth adv NL < Gnomish “mu”, “mutha” (will, I am going to, I am about to) + LOS “gûth” (almost, nearly) usually have a tone of intention;
see also verb “pant-”
(time interval) back krut adv LOS only about time
about (time) kurn prep LOS < Quenya “corna” (round, adj.) < Etym. “KOR” use with objects in accusative case
actual radûrz adj NL < LOS “rad” (now)
aeon goiril n NL, see “goir”, “il”; compare with HG “ûrgul”
after (time) la prep, adv LOS use with objects in accusative case
after that lazîg adv NL, see “la”, “zîg”
after-effect laskâturm n NL < LOS “la” (after) + “skât-” (to come) uncountable
aftermath laskâturm n NL < LOS “la” (after) + “skât-” (to come) uncountable
afterwards lârz adv adverb from “la” about time and numerical order
again nokhar adv NL < LOS < HG see also prefix “kru-”
age kûb- v ZA < TK “kû” (old)
age kûrm n NL < TK “kû”; compare also with “kru”, “krut”
ago kru adv NL < LOS “krut”
ago krut adv LOS only about time
already dok adv HG
always ilûk pro NL, see “il” and “ûk”
always ok adv NL < HG “okû”; compare with NL “gok” (flat, even) used as clitic adverb of aspect (habitual, iterative);
gains meaning ”used to” (regular action in the past, not familiriaty with) only together with verb in past tense
ancient adj NL, merging TK “ya” (of uncertain meaning) with TK “kû” (old) very old
anew nokhar adv NL < LOS < HG see also prefix “kru-”
another time ilisk pro NL, see “il” and “isk”
antique adj NL, merging TK “ya” (of uncertain meaning) with TK “kû” (old) very old
anymore konarzar pro see “kon”; comparative form usually with negation
anytime ilkon pro NL, see “il” and “kon”
around (time) kurn prep LOS < Quenya “corna” (round, adj.) < Etym. “KOR” use with objects in accusative case
as (period of time) kusn conj, prep LOS < SV or MB use with objects in accusative case
as far as zash baubarz zash expr see “zash”, “baub”
as long as zash rodharz zash expr see “zash”, “rodh”
as soon as zash uth zash expr see “zash”, “uth”
at shi prep LOS only about exact time in Standard Nûrlâm, may refer to place in colloquial speech
at all narilûk expr NL, see “nar”, “il”, “ûk” in negative sentences
at last gorzarz adv NL < DS “gorz-” (to end, finish)
at once pogh adv NL < HG, SV “pog” (immediately) < SV (quick); changed to avoid false cognates with other dialects
autumn khal n NL < Quenya “quellë”
await darb- v NL < Etym. “DAR”
back kru adv NL < LOS “krut”
backwards krut adv LOS only about time
be about to uth adv NL < Gnomish “mu”, “mutha” (will, I am going to, I am about to) + LOS “gûth” (almost, nearly) usually have a tone of intention;
see also verb “pant-”
be going to uth adv NL < Gnomish “mu”, “mutha” (will, I am going to, I am about to) + LOS “gûth” (almost, nearly) usually have a tone of intention;
see also verb “pant-”
be on frun- v NL < Noldorin “brona”, Old Noldorin “bron” (to last, endure, survive) < Etym. “BORÓN” (to last, endure), compare with Quenya “voronwa” (enduring, long-lasting);
see also “furn”
also “extend”, “stretch” about time

use with prefix “dro-” for meanings “continue”, “proceed”, “keep on”, “go on”
be over gorz- v DS
before dok adv HG
before (time) ik prep, conj LOS use with objects in accusative case;
not used as standalone “before” (see “dok” instead)
before (time) ugil prep SV use with objects in accusative case; only in colloquial speech, “ik” is more preferable variant
before long uth adv NL < Gnomish “mu”, “mutha” (will, I am going to, I am about to) + LOS “gûth” (almost, nearly) usually have a tone of intention;
see also verb “pant-”
begin îs- v LOS “begin to” + verb is usually replaced with verb + suffix “-îs”
bolt irz- v LOS; compare with Etym. “YUR” together with object in Elative case to clarify meaning “escape”
breakfast ashrokil n all major dialects “ashrokil” < TK “ash” (one) + LL “throqu-” (to devour) + SV “il” (time), lit. “first eat time” uncountable
by (some time) ik prep, conj LOS use with objects in accusative case;
not used as standalone “before” (see “dok” instead)
by (some time) ugil prep SV use with objects in accusative case; only in colloquial speech, “ik” is more preferable variant
by (time) zi prep LOS (“until”) use with objects in accusative case or dependent clauses in past or future, but not present tense; with dependent clauses “amilu” is preferred

