Wordlist: Quality

This page will contain list of words related to various qualities, including personal, moral and physical. This excludes form and shape. For size and weight see category Size, distance and weight.

English Nûrlâm Part of speech Etymology Comments
abhorred haur adj NL < Quenya “saura”, Sindarin “thaur” < Etym. “THUS” (putrid, foul); as in PN “Gorthaur” (abominable horror, fear stench), epithetic name of Sauron; thus in Nûrlâm “Gorthaur” will mean “revered horrible” mostly about smell
abhorrent dolbûrz adj NL, see “dolb-”
abominable dolbûrz adj NL, see “dolb-”
abominable haur adj NL < Quenya “saura”, Sindarin “thaur” < Etym. “THUS” (putrid, foul); as in PN “Gorthaur” (abominable horror, fear stench), epithetic name of Sauron; thus in Nûrlâm “Gorthaur” will mean “revered horrible” mostly about smell
absolute ruzg adj NL < HG “ruzag” < SV (no source word given)
accurate aktûrz adj NL < ULK “aktum” (accuracy; precision; marksmanship)
actual kog adj NL < ZA “kog-” (to speak, tell truth)
actually kogarz adv see “kog”
admirable nîr adj NL, merging Hurrian “niri” (good) with MERP, SV “mîr” < Albanian “mirë” usually about person, more about look
agile golk adj NL < Sindarin “celeg” (swift, agile) < Etym. “KYELEK”; vowel shift in analogy with “Bolg” < “Beleg”
agility golkurm n NL, see “golk” uncountable
alien râz adj SV, HG “râz” (different), also LOS “raz” (odd, strange, weird) and RN (alien, foreign)
ancient adj NL, merging TK “ya” (of uncertain meaning) with TK “kû” (old) very old
angry nûrz adj LOS
antique adj NL, merging TK “ya” (of uncertain meaning) with TK “kû” (old) very old
aristocratic ard adj NL < Quenya “arata”, “arta”, Sindarin “arod”; compare with “arn” (king) High-born
as far as (…) zash mak (…) zash (…) expr see “zash”, “mak”
as much (…) as (…) zash mak (…) zash (…) expr see “zash”, “mak”
astute tunkûrz adj NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
attentive gîrd adj NL < Gnomish “hirthol”, “hîriol” (careful), “hirtha-” (to care for, mind, tend; to care, reck, mind)
available firg adj NL < Sindarin “fair” < Primitive Elvish “pheryā” ready to/for

