Wordlist: Quantity

This page will contain list of words for numbers, quantifiers, groups and mathematical operations.

English Nûrlâm Part of speech Etymology Comments
a cut shirz n DS about any material;
set noun
a lot mak pro SV if used together with noun, then noun should be in genitive case
abundance malg n NL, merging Sindarin “maelig”, Primitive Elvish “máiliki” (abundance, wealth) with NL “mag”; compare also with “mak” uncountable, set noun
abundant malgûrz adj NL, “malg”
add gint- v NL, merging DS “gin” (new) with Qenya “yanta-” (to add to, enlarge, increase, augment) and with Gnomish “intha-” (to join to, add, increase, add to) and “gantha” (more) < Primitive Elvish roots “YṆTṆ”, “DẎṆTṆ” add object (in Accusative case) to another object (in Dative or Comitative case)
after-effect laskâturm n NL < LOS “la” (after) + “skât-” (to come) uncountable
aftermath laskâturm n NL < LOS “la” (after) + “skât-” (to come) uncountable
afterwards lârz adv adverb from “la” about time and numerical order
again nokhar adv NL < LOS < HG see also prefix “kru-”
all ûk pro TK, CBS, DBS, LOTR, RI, OC, PN “Uglúk”
alone ashûk adj LOS, SV; lit. “all one” add suffix “-arz” to convert into adverb
amount onturm n NL, see “ont-” uncountable, set noun
anew nokhar adv NL < LOS < HG see also prefix “kru-”
any kon pro SV (anyone, anything, someone, anybody, somebody, somewhat) used as part of some other indefinite pronouns;
used only in declarative sentences, see “makon” for interrogative and dubitative modalities
any? makon pro NL, see “mash”, “kon” only with interrogative (questions) and dubitative moods
anybody ashkon pro NL, see “ash”, “kon” Colloquial language has distinct word for “anyone; anybody” (see “haikon”)
anymore konarzar pro see “kon”; comparative form usually with negation
anyone ashkon pro NL, see “ash”, “kon” Colloquial language has distinct word for “anyone; anybody” (see “haikon”)
anything ashkon pro NL, see “ash”, “kon” Colloquial language has distinct word for “anyone; anybody” (see “haikon”)
append gint- v NL, merging DS “gin” (new) with Qenya “yanta-” (to add to, enlarge, increase, augment) and with Gnomish “intha-” (to join to, add, increase, add to) and “gantha” (more) < Primitive Elvish roots “YṆTṆ”, “DẎṆTṆ” add object (in Accusative case) to another object (in Dative or Comitative case)
arrange srinkh- v LL (to gather)

NL suggests fictional proto-word “skrinkht” to connect “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” with Sindarin “critha-” (reap) < Etym. “KIRIK” (gather, collect, reap), Primitive Elvish “k'rikta-”
to get together and sort; to gather in some order
as far as (…) zash mak (…) zash (…) expr see “zash”, “mak”
as much (…) as (…) zash mak (…) zash (…) expr see “zash”, “mak”
assembly shrak n all major dialects < SV

NL suggests fictional proto-word “skrinkht” to connect “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” with Sindarin “critha-” (reap) < Etym. “KIRIK” (gather, collect, reap), Primitive Elvish “k'rikta-”
set noun
augment gint- v NL, merging DS “gin” (new) with Qenya “yanta-” (to add to, enlarge, increase, augment) and with Gnomish “intha-” (to join to, add, increase, add to) and “gantha” (more) < Primitive Elvish roots “YṆTṆ”, “DẎṆTṆ” add object (in Accusative case) to another object (in Dative or Comitative case)
band lurg n SV, MERP (squad), ZA (group, band) usually about warriors or bandits;
set noun
bit naht n NL < Quenya “nahta” (a bite) < Etym. “NAK” about food;
set noun
chain (of events, people) hîlurm n NL, see “hîl-”
classify srinkh- v LL (to gather)