используется с существительными в винительном падеже или подчинённым предложением в прошедшем или будущем времени, но без отрицательной частицы; с подчинёнными предложениями лучше использовать “amilu”
by the time (when) ik ilum (amil) expr see “ik”, “il”, “amil”
bygone hoir adj NL < EH (n) < Gnomish “luin” (sic!)
celebration birt n NL < Quenya “meren(de)”, Noldorin “bereth” < Etym. “MBER”
Christmas yûln n NL, merging “yû” (very old, cf.), SV “il” (time), LOS “ûn” (new), ZA “îla”, Quenya “yén”, Sindarin “în” < Etym. “YEN”, Quenya “loa” (all meaning “year”) to make resemblance with “Yule” without direct borrowing uncountable
circle raug n HG (only “round”) < LOS “rag” < SV (to turn); compare with Etym. “RAG” (crooked)
circumstances gugsh n LOS < MB “gûg”
common thang adj NL < Quenya “sanya” (regular, normal, law-abiding) < Etym. “STAN” (firm, decide);
see also NL “than”, “thar”
consequence laskâturm n NL < LOS “la” (after) + “skât-” (to come) uncountable
continue frun- v NL < Noldorin “brona”, Old Noldorin “bron” (to last, endure, survive) < Etym. “BORÓN” (to last, endure), compare with Quenya “voronwa” (enduring, long-lasting);
see also “furn”
also “extend”, “stretch” about time

use with prefix “dro-” for meanings “continue”, “proceed”, “keep on”, “go on”
current radûrz adj NL < LOS “rad” (now)
cycle raug n HG (only “round”) < LOS “rag” < SV (to turn); compare with Etym. “RAG” (crooked)
dawn ânsh n HG (v) < RE “ânash” (n) < LOS “ân” (Sun) < Quenya “anar”
day ârsh n LOS, probably from Etym. “AR”[1], compare with Quenya “arië” (daytime), “árë” (daylight), “aurë” (day, daylight)
day off sligârsh n NL, lit. “free day”, see “slig”, “ârsh”
daybreak ânsh n HG (v) < RE “ânash” (n) < LOS “ân” (Sun) < Quenya “anar”
defer puzt- v NL < LOS “puzg-” (to stop, cf.) < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS”
delay puzt- v NL < LOS “puzg-” (to stop, cf.) < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS”
delay unudh- v LOS (only “detain”) < HG to prevent action temporarily
depart bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
detain unudh- v LOS (only “detain”) < HG to prevent action temporarily
disappear bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
during furn prep NL < Etym. “BORÓN” (to last, endure), compare with Quenya “vor”, “vora”, “vorë”, “voro”, etc.

Similarity with English “for” is accidental
used with objects in accusative case

только о времени
during kusn conj, prep LOS < SV or MB use with objects in accusative case
dusk muth n NL, merging Sindarin “moth”, Qenya “maska” (dawn) with MERP, SV “mug”, to avoid Albanian cognate see also “muzg”
dusk ândh n NL, merging “ânsh” (morning) with “dhu” (down), “dhut-” (descend), all from HG, and Quenya “andúnë”, Sindarin “annûn” (sunset, evening, West) < Etym. “NDŪ” (go down, sink, set)
early ânth adj, adv NL, merging “ânsh” + “uth” (see corresponding articles)
else when ilisk pro NL, see “il” and “isk”
elsewhen ilisk pro NL, see “il” and “isk”
end gorz- v DS
end nau n LOS
endure frun- v NL < Noldorin “brona”, Old Noldorin “bron” (to last, endure, survive) < Etym. “BORÓN” (to last, endure), compare with Quenya “voronwa” (enduring, long-lasting);
see also “furn”
also “extend”, “stretch” about time