готовый к чему-либо
awful bhau adj NL < Primitive Elvish PN “Bhau̯kil” (epithetic name of Morgoth), Qenya “Faukil”, Noldorin “Bauglir” (terrible); compare with Sindarin PN “Bauglir” (tyrant, oppressor) < Etym. “MBAW” (compel, force)
awkward râz adj SV, HG “râz” (different), also LOS “raz” (odd, strange, weird) and RN (alien, foreign)
awry raik adj NL < Quenya “raika” (also “crooked, bent”), Noldorin “rhoeg” < Etym. “RÁYAK”, “RAG”; also Gnomish “raig” (awry, twisted, distorted, perverted, wrong) systematically wrong; wrong by nature, behavior
bad fik adj LOS < Gnomish “fêg” (bad, poor), Qenya “faika” (contemptible, mean), Noldorin “foeg” (mean, poor, bad) < Etym. “SPAY”
barely musharz adv LOS (“nearly”) < MB, SV “mûsh” (close, next to, near, at)
barely âzh adv NL clitic adverb of aspect
be able (to) pâsh- v LOS ability to do something physically or with enough knowledge
be capable (of) pâsh- v LOS ability to do something physically or with enough knowledge
beautiful fân adj NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vanima”, Sindarin “bain” < Etym. “BAN”
beautiful nîr adj NL, merging Hurrian “niri” (good) with MERP, SV “mîr” < Albanian “mirë” usually about person, more about look
betrayer fûrthal n NL, see “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat)
big pol adj NL < Quenya “polda” (big), “poldor” (physical strength, might) < Etym. “POL” usually about person;
see also “Bolg”
blank kilk adj NL, merging NL “kalk” (diamond) with NL “kilg” (paint) (lit. “diamond-coloured”, see corresponding articles) with Qenya “kalle” (fair weather, clear sky) < Etym. “KAL” (shine) about sky or paper
blind bûrk adj NL, see “bûrz”, Hurrian “wurikk-”, “wur-”
bold for adj NL < Quenya “verya” (to dare, n) (bold, adj.) < Etym. “BER” (valiant); compare with Noldorin PN “Beren” (“bold” in Noldorin) and Etym. “BAL” (power, might), cf. “bal”;
usual replacement for Elvish would be “bîr”, but analogy with “BELEK” > “Bolg” was made + change to avoid false cognates with other dialects
boring frâd adj NL < LOS “frâtûrz” (tired, weary); changed according to Nûrlâm objectives and to make connection with Gnomish “fadrog” (tiresome)
brave for adj NL < Quenya “verya” (to dare, n) (bold, adj.) < Etym. “BER” (valiant); compare with Noldorin PN “Beren” (“bold” in Noldorin) and Etym. “BAL” (power, might), cf. “bal”;
usual replacement for Elvish would be “bîr”, but analogy with “BELEK” > “Bolg” was made + change to avoid false cognates with other dialects
bravery forurm n NL, see “for” (brave, adj.) uncountable
brilliant klor adj NL, merging HG “or” with Noldorin “claur” (splendid) < Old Noldorin “klōra” (brilliant, adj.) < Etym. “KAL” (shine)
bygone hoir adj NL < EH (n) < Gnomish “luin” (sic!)
calm borz n HG, cited as borrowed from SV but there is no similar word attested uncountable
can pâsh- v LOS ability to do something physically or with enough knowledge
careful gîrd adj NL < Gnomish “hirthol”, “hîriol” (careful), “hirtha-” (to care for, mind, tend; to care, reck, mind)
cast-off hôghûrz adj NL, adj. from “hôgh-”
cautious gîrd adj NL < Gnomish “hirthol”, “hîriol” (careful), “hirtha-” (to care for, mind, tend; to care, reck, mind)
celebrate flûst- v LOS to make party in honor of some person or event
celebrated imb adj NL < Gnomish “emfeg” (infamous, of evil name)
certain durt adj LOS
certainly durtarz adv see “durt”
certainly rûzarz adv see “rûz”
champion maurd n NL, merging “mau” (warrior) with Qenya “mordo” (warrior, hero) < early Primitive Elvish “mau̯ard” (shepherd)
charisma thukulurm n NL, lit. “over-presence”; see “thu”, “kulurm” uncountable
civil klimb adj NL < Qenya “kalimbo” (a savage, uncivilized man, barbarian, monster, giant, troll, goblin), Gnomish “calum(oth)”
civilized klimb adj NL < Qenya “kalimbo” (a savage, uncivilized man, barbarian, monster, giant, troll, goblin), Gnomish “calum(oth)”
class dhâr n LOS about hierarchy

class srinkh n LOS < HG “srinukh” < LL “srinkh-” (to gather) (cf.)
clean boig adj NL < Noldorin “puig” < Etym. “POY” about person, job

о человеке, деле
clean foig adj NL < Qenya “poika”, Noldorin “puig” < Etym. “POY” about material, water

о материале, веществе
clear foig adj NL < Qenya “poika”, Noldorin “puig” < Etym. “POY” about material, water