NL suggests fictional proto-word “skrinkht” to connect “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” with Sindarin “critha-” (reap) < Etym. “KIRIK” (gather, collect, reap), Primitive Elvish “k'rikta-”
to get together and sort; to gather in some order
cleave sorgh- v all major Neo-BS dialects < SV
collection shrak n all major dialects < SV

NL suggests fictional proto-word “skrinkht” to connect “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” with Sindarin “critha-” (reap) < Etym. “KIRIK” (gather, collect, reap), Primitive Elvish “k'rikta-”
set noun
company shalk n LOS, HG (only “group”) < SV set noun
compare bîk- v NL < Qenya “víkana” first object of comparison in Accusative, second object in Comitative case
completely ûk adv TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
? Hurrian “-ok-” (fully, really)
clitic, aspect suffix
consecution hîlurm n NL, see “hîl-”
consequence laskâturm n NL < LOS “la” (after) + “skât-” (to come) uncountable
cost brâgh n HG (only “price”); compare with Neo-Sindarin “bauch” < early Noldorin “bog”
count (numbers) ont- v NL < Quenya “onot” < Etym. “NOT”
couple pur n NL, merging “pir” (half) + “fir” (husband) + LOS “pul” (mate, copulate); resemblance with IE is accidental or through Quenya may refer to people and animals;
requires noun in genitive case when used as set noun (“pur habhob” = “pair of boots”), but may take describing noun as prefix (“tarkpur” = “human couple” = “a couple of humans”)
crowd hait n NL, merging TK “hai” with Noldorin “hoth”, Quenya “hosto” < Etym. “KHOTH” (to gather) set noun
dear turkûrz adj see “turk”
decrease stan- v ZA < SV “sta” (small); compare with Etym. “STINT”
deficit pon n NL < Sindarin, Quenya “pen” (to not have) uncountable, set noun
distribute sorkh- v NL < all major dialects “sorgh-” (to divide) < SV
divide sorgh- v all major Neo-BS dialects < SV
each ûgh pro LOS < HG “ûgh-” (to suffice), probably from TK “-ûk” (completely, fully, totally) used as part of other indefinite pronouns and adverbs
eight skri # LOS
either ashkon pro NL, see “ash”, “kon” Colloquial language has distinct word for “anyone; anybody” (see “haikon”)
either kon pro SV (anyone, anything, someone, anybody, somebody, somewhat) used as part of some other indefinite pronouns;
used only in declarative sentences, see “makon” for interrogative and dubitative modalities
either ûgh pro LOS < HG “ûgh-” (to suffice), probably from TK “-ûk” (completely, fully, totally) used as part of other indefinite pronouns and adverbs
emptiness shad n DS also with suffix “-urm” or “-um”;
empty lushd adj NL, merging Etym. “LUS” with DS “shad”; compare with Sindarin “lost”, Quenya “lusta”, Ilkorin “lost”, Noldorin “lhost”
enlarge (in number) gint- v NL, merging DS “gin” (new) with Qenya “yanta-” (to add to, enlarge, increase, augment) and with Gnomish “intha-” (to join to, add, increase, add to) and “gantha” (more) < Primitive Elvish roots “YṆTṆ”, “DẎṆTṆ” add object (in Accusative case) to another object (in Dative or Comitative case)
enough thlûk adv LOS < SV
every ûgh pro LOS < HG “ûgh-” (to suffice), probably from TK “-ûk” (completely, fully, totally) used as part of other indefinite pronouns and adverbs
everybody hai-ûgh pro NL, see “hai”, “ûgh” only in Colloquial speech; use unanimated “ashûgh” in Standard Nûrlâm
everyone hai-ûgh pro NL, see “hai”, “ûgh” only in Colloquial speech; use unanimated “ashûgh” in Standard Nûrlâm
excessively mag adv NL, SV “mak” (many) + Qenya “mai” (great), “mâye” (too much) < root “MAÝA” (excessive)
exotic raih adv, adj NL < Quenya “hraicénima” (scarcely visible, hard to see) < “hrai” (hard) + “cénima” (visible) < Etym. “KHEN” ; compare with NL “hon-”, “kin-” (to see)
expensive turkûrz adj see “turk”
few mik adj, pro SV may be treated as diminutive suffix when merged with noun
few mupsh pro LOS < MB
few mûd pro HG (“some”), probably from LOS, MB “mupsh” used as part of other indefinite pronouns and adverbs
finally ûk adv TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
? Hurrian “-ok-” (fully, really)
clitic, aspect suffix
five krâk # LL, all major dialects
four hant # NL, merging ON “jhet” with Etym. “KÁNAT”
fragment shirz n DS about any material;
set noun
frequent thil adv, adj all major dialects < SV (adv)
frequently thil adv, adj all major dialects < SV (adv)
fully ûk adv TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
? Hurrian “-ok-” (fully, really)
clitic, aspect suffix
gang lurg n SV, MERP (squad), ZA (group, band) usually about warriors or bandits;
set noun
gather srinkh- v LL (to gather)