use with prefix “dro-” for meanings “continue”, “proceed”, “keep on”, “go on”
epoch kûrm n NL < TK “kû”; compare also with “kru”, “krut”
era kûrm n NL < TK “kû”; compare also with “kru”, “krut”
escape irz- v LOS; compare with Etym. “YUR” together with object in Elative case to clarify meaning “escape”
eternal goir adj NL < Noldorin “(g)uir”, Quenya “oire”, “íre”, “aire” < Etym. “EY”, “GEY”, “OY”
eternity goiril n NL, see “goir”, “il”; compare with HG “ûrgul”
evening ândh n NL, merging “ânsh” (morning) with “dhu” (down), “dhut-” (descend), all from HG, and Quenya “andúnë”, Sindarin “annûn” (sunset, evening, West) < Etym. “NDŪ” (go down, sink, set)
event gugsh n LOS < MB “gûg”
ever goir adj NL < Noldorin “(g)uir”, Quenya “oire”, “íre”, “aire” < Etym. “EY”, “GEY”, “OY”
ever? milkon pro NL, see “mil”, “kon” only with interrogative (questions) and dubitative moods
everlasting goir adj NL < Noldorin “(g)uir”, Quenya “oire”, “íre”, “aire” < Etym. “EY”, “GEY”, “OY”
every time ilûgh pro NL, see “il” and “ûgh”
everywhen ilûgh pro NL, see “il” and “ûgh”
exotic raih adv, adj NL < Quenya “hraicénima” (scarcely visible, hard to see) < “hrai” (hard) + “cénima” (visible) < Etym. “KHEN” ; compare with NL “hon-”, “kin-” (to see)
expect darb- v NL < Etym. “DAR”
fall khal n NL < Quenya “quellë”
fast hîs adj LOS
feast birt n NL < Quenya “meren(de)”, Noldorin “bereth” < Etym. “MBER”
festival birt n NL < Quenya “meren(de)”, Noldorin “bereth” < Etym. “MBER”
final gorzûrz adj NL < DS “gorz-” (to end, finish) mostly about time
finally gorzarz adv NL < DS “gorz-” (to end, finish)
finish gorz- v DS
flee irz- v LOS; compare with Etym. “YUR” together with object in Elative case to clarify meaning “escape”
following ab adj DS prefix “ab-” (after, behind, following) only about time and order, not “next to” (see “mush” instead)
for (time) furn prep NL < Etym. “BORÓN” (to last, endure), compare with Quenya “vor”, “vora”, “vorë”, “voro”, etc.

Similarity with English “for” is accidental
used with objects in accusative case

только о времени
fore- bhû prefix HG prefix of prepared action like in “predict”, “predestination”

префикс заранее подготовленного действия, например “приготовить”, “предназначать”
forever goirarz adv NL < Noldorin “uir”, Quenya “oire”, “íre”, “aire” < Etym. “EY”, “GEY”, “OY”
forget ribhol- v NL, see “ri”, “bhol-”
free day sligârsh n NL, lit. “free day”, see “slig”, “ârsh”
frequent thil adv, adj all major dialects < SV (adv)
frequently thil adv, adj all major dialects < SV (adv)
fresh gin adj DS (only “new”), probably from Etym. “GWEN” (fresh) which gives the same Quenya word “vinya”, from which “fîn” is taken
freshly ûnarz adv NL < LOS “ûn” (new) < HG may be shortened to “ûn” as suffix of aspect
Friday balârsh n NL, lit. “Torment-day” or “Divine (Valar) day” depending on interpretation; see “bal”, “ârsh”
from ghâr prep HG < LOS “ghâra” only about time;
use with objects in accusative case
from now zilah pro NL < “za” + “il” + “ah” (see corresponding articles) only about time;
in Modern analytical style should be replaced with “ghâr zil”
fulfill gorz- v DS
future ubh adj NL < AN “-ub” (future tense suffix) + Quenya “évea” (future, adj.)
get old kûb- v ZA < TK “kû” (old)
get out bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
go away bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
go off bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
go on frun- v NL < Noldorin “brona”, Old Noldorin “bron” (to last, endure, survive) < Etym. “BORÓN” (to last, endure), compare with Quenya “voronwa” (enduring, long-lasting);
see also “furn”
also “extend”, “stretch” about time

use with prefix “dro-” for meanings “continue”, “proceed”, “keep on”, “go on”
goings-on gugsh n LOS < MB “gûg”
grow old kûb- v ZA < TK “kû” (old)
happening gugsh n LOS < MB “gûg”
hasten khîg- v NL < DS “kʰīga-” (to hurry) (Isengard), “khîghâ-” (Moria) < PO “klikja-”
hasty hîs adj LOS
hence zilah pro NL < “za” + “il” + “ah” (see corresponding articles) only about time;
in Modern analytical style should be replaced with “ghâr zil”
henceforth zilah pro NL < “za” + “il” + “ah” (see corresponding articles) only about time;
in Modern analytical style should be replaced with “ghâr zil”
herefrom zilah pro NL < “za” + “il” + “ah” (see corresponding articles) only about time;
in Modern analytical style should be replaced with “ghâr zil”
hereto zilu pro NL, “zil” (now) + allative case suffix “-u” only about time;
in Modern analytical style should be replaced with “zizil”
hinder unudh- v LOS (only “detain”) < HG to prevent action temporarily
hindmost tîl adj LOS < Quenya “talla”, “telu” mostly about numerical order or distance
holiday birtârsh n literally “feast-day”; see “birt”, “ârsh”
hour sib n NL < Quenya “sillumë” (this hour) < “lúmë” (time, period of time, hour)
hurry khîg- v NL < DS “kʰīga-” (to hurry) (Isengard), “khîghâ-” (Moria) < PO “klikja-”
immediately pogh adv NL < HG, SV “pog” (immediately) < SV (quick); changed to avoid false cognates with other dialects
immortalize goir- v NL, see “goir”
in shi prep LOS only about exact time in Standard Nûrlâm, may refer to place in colloquial speech
in (period of time) furn prep NL < Etym. “BORÓN” (to last, endure), compare with Quenya “vor”, “vora”, “vorë”, “voro”, etc.