о материале, веществе
clear kilk adj NL, merging NL “kalk” (diamond) with NL “kilg” (paint) (lit. “diamond-coloured”, see corresponding articles) with Qenya “kalle” (fair weather, clear sky) < Etym. “KAL” (shine) about sky or paper
clever tunkûrz adj NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
clumsy nalz adj HG (also “stupid”) < SV “baknalgûrz” (lit. “back-handy”)
common thang adj NL < Quenya “sanya” (regular, normal, law-abiding) < Etym. “STAN” (firm, decide);
see also NL “than”, “thar”
companion shauk n LOS “shaûk” (companion) < HG; lit. “with all”
compare bîk- v NL < Qenya “víkana” first object of comparison in Accusative, second object in Comitative case
completely ûk adv TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
? Hurrian “-ok-” (fully, really)
clitic, aspect suffix
comrade shauk n LOS “shaûk” (companion) < HG; lit. “with all”
considerable shabz adj NL < Hurrian “šawoši”, “šavoše”, “šaf(i)oši” (great) usually about person
contemptible fait adj NL < Noldorin “foeg” (mean, poor, bad), Middle-Quenya “faika” (contemptible, mean) < Etym. “SPAY” (despise, contemn) merged with RN “fatoftûrz” (miserable, pitiful) < all Neo-BS dialects “fatoft” (dismal, bleak, dreary, gloomy) < MERP < probably from Albanian “ftohtë” (cold);
compare with “fik” (bad)
convenient uls adj HG easy to do
correct than adj NL < Sindarin “thand”, Noldorin “thenid”, Quenya “sanda” < Etym. “STAN” (firm, fix, decide, true, regular)
could pâsh- v LOS ability to do something physically or with enough knowledge
courage forurm n NL, see “for” (brave, adj.) uncountable
courageous for adj NL < Quenya “verya” (to dare, n) (bold, adj.) < Etym. “BER” (valiant); compare with Noldorin PN “Beren” (“bold” in Noldorin) and Etym. “BAL” (power, might), cf. “bal”;
usual replacement for Elvish would be “bîr”, but analogy with “BELEK” > “Bolg” was made + change to avoid false cognates with other dialects
crazy trîn adj LOS < SV
cruel bol adj TK, AO, HOME 3, LR, PN “Boldog”; Noldorin & Sindarin “balch” < Etym. “ÑGWAL” (torment);
compare with Old-English “fel” (strong, cruel, fierce)
cultured klimb adj NL < Qenya “kalimbo” (a savage, uncivilized man, barbarian, monster, giant, troll, goblin), Gnomish “calum(oth)”
cunning tunkûrz adj NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
curious kizgûrz adj NL, see “kizg-”
deadwood (slang) hôghûrz adj NL, adj. from “hôgh-”
dear turkûrz adj see “turk”
delicate mûlk adj NL, merging LOS “mûk” (gentle) < HG with Middle-Quenya “milya” < Etym. (AC) “MIL”, Qenya “malaqa” < root “MALA” (to crush, squeeze, pulp)
desire ghîr- v NL < LP “ghêr” < Noldorin “îr”, Quenya “írë”, “yére” together with verb in infinitive, noun in dative or genitive case
desperate hûrz adj NL < TK PN “Mauhúr”;
? Noldorin “hûr” (vigour, fiery spirit) < Etym. “KHOR”
detestable dolbûrz adj NL, see “dolb-”
detestable haur adj NL < Quenya “saura”, Sindarin “thaur” < Etym. “THUS” (putrid, foul); as in PN “Gorthaur” (abominable horror, fear stench), epithetic name of Sauron; thus in Nûrlâm “Gorthaur” will mean “revered horrible” mostly about smell
dexterity golkurm n NL, see “golk” uncountable
dexterous golk adj NL < Sindarin “celeg” (swift, agile) < Etym. “KYELEK”; vowel shift in analogy with “Bolg” < “Beleg”
different râz adj SV, HG “râz” (different), also LOS “raz” (odd, strange, weird) and RN (alien, foreign)
difficult khag adj DS (PO) “kʰag” < Quenya “hranga” < Primitive Elvish root “SRAG” (awkward, awry, hard, very difficult)
distorted raik adj NL < Quenya “raika” (also “crooked, bent”), Noldorin “rhoeg” < Etym. “RÁYAK”, “RAG”; also Gnomish “raig” (awry, twisted, distorted, perverted, wrong) systematically wrong; wrong by nature, behavior
divine power bal n TK “Balrog”; Sindarin, compare with “Vala” divine, magical or authoritar power;
also “force” as in “May the force be with you”;