NL suggests fictional proto-word “skrinkht” to connect “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” with Sindarin “critha-” (reap) < Etym. “KIRIK” (gather, collect, reap), Primitive Elvish “k'rikta-”
to get together and sort; to gather in some order
gathering shrak n all major dialects < SV

NL suggests fictional proto-word “skrinkht” to connect “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” with Sindarin “critha-” (reap) < Etym. “KIRIK” (gather, collect, reap), Primitive Elvish “k'rikta-”
set noun
group brun n LOS < MB, in HG also “committee” working group
group lurg n SV, MERP (squad), ZA (group, band) usually about warriors or bandits;
set noun
group shalk n LOS, HG (only “group”) < SV set noun
group srinkh- v LL (to gather)

NL suggests fictional proto-word “skrinkht” to connect “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” with Sindarin “critha-” (reap) < Etym. “KIRIK” (gather, collect, reap), Primitive Elvish “k'rikta-”
to get together and sort; to gather in some order
half pir n NL < LP “pir-” (v) < Quenya “perya”; coincidental resemblance with “fir” (husband, spouse) < Quenya “veru” set noun, requires genitive case;
may be used as clitic: “pirgolug” (half-elf), “pirgûrz” (half-dead)
heap hosh n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, PE 17 set noun, requires another noun to be in genitive case or to be placed before as modifier: “heap of dung” = “hosh bûbob” = “bûb-hosh” = “dung-heap”
heap tub n MERP set noun, requires another noun to be in genitive case or to be placed before as modifier: “pile of shit” = “tub pushob” = “pushtub” = “shit-pile”
hindmost tîl adj LOS < Quenya “talla”, “telu” mostly about numerical order or distance
hollow lushd adj NL, merging Etym. “LUS” with DS “shad”; compare with Sindarin “lost”, Quenya “lusta”, Ilkorin “lost”, Noldorin “lhost”
horde hurm n NL, merging Qenya “horma” with Sindarin “hoth” < Etym. “KHOTH” (to gather, assmebly);
see also “khoth”, “hog-”, “-hai”
set noun
host hurm n NL, merging Qenya “horma” with Sindarin “hoth” < Etym. “KHOTH” (to gather, assmebly);
see also “khoth”, “hog-”, “-hai”
set noun
how many amak pro NL < LOS “mash” + SV “mak” (see corresponding articles) only relative; see “mamak” for interrogative counterpart
how many? mamak pro NL < LOS “mash” + SV “mak” (see corresponding articles) only interrogative (in questions); see “amak” for relative counterpart
how much amak pro NL < LOS “mash” + SV “mak” (see corresponding articles) only relative; see “mamak” for interrogative counterpart
how much? mamak pro NL < LOS “mash” + SV “mak” (see corresponding articles) only interrogative (in questions); see “amak” for relative counterpart
hundred tusk # NL < Qenya “tuksa” (100 or 144) < Primitive Elvish “tuksk”
increase gint- v NL, merging DS “gin” (new) with Qenya “yanta-” (to add to, enlarge, increase, augment) and with Gnomish “intha-” (to join to, add, increase, add to) and “gantha” (more) < Primitive Elvish roots “YṆTṆ”, “DẎṆTṆ” add object (in Accusative case) to another object (in Dative or Comitative case)
insomuch zamaku pro see “zamak” and “u” to so much degree
intact fol adj LOS < HG see also “ûk”
join gint- v NL, merging DS “gin” (new) with Qenya “yanta-” (to add to, enlarge, increase, augment) and with Gnomish “intha-” (to join to, add, increase, add to) and “gantha” (more) < Primitive Elvish roots “YṆTṆ”, “DẎṆTṆ” add object (in Accusative case) to another object (in Dative or Comitative case)
just tug adv, conj SV < EL (only); also “exception” (n) in SV not about time
lack pon n NL < Sindarin, Quenya “pen” (to not have) uncountable, set noun
last tîl adj LOS < Quenya “talla”, “telu” mostly about numerical order or distance
lavish malgûrz adj NL, “malg”
least mikaz adj, adv SV
less mikar adj, adv SV
lessen stan- v ZA < SV “sta” (small); compare with Etym. “STINT”
lesser mikar adj, adv SV
lineup hîlurm n NL, see “hîl-”
little mik adj, pro SV may be treated as diminutive suffix when merged with noun
little stârz adv see “sta” + adv. suffix “-arz”
lonely ashûk adj LOS, SV; lit. “all one” add suffix “-arz” to convert into adverb
lot lurg n SV, MERP (squad), ZA (group, band) usually about warriors or bandits;
set noun
majority marm n NL, SV “mâm” (mostly, most) (adv) + NL abstract suffix “-urm” set noun – if used together with noun, then noun should be in genitive case;
many mak pro SV if used together with noun, then noun should be in genitive case
mob hait n NL, merging TK “hai” with Noldorin “hoth”, Quenya “hosto” < Etym. “KHOTH” (to gather) set noun
more makar adj, adv see “mak”
most makaz adj, adv see “mak”
most marm n NL, SV “mâm” (mostly, most) (adv) + NL abstract suffix “-urm” set noun – if used together with noun, then noun should be in genitive case;
mountain urbh n LOS < HG set noun, requires another noun to be in genitive case or to be placed before as modifier: “pile of gold” = “urbh lûrob” = “lûrurbh” = “gold-pile”
much mak pro SV if used together with noun, then noun should be in genitive case
multiply taht- v NL < HG “tah-” (to multiply, repeat); changed to avoid cognates
neither (in answers) narash pro NL, see “nar” and “ash” Colloquial speech has distinct word “narai” for “nobody” and “no one”.