Similarity with English “for” is accidental
used with objects in accusative case

только о времени
in a long time zi rodharz (ik) expr see “zi”, “rodh”, “ik” about time
in one go pogh adv NL < HG, SV “pog” (immediately) < SV (quick); changed to avoid false cognates with other dialects
in the end gorzarz adv NL < DS “gorz-” (to end, finish)
in the meantime shi zil expr see “shi”, “zil” “at now”
in the meantime shi zîgil expr see “shi”, “zîg”, “il” “at then”
incident gugsh n LOS < MB “gûg”
instantly pogh adv NL < HG, SV “pog” (immediately) < SV (quick); changed to avoid false cognates with other dialects
just (finished / before) ûnarz adv NL < LOS “ûn” (new) < HG may be shortened to “ûn” as suffix of aspect
just started îs adv NL < LOS “îs-” (to begin) clitic adverb of aspect;
only about unfinished action
keep on frun- v NL < Noldorin “brona”, Old Noldorin “bron” (to last, endure, survive) < Etym. “BORÓN” (to last, endure), compare with Quenya “voronwa” (enduring, long-lasting);
see also “furn”
also “extend”, “stretch” about time

use with prefix “dro-” for meanings “continue”, “proceed”, “keep on”, “go on”
last frun- v NL < Noldorin “brona”, Old Noldorin “bron” (to last, endure, survive) < Etym. “BORÓN” (to last, endure), compare with Quenya “voronwa” (enduring, long-lasting);
see also “furn”
also “extend”, “stretch” about time

use with prefix “dro-” for meanings “continue”, “proceed”, “keep on”, “go on”
last gorzûrz adj NL < DS “gorz-” (to end, finish) mostly about time
last tîl adj LOS < Quenya “talla”, “telu” mostly about numerical order or distance
late lad adj, adv HG; compare with LOS “la” (after) and “rad” (now);
resemblance to English word is probably semi-intentional
lately shiladil adv, conj see “shi”, “lad”, “il”
lately shîlad adv, conj see “shi”, “lad”, “il”
later la prep, adv LOS use with objects in accusative case
leave bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
long rodh adj HG
long before zi rodharz (ik) expr see “zi”, “rodh”, “ik” about time
lunch ashrokil n all major dialects “ashrokil” < TK “ash” (one) + LL “throqu-” (to devour) + SV “il” (time), lit. “first eat time” uncountable
meanwhile shi zil expr see “shi”, “zil” “at now”
meanwhile shi zîgil expr see “shi”, “zîg”, “il” “at then”
memory bhûrm n NL, merging “bhol-” with “bhû” (see corresponding articles) and abstract noun suffix “-urm” uncountable
midnight fughnod n lit. “night-middle”, see “fugh” and “nod” uncountable
Monday shilârsh n NL, lit. “Moon day”; see “shil”, “ârsh”
month shil n SV, HG (only “month”); probably from Quenya “isil”, “sil”, “silm”, Sindarin “ithil” (moon) also period of time
moon shil n SV, HG (only “month”); probably from Quenya “isil”, “sil”, “silm”, Sindarin “ithil” (moon) also period of time
morning ânsh n HG (v) < RE “ânash” (n) < LOS “ân” (Sun) < Quenya “anar”
mortality maturm n EL, all major dialects “mat-” (to die) uncountable
never naril pro NL, see “nar” and “il”
new fîn adj LOS < Quenya “vinya” (young, new)
new gin adj DS (only “new”), probably from Etym. “GWEN” (fresh) which gives the same Quenya word “vinya”, from which “fîn” is taken
new ûn adj, adv LOS < HG may be used as clitic adverb (aspect suffix)
New Year yûln n NL, merging “yû” (very old, cf.), SV “il” (time), LOS “ûn” (new), ZA “îla”, Quenya “yén”, Sindarin “în” < Etym. “YEN”, Quenya “loa” (all meaning “year”) to make resemblance with “Yule” without direct borrowing uncountable
newly ûnarz adv NL < LOS “ûn” (new) < HG may be shortened to “ûn” as suffix of aspect
next ab adj DS prefix “ab-” (after, behind, following) only about time and order, not “next to” (see “mush” instead)
next (time) abarzar adv see “ab”
next (time) shi ilab expr see “shi”, “il”, “ab”
next time la prep, adv LOS use with objects in accusative case
night fugh n NL < Gnomish “fuʒu”, “fui” often replaced with word “darkness” (burzum)
no more than nar makarzar (snû) expr see “nar”, “mak”, “snû”
no sooner (…) than naruthar (…) snû expr see “nar”, “uth”, “snû”
noon ârshnod n lit. “day-middle”, see “ârsh” and “nod” uncountable
normal thang adj NL < Quenya “sanya” (regular, normal, law-abiding) < Etym. “STAN” (firm, decide);
see also NL “than”, “thar”
not long ago ûnarz adv NL < LOS “ûn” (new) < HG may be shortened to “ûn” as suffix of aspect
now rad adv LOS in Nûrlâm is used with meaning “now” only as clitic adverb of aspect, standalone word only in Colloquial speech (in Standard language use “zil” instead)
now zil pro NL < “za” + “il” (see corresponding articles)
now that zil amil expr see “zil”, “mil”
nowhen naril pro NL, see “nar” and “il”
occurrence gugsh n LOS < MB “gûg”
often thil adv, adj all major dialects < SV (adv)
old adj TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Sharkû”, a nickname of Saruman amongst the orcs. Translated as “old man”
olden kûb- v ZA < TK “kû” (old)
on (time) irg prep NL < SV, ZA “erg” (at, on) when action (will) happen at certain time interval, but this interval is quite long (as Egnlish “on Monday”)