о божественной, магической или авторитарной силе
divinity bâlurm n NL, see “bal” (divine power) < Sindarin
dominant gînd adj NL, merging LOS “gîmtog” < error in MERP “gîmtog” (to maim) < Albanian “gjymtoj” with early Noldorin “-iant” (superlative ending suffix), Gnomish “gant” (larger, greater, more), “gantha” (more) < Primitive Elvish “yn̄t” (large) < roots “YṆTṆ”, “DẎṆTṆ”;
compare with “gint-” (to increase)
dsigusting dolbûrz adj NL, see “dolb-”
dull frâd adj NL < LOS “frâtûrz” (tired, weary); changed according to Nûrlâm objectives and to make connection with Gnomish “fadrog” (tiresome)
easy uls adj HG easy to do
effort rîthurm n NL, see “rîth-” uncountable
empty lushd adj NL, merging Etym. “LUS” with DS “shad”; compare with Sindarin “lost”, Quenya “lusta”, Ilkorin “lost”, Noldorin “lhost”
empty (page) kilk adj NL, merging NL “kalk” (diamond) with NL “kilg” (paint) (lit. “diamond-coloured”, see corresponding articles) with Qenya “kalle” (fair weather, clear sky) < Etym. “KAL” (shine) about sky or paper
endeavour rîthurm n NL, see “rîth-” uncountable
endurance bronburm n NL, see “bronb-” uncountable
enjoyable nîr adj NL, merging Hurrian “niri” (good) with MERP, SV “mîr” < Albanian “mirë” usually about person, more about look
especial sharzash adj NL, lit. “very one”; see “sharz”, “ash”
essential bolkûrz adj see “bolk-” may be replaced with gerundive “bolkat”
esteem gorm n NL < Primitive Elvish “ñgormê” (dread; reverence; awe) > Old Sindarin “ngorn” > Sindarin “gorn” (revered) as in PN “Aragorn”; compare with Etym. “ÑGOROTH” (dread, fear) uncountable
evil ulk n NL < LOS “ulkum” (n), “ulkûrz” (adj) < Quenya “ulco” (n), “ulca” (adj) uncountable
exact aktûrz adj NL < ULK “aktum” (accuracy; precision; marksmanship)
excellent klor adj NL, merging HG “or” with Noldorin “claur” (splendid) < Old Noldorin “klōra” (brilliant, adj.) < Etym. “KAL” (shine)
exceptional sharzash adj NL, lit. “very one”; see “sharz”, “ash”
excessively mag adv NL, SV “mak” (many) + Qenya “mai” (great), “mâye” (too much) < root “MAÝA” (excessive)
exotic raih adv, adj NL < Quenya “hraicénima” (scarcely visible, hard to see) < “hrai” (hard) + “cénima” (visible) < Etym. “KHEN” ; compare with NL “hon-”, “kin-” (to see)
expensive turkûrz adj see “turk”
expert sriz adj LOS < MB
fact kogurm n see “kog”
faint doz adj HG < SV “dobaturz” < MERP “dobat” < Albanian “dobët”
fair nîr adj NL, merging Hurrian “niri” (good) with MERP, SV “mîr” < Albanian “mirë” usually about person, more about look
fair than adj NL < Sindarin “thand”, Noldorin “thenid”, Quenya “sanda” < Etym. “STAN” (firm, fix, decide, true, regular)
fall (down) lûmp- v LOS also morally
fame imburm n NL < Gnomish “emfeg” (infamous, of evil name) uncountable
famed imb adj NL < Gnomish “emfeg” (infamous, of evil name)
famous imb adj NL < Gnomish “emfeg” (infamous, of evil name)
feeble doz adj HG < SV “dobaturz” < MERP “dobat” < Albanian “dobët”
fellow shauk n LOS “shaûk” (companion) < HG; lit. “with all”
fierce hûr adj TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Mauhúr”;
? Noldorin “hûr” (vigour, fiery spirit) < Etym. “KHOR”
fiery hûr adj TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Mauhúr”;
? Noldorin “hûr” (vigour, fiery spirit) < Etym. “KHOR”
filthy pushdug presp TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, VT 26, PE 17
finally ûk adv TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
? Hurrian “-ok-” (fully, really)
clitic, aspect suffix
fine bhog adj LOS (LUG) < HG < Latin “bono” good behaviour; may be used as interjection / exclamation (“okay”, “all right!”)

о поведении; в том числе восклицание “хорошо!”
firm stalg adj NL < Primitive Elvish and Telerin “stalga” < Etym. “STÁLAG”; compare with Sindarin PN “Thalion” (aka Húrin)
flattery glizg n NL < Gnomish “glisc