meaning “neither” only in answers with this one word (e.g. “Do you like apples or oranges?” - “Neither”)
nihil shad n DS also with suffix “-urm” or “-um”;
nine krith # EL, all major DBS dialects
no one narai pro NL, see “nar” and “hai” only in Colloquial speech
no one narash pro NL, see “nar” and “ash” Colloquial speech has distinct word “narai” for “nobody” and “no one”.

meaning “neither” only in answers with this one word (e.g. “Do you like apples or oranges?” - “Neither”)
nobody narai pro NL, see “nar” and “hai” only in Colloquial speech
nobody narash pro NL, see “nar” and “ash” Colloquial speech has distinct word “narai” for “nobody” and “no one”.

meaning “neither” only in answers with this one word (e.g. “Do you like apples or oranges?” - “Neither”)
none nar pro NL < AN < TK, DBS, LOTR (untranslated interjection of disagreement) may be used to make other indefinite pronouns and adverbs
none narash pro NL, see “nar” and “ash” Colloquial speech has distinct word “narai” for “nobody” and “no one”.

meaning “neither” only in answers with this one word (e.g. “Do you like apples or oranges?” - “Neither”)
not a single one narash pro NL, see “nar” and “ash” Colloquial speech has distinct word “narai” for “nobody” and “no one”.

meaning “neither” only in answers with this one word (e.g. “Do you like apples or oranges?” - “Neither”)
not just (…) but (…) too nar tug (…) ap (…) shuz expr see individual words
not much (…) as (…) nar zamak (…) zîgmaksi (…) expr see individual words lit. “not so much … as that much …”
not only (…) but (also) (…) nar tug (…) ap (shazârz) (…) expr see individual words
not only (…) but (…) too nar tug (…) ap (…) shuz expr see individual words
nothing narash pro NL, see “nar” and “ash” Colloquial speech has distinct word “narai” for “nobody” and “no one”.