в довольно продолжительный промежуток времени (напр. “в понедельник”); по каким-либо временным интервалам (“по вторникам”, “по утрам”)
once asharz adv NL < TK “ash” (one) including expressions “once upon a time”, “once upon in …” etc.
once nokh adv LOS < HG
once again nokhar adv NL < LOS < HG see also prefix “kru-”
once more nokhar adv NL < LOS < HG see also prefix “kru-”
one more time nokhar adv NL < LOS < HG see also prefix “kru-”
one time (only) asharz adv NL < TK “ash” (one) including expressions “once upon a time”, “once upon in …” etc.
one time (only) nokh adv LOS < HG
ordinary thang adj NL < Quenya “sanya” (regular, normal, law-abiding) < Etym. “STAN” (firm, decide);
see also NL “than”, “thar”
outcome laskâturm n NL < LOS “la” (after) + “skât-” (to come) uncountable
outdated thukûbaga pastp NL, lit. “over-aged”; see “thu”, “kûb-”
pass skît- v NL < late root “SKEY” (to pass), Neo-Quenya “xíta” (to pass, spend time) about time
pass (about time) bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
pass away bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
past hoir adj NL < EH (n) < Gnomish “luin” (sic!)
pause puzt- v NL < LOS “puzg-” (to stop, cf.) < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS”
perpetual goir adj NL < Noldorin “(g)uir”, Quenya “oire”, “íre”, “aire” < Etym. “EY”, “GEY”, “OY”
perpetuate goir- v NL, see “goir”
pre- bhû prefix HG prefix of prepared action like in “predict”, “predestination”

префикс заранее подготовленного действия, например “приготовить”, “предназначать”
precede bhûsh- v NL < prefix “bhû-” + “ush-” (to go), see corresponding articles
preceeding ikûrz adj LOS “ik” (before)
predate bhûsh- v NL < prefix “bhû-” + “ush-” (to go), see corresponding articles
preface bhûsh- v NL < prefix “bhû-” + “ush-” (to go), see corresponding articles
present radûrz adj NL < LOS “rad” (now)
previous ikûrz adj LOS “ik” (before)
previously dok adv HG
prior to ik prep, conj LOS use with objects in accusative case;
not used as standalone “before” (see “dok” instead)
prior to ugil prep SV use with objects in accusative case; only in colloquial speech, “ik” is more preferable variant
proceed frun- v NL < Noldorin “brona”, Old Noldorin “bron” (to last, endure, survive) < Etym. “BORÓN” (to last, endure), compare with Quenya “voronwa” (enduring, long-lasting);
see also “furn”
also “extend”, “stretch” about time

use with prefix “dro-” for meanings “continue”, “proceed”, “keep on”, “go on”
procrastinate puzt- v NL < LOS “puzg-” (to stop, cf.) < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS”
progress drûkhurm n NL “dro-” (forth, forward, pro-) + LOS “ukh-” (to go) + abstract noun suffix “-urm”; see corresponding articles
prompt hîs adj LOS
put off puzt- v NL < LOS “puzg-” (to stop, cf.) < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS”
quick hîs adj LOS
rapid hîs adj LOS
rare raih adv, adj NL < Quenya “hraicénima” (scarcely visible, hard to see) < “hrai” (hard) + “cénima” (visible) < Etym. “KHEN” ; compare with NL “hon-”, “kin-” (to see)
rarely raih adv, adj NL < Quenya “hraicénima” (scarcely visible, hard to see) < “hrai” (hard) + “cénima” (visible) < Etym. “KHEN” ; compare with NL “hon-”, “kin-” (to see)
rathe hîs adj LOS
rather hîsarzar adv NL < LOS “hîs” (adj.) (fast, quick, swift, soon, rathe, etc.) + adverb suffix “-arz” + comparative suffix “-ar” in expressions like “I'd rather…”;
not with meanings “quite”, “enough” (“He is rather big”)
re- kru prefix NL < LOS “krul” (“two”), “krut” (“back”, adv) prefix of repeated action or fallback to previous state