meaning “neither” only in answers with this one word (e.g. “Do you like apples or oranges?” - “Neither”)
nothingness shad n DS also with suffix “-urm” or “-um”;
number gûnt n NL < ZA “gûnod” < Noldorin “gwanod” < Etym. “NOT” (tale, number)
often thil adv, adj all major dialects < SV (adv)
once asharz adv NL < TK “ash” (one) including expressions “once upon a time”, “once upon in …” etc.
once nokh adv LOS < HG
once again nokhar adv NL < LOS < HG see also prefix “kru-”
once more nokhar adv NL < LOS < HG see also prefix “kru-”
one ash # TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
Hurrian “she”?
often used as indefinite article (a, an); as standard Nûrlâm lacks grammar category of number, it denotes singular, because nouns are plural by default
one more time nokhar adv NL < LOS < HG see also prefix “kru-”
one time (only) asharz adv NL < TK “ash” (one) including expressions “once upon a time”, “once upon in …” etc.
one time (only) nokh adv LOS < HG
only tug adj EL, all major dialects (only)
only tug adv, conj SV < EL (only); also “exception” (n) in SV not about time
opulent malgûrz adj NL, “malg”
order hîlurm n NL, see “hîl-”
order srinkh- v LL (to gather)

NL suggests fictional proto-word “skrinkht” to connect “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” with Sindarin “critha-” (reap) < Etym. “KIRIK” (gather, collect, reap), Primitive Elvish “k'rikta-”
to get together and sort; to gather in some order
organize srinkh- v LL (to gather)