префикс повторного действия, возврата в предыдущее состояние, например в таких словах как “отвоевать”, “переделать”, “возвращаться”, “повторить” и т.п.
recall bhol- v NL < Sindarin “ephola”, “ebhola” (to remember?) with object in Accusative case or with preposition “gus” (about) = remember;
with object in Dative case = remind;
with prefix “ri-” = to forget
recently îs adv NL < LOS “îs-” (to begin) clitic adverb of aspect;
only about unfinished action
recently ûnarz adv NL < LOS “ûn” (new) < HG may be shortened to “ûn” as suffix of aspect
regular thang adj NL < Quenya “sanya” (regular, normal, law-abiding) < Etym. “STAN” (firm, decide);
see also NL “than”, “thar”
regularly ok adv NL < HG “okû”; compare with NL “gok” (flat, even) used as clitic adverb of aspect (habitual, iterative);
gains meaning ”used to” (regular action in the past, not familiriaty with) only together with verb in past tense
remember bhol- v NL < Sindarin “ephola”, “ebhola” (to remember?) with object in Accusative case or with preposition “gus” (about) = remember;
with object in Dative case = remind;
with prefix “ri-” = to forget
rememberance bholurm n NL, merging “bhol-” with “bhû” (see corresponding articles)
remind bhol- v NL < Sindarin “ephola”, “ebhola” (to remember?) with object in Accusative case or with preposition “gus” (about) = remember;
with object in Dative case = remind;
with prefix “ri-” = to forget
respite puzt- v NL < LOS “puzg-” (to stop, cf.) < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS”
rest puzt- v NL < LOS “puzg-” (to stop, cf.) < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS”
restrain unudh- v LOS (only “detain”) < HG to prevent action temporarily
result laskâturm n NL < LOS “la” (after) + “skât-” (to come) uncountable
retain unudh- v LOS (only “detain”) < HG to prevent action temporarily
retard unudh- v LOS (only “detain”) < HG to prevent action temporarily
revel birt n NL < Quenya “meren(de)”, Noldorin “bereth” < Etym. “MBER”
right away pogh adv NL < HG, SV “pog” (immediately) < SV (quick); changed to avoid false cognates with other dialects
round raug n HG (only “round”) < LOS “rag” < SV (to turn); compare with Etym. “RAG” (crooked)
run khîg- v NL < DS “kʰīga-” (to hurry) (Isengard), “khîghâ-” (Moria) < PO “klikja-”
run (away, from, off) irz- v LOS; compare with Etym. “YUR” together with object in Elative case to clarify meaning “escape”
Saturday ilzârsh n NL, lit. “Day of the Stars”, see “ilz”, “ârsh”
scarce raih adv, adj NL < Quenya “hraicénima” (scarcely visible, hard to see) < “hrai” (hard) + “cénima” (visible) < Etym. “KHEN” ; compare with NL “hon-”, “kin-” (to see)
seldom raih adv, adj NL < Quenya “hraicénima” (scarcely visible, hard to see) < “hrai” (hard) + “cénima” (visible) < Etym. “KHEN” ; compare with NL “hon-”, “kin-” (to see)
shall ub suffix AN, probably from Quenya future tense suffix “-uva”, Old Sindarin “-ubā” (remote future suffix) future tense suffix
since ghâr prep HG < LOS “ghâra” only about time;
use with objects in accusative case
since (when) amilah pro NL, see “amil”, “ah” only about time;
only relative; see “milah” for question particle;
may be replaced with “ghâr”
since when? milah pro NL, see “mil”, “ah” only about time;
only interrogative (in questions); see “amilah” for relative counterpart;
in Modern analytical style should be replaced with “ghâr mil?”
slow fûrz adj NL < LOS “fûsh”; changed to avoid ambiguity with other dialects;
compare with Quenya “fifíru” (to slowly fade away)
so far zilu pro NL, “zil” (now) + allative case suffix “-u” only about time;
in Modern analytical style should be replaced with “zizil”
so long as zash rodharz zash expr see “zash”, “rodh”
sometimes ilmûd pro NL, see “il” and “mûd”
soon uth adv NL < Gnomish “mu”, “mutha” (will, I am going to, I am about to) + LOS “gûth” (almost, nearly) usually have a tone of intention;
see also verb “pant-”
sooner hîsarzar adv NL < LOS “hîs” (adj.) (fast, quick, swift, soon, rathe, etc.) + adverb suffix “-arz” + comparative suffix “-ar” in expressions like “I'd rather…”;
not with meanings “quite”, “enough” (“He is rather big”)
speedy hîs adj LOS
spend skît- v NL < late root “SKEY” (to pass), Neo-Quenya “xíta” (to pass, spend time) about time
spring (season) tûth n NL < Qenya “tuita” (to bud, burgeon, grow), Gnomish “tuitha” (to sprout) < Etym. “TUY” (spring, sprout); compare with PN “Thranduil” (Vigorous Spring)
standard thang adj NL < Quenya “sanya” (regular, normal, law-abiding) < Etym. “STAN” (firm, decide);
see also NL “than”, “thar”
start îs- v LOS “begin to” + verb is usually replaced with verb + suffix “-îs”
still rad adv LOS in Nûrlâm is used with meaning “now” only as clitic adverb of aspect, standalone word only in Colloquial speech (in Standard language use “zil” instead)
still zizil conj see “zi”, “zil” about time
subsequently hîlarz adv NL, see “hîl-”
summer lagr n NL < Quenya “lairë” < Etym. (AC) “LAYA”; compare also with Sindarin “laeg” (fresh, green)
Sunday ûzhârsh n NL, literal translation of “Sun-day”; see “ûzh”, “ârsh”
sunrise ânsh n HG (v) < RE “ânash” (n) < LOS “ân” (Sun) < Quenya “anar”
sunset muth n NL, merging Sindarin “moth”, Qenya “maska” (dawn) with MERP, SV “mug”, to avoid Albanian cognate see also “muzg”
sunset ândh n NL, merging “ânsh” (morning) with “dhu” (down), “dhut-” (descend), all from HG, and Quenya “andúnë”, Sindarin “annûn” (sunset, evening, West) < Etym. “NDŪ” (go down, sink, set)
swift hîs adj LOS
tear khîg- v NL < DS “kʰīga-” (to hurry) (Isengard), “khîghâ-” (Moria) < PO “klikja-”
that time zîgil pro NL < “za” + “il” (see corresponding articles) only about time, not used in conditions (“if … then …”)
then la prep, adv LOS use with objects in accusative case
then lârz adv adverb from “la” about time and numerical order
then rîg adv NL < LOS “rad” (now) + SV “atîg” (there) dialectical word, only in Colloquial Nûrlâm (“zîgil” in Standard language)
then zîgil pro NL < “za” + “il” (see corresponding articles) only about time, not used in conditions (“if … then …”)
thereafter lazîg adv NL, see “la”, “zîg”
this time zil pro NL < “za” + “il” (see corresponding articles)
Thursday kârshârsh n NL, lit. “Sea-day”; see “kârsh”, “ârsh”
till zi prep LOS (“until”) use with objects in accusative case or dependent clauses in past or future, but not present tense; with dependent clauses “amilu” is preferred

используется с существительными в винительном падеже или подчинённым предложением в прошедшем или будущем времени, но без отрицательной частицы; с подчинёнными предложениями лучше использовать “amilu”
time il n SV often used as suffix to make indefinite and relative pro-adverbs of time
to (time) zi prep LOS (“until”) use with objects in accusative case or dependent clauses in past or future, but not present tense; with dependent clauses “amilu” is preferred

используется с существительными в винительном падеже или подчинённым предложением в прошедшем или будущем времени, но без отрицательной частицы; с подчинёнными предложениями лучше использовать “amilu”
today zârsh adv, n LOS, lit. “this day”
tomorrow abârsh n, adv lit. “next day”, see “ârsh” and “ab” variant of “ârshab”
tomorrow ârshab n, adv lit. “next day”, see “ârsh” and “ab” noun/adverb, uncountable
tonight zafugh adv NL, see “za”, “fugh”
Tuesday ornârsh n NL, lit. “Day of the Trees” (Two Trees of Valinor); see “orn”, “ârsh”
twilight muth n NL, merging Sindarin “moth”, Qenya “maska” (dawn) with MERP, SV “mug”, to avoid Albanian cognate see also “muzg”
until zi prep LOS (“until”) use with objects in accusative case or dependent clauses in past or future, but not present tense; with dependent clauses “amilu” is preferred