NL suggests fictional proto-word “skrinkht” to connect “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” with Sindarin “critha-” (reap) < Etym. “KIRIK” (gather, collect, reap), Primitive Elvish “k'rikta-”
to get together and sort; to gather in some order
outcome laskâturm n NL < LOS “la” (after) + “skât-” (to come) uncountable
pair pur n NL, merging “pir” (half) + “fir” (husband) + LOS “pul” (mate, copulate); resemblance with IE is accidental or through Quenya may refer to people and animals;
requires noun in genitive case when used as set noun (“pur habhob” = “pair of boots”), but may take describing noun as prefix (“tarkpur” = “human couple” = “a couple of humans”)
part hik n ZA < Primitive Elvish “heke” (apart) set noun
part krâsh n LOS < MB, in SV about body;
probably from English “to crush” or Russian “крошка” (crumb)
more like part of body
party brun n LOS < MB, in HG also “committee” working group
party shalk n LOS, HG (only “group”) < SV set noun
piece naht n NL < Quenya “nahta” (a bite) < Etym. “NAK” about food;
set noun
piece shirz n DS about any material;
set noun
pile tub n MERP set noun, requires another noun to be in genitive case or to be placed before as modifier: “pile of shit” = “tub pushob” = “pushtub” = “shit-pile”
pile urbh n LOS < HG set noun, requires another noun to be in genitive case or to be placed before as modifier: “pile of gold” = “urbh lûrob” = “lûrurbh” = “gold-pile”
plentiful malgûrz adj NL, “malg”
plenty mag adv NL, SV “mak” (many) + Qenya “mai” (great), “mâye” (too much) < root “MAÝA” (excessive)
plenty malg n NL, merging Sindarin “maelig”, Primitive Elvish “máiliki” (abundance, wealth) with NL “mag”; compare also with “mak” uncountable, set noun
plethora malg n NL, merging Sindarin “maelig”, Primitive Elvish “máiliki” (abundance, wealth) with NL “mag”; compare also with “mak” uncountable, set noun
plus gint- v NL, merging DS “gin” (new) with Qenya “yanta-” (to add to, enlarge, increase, augment) and with Gnomish “intha-” (to join to, add, increase, add to) and “gantha” (more) < Primitive Elvish roots “YṆTṆ”, “DẎṆTṆ” add object (in Accusative case) to another object (in Dative or Comitative case)
preceeding ikûrz adj LOS “ik” (before)
precious turkûrz adj see “turk”
previous ikûrz adj LOS “ik” (before)
price brâgh n HG (only “price”); compare with Neo-Sindarin “bauch” < early Noldorin “bog”
price turk n LOS < SV, MB
prodigal malgûrz adj NL, “malg”
public hait n NL, merging TK “hai” with Noldorin “hoth”, Quenya “hosto” < Etym. “KHOTH” (to gather) set noun
quantity onturm n NL, see “ont-” uncountable, set noun
queue hîlurm n NL, see “hîl-”
quite gûkâzh adv NL, lit. “slightly full”; see “gûk”, “âzh” enough for smth.
rabble lurg n SV, MERP (squad), ZA (group, band) usually about warriors or bandits;
set noun
rare raih adv, adj NL < Quenya “hraicénima” (scarcely visible, hard to see) < “hrai” (hard) + “cénima” (visible) < Etym. “KHEN” ; compare with NL “hon-”, “kin-” (to see)
rarely raih adv, adj NL < Quenya “hraicénima” (scarcely visible, hard to see) < “hrai” (hard) + “cénima” (visible) < Etym. “KHEN” ; compare with NL “hon-”, “kin-” (to see)
rather gûkâzh adv NL, lit. “slightly full”; see “gûk”, “âzh” enough for smth.
reduce stan- v ZA < SV “sta” (small); compare with Etym. “STINT”
result laskâturm n NL < LOS “la” (after) + “skât-” (to come) uncountable
rich (with) malgûrz adj NL, “malg”
satisfy thlûk- v RN < LOS (adv. “enough”) < SV
scarce raih adv, adj NL < Quenya “hraicénima” (scarcely visible, hard to see) < “hrai” (hard) + “cénima” (visible) < Etym. “KHEN” ; compare with NL “hon-”, “kin-” (to see)
seldom raih adv, adj NL < Quenya “hraicénima” (scarcely visible, hard to see) < “hrai” (hard) + “cénima” (visible) < Etym. “KHEN” ; compare with NL “hon-”, “kin-” (to see)
sequence hîlurm n NL, see “hîl-”
serie hîlurm n NL, see “hîl-”
set shrak n all major dialects < SV

NL suggests fictional proto-word “skrinkht” to connect “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” with Sindarin “critha-” (reap) < Etym. “KIRIK” (gather, collect, reap), Primitive Elvish “k'rikta-”
set noun
seven udug # NL < EL “udu” and Noldorin “odog” < Etym. “OT-”
several mupsh pro LOS < MB
several mûd pro HG (“some”), probably from LOS, MB “mupsh” used as part of other indefinite pronouns and adverbs
share sorkh- v NL < all major dialects “sorgh-” (to divide) < SV
shortage pon n NL < Sindarin, Quenya “pen” (to not have) uncountable, set noun
shorten stan- v ZA < SV “sta” (small); compare with Etym. “STINT”
shred rimb n NL < Gnomish “rimp” < early Primitive Elvish roots “RIPI”, “RIMI” set noun
shrink stan- v ZA < SV “sta” (small); compare with Etym. “STINT”
single tug adj EL, all major dialects (only)
six ink # NL < Etym. “ÉNEK”, Qenya “enqe”, Quenya “enquë”
slice rimb n NL < Gnomish “rimp” < early Primitive Elvish roots “RIPI”, “RIMI” set noun
sliver rimb n NL < Gnomish “rimp” < early Primitive Elvish roots “RIPI”, “RIMI” set noun
small mik adj, pro SV may be treated as diminutive suffix when merged with noun
so many zamak pro NL < “za” + “mak” (see corresponding articles)
so much zamak pro NL < “za” + “mak” (see corresponding articles)
sole ashûk adj LOS, SV; lit. “all one” add suffix “-arz” to convert into adverb
some mupsh pro LOS < MB
some mûd pro HG (“some”), probably from LOS, MB “mupsh” used as part of other indefinite pronouns and adverbs
some people haimûd pro NL, see “hai”, “mûd” only in Colloquial speech; use unanimated “ashmûd” in Standard Nûrlâm
somebody ashmûd pro NL, see “ash”, “mûd” Colloquial language has distinct word for “someone; somebody” (see “haimûd”)
somebody haimûd pro NL, see “hai”, “mûd” only in Colloquial speech; use unanimated “ashmûd” in Standard Nûrlâm
someone ashmûd pro NL, see “ash”, “mûd” Colloquial language has distinct word for “someone; somebody” (see “haimûd”)
someone haimûd pro NL, see “hai”, “mûd” only in Colloquial speech; use unanimated “ashmûd” in Standard Nûrlâm
something ashmûd pro NL, see “ash”, “mûd” Colloquial language has distinct word for “someone; somebody” (see “haimûd”)
somewhat gûkâzh adv NL, lit. “slightly full”; see “gûk”, “âzh” enough for smth.
sort srinkh- v LL (to gather)