используется с существительными в винительном падеже или подчинённым предложением в прошедшем или будущем времени, но без отрицательной частицы; с подчинёнными предложениями лучше использовать “amilu”
until (when) amilu pro NL, see “mil”, “-u” only about time;
only relative; see “amilu” for question particle;
may be replaced with “zi”
until now zilu pro NL, “zil” (now) + allative case suffix “-u” only about time;
in Modern analytical style should be replaced with “zizil”
until now zizil conj see “zi”, “zil” about time
until when? milu pro NL, see “mil”, “-u” only about time;
only interrogative (in questions); see “amilu” for relative counterpart;
in Modern analytical style should be replaced with “zi mil?”
used to ok adv NL < HG “okû”; compare with NL “gok” (flat, even) used as clitic adverb of aspect (habitual, iterative);
gains meaning ”used to” (regular action in the past, not familiriaty with) only together with verb in past tense
usual thang adj NL < Quenya “sanya” (regular, normal, law-abiding) < Etym. “STAN” (firm, decide);
see also NL “than”, “thar”
usually ok adv NL < HG “okû”; compare with NL “gok” (flat, even) used as clitic adverb of aspect (habitual, iterative);
gains meaning ”used to” (regular action in the past, not familiriaty with) only together with verb in past tense
vacation birtârsh n literally “feast-day”; see “birt”, “ârsh”
vanish bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
wait darb- v NL < Etym. “DAR”
waste skît- v NL < late root “SKEY” (to pass), Neo-Quenya “xíta” (to pass, spend time) about time
Wednesday nodârsh n NL, lit. “middle-day”; see “nod”, “ârsh”
Wednesday nutârsh n NL, lit. “Heaven's day”; see “nut”, “ârsh”
week udârsh n NL < “udug” (seven) + “ârsh” (day)
weekend sligârsh n NL, lit. “free day”, see “slig”, “ârsh”
when amil pro NL, see “mash”, “il” only relative; see “mil” for question particle
when? mil pro NL, see “mash”, “il” only interrogative (in questions); see “amil” for relative counterpart
whenever milkon pro NL, see “mil”, “kon” only with interrogative (questions) and dubitative moods
while kusn conj, prep LOS < SV or MB use with objects in accusative case
will ub suffix AN, probably from Quenya future tense suffix “-uva”, Old Sindarin “-ubā” (remote future suffix) future tense suffix
will (do smth.) soon uth adv NL < Gnomish “mu”, “mutha” (will, I am going to, I am about to) + LOS “gûth” (almost, nearly) usually have a tone of intention;
see also verb “pant-”
winter hîrb n NL, merging Quenya “hrívë” with Sindarin “rhîw”
winter solstice yûln n NL, merging “yû” (very old, cf.), SV “il” (time), LOS “ûn” (new), ZA “îla”, Quenya “yén”, Sindarin “în” < Etym. “YEN”, Quenya “loa” (all meaning “year”) to make resemblance with “Yule” without direct borrowing uncountable
within (time) furn prep NL < Etym. “BORÓN” (to last, endure), compare with Quenya “vor”, “vora”, “vorë”, “voro”, etc.

Similarity with English “for” is accidental
used with objects in accusative case

только о времени
year lau n NL < Middle-Quenya “loa”, Gnomish “lath” < Etym. “LAW” (warm)
year ûzhraug n “sun cycle”
yesterday ârshik n, adv lit. “the day before”, see “ârsh” and “ik” noun/adverb, uncountable
yet rad adv LOS in Nûrlâm is used with meaning “now” only as clitic adverb of aspect, standalone word only in Colloquial speech (in Standard language use “zil” instead)
yet zilu pro NL, “zil” (now) + allative case suffix “-u” only about time;
in Modern analytical style should be replaced with “zizil”
yet zizil conj see “zi”, “zil” about time
yore hoir adj NL < EH (n) < Gnomish “luin” (sic!)
young fîm adj LOS “fîm” (youth) (n), “fîmûrz” (young) (adj) < Quenya “vinya” (young, new)
yule yûln n NL, merging “yû” (very old, cf.), SV “il” (time), LOS “ûn” (new), ZA “îla”, Quenya “yén”, Sindarin “în” < Etym. “YEN”, Quenya “loa” (all meaning “year”) to make resemblance with “Yule” without direct borrowing uncountable

See also