NL suggests fictional proto-word “skrinkht” to connect “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” with Sindarin “critha-” (reap) < Etym. “KIRIK” (gather, collect, reap), Primitive Elvish “k'rikta-”
to get together and sort; to gather in some order
split sorgh- v all major Neo-BS dialects < SV
squad lurg n SV, MERP (squad), ZA (group, band) usually about warriors or bandits;
set noun
suffice thlûk- v RN < LOS (adv. “enough”) < SV
ten nuk # SV
that many zîgmak pro NL < “zîg” + “mak” (see corresponding articles)
that much zîgmak pro NL < “zîg” + “mak” (see corresponding articles)
then lârz adv adverb from “la” about time and numerical order
thousand mink # NL < Sindarin “meneg” as in “Menegroth”, Neo-Quenya “mencë”
three krig # NL < Hurrian “kig-” + EL (and all major dialects) “gakh” + EH “krilg”; changed to avoid confusion with AN “gâkh-” (may, let)
throng hait n NL, merging TK “hai” with Noldorin “hoth”, Quenya “hosto” < Etym. “KHOTH” (to gather) set noun
tiny mik adj, pro SV may be treated as diminutive suffix when merged with noun
too (much) mag adv NL, SV “mak” (many) + Qenya “mai” (great), “mâye” (too much) < root “MAÝA” (excessive)
totally ûk adv TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
? Hurrian “-ok-” (fully, really)
clitic, aspect suffix
troop lurg n SV, MERP (squad), ZA (group, band) usually about warriors or bandits;
set noun
two krul # LOS
valuable turkûrz adj see “turk”
value turk n LOS < SV, MB
very sharz adv LOS (SN)
void lushd adj NL, merging Etym. “LUS” with DS “shad”; compare with Sindarin “lost”, Quenya “lusta”, Ilkorin “lost”, Noldorin “lhost”
void shad n DS also with suffix “-urm” or “-um”;
want pon n NL < Sindarin, Quenya “pen” (to not have) uncountable, set noun
whatever mashkon pro NL, see “mash”, “kon” only with interrogative (questions) and dubitative moods
whether maikon pro NL, see “mai”, “kon” only in Colloquial speech;
only with interrogative (questions) and dubitative moods
whether makon pro NL, see “mash”, “kon” only with interrogative (questions) and dubitative moods
whether mashkon pro NL, see “mash”, “kon” only with interrogative (questions) and dubitative moods
whichever maikon pro NL, see “mai”, “kon” only in Colloquial speech;
only with interrogative (questions) and dubitative moods
whichever mashkon pro NL, see “mash”, “kon” only with interrogative (questions) and dubitative moods
whoever maikon pro NL, see “mai”, “kon” only in Colloquial speech;
only with interrogative (questions) and dubitative moods
whole fol adj LOS < HG see also “ûk”
wholly ûk adv TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
? Hurrian “-ok-” (fully, really)
clitic, aspect suffix
worth turk n LOS < SV, MB
worthwhile turkûrz adj see “turk”
worthy turkûrz adj see “turk”

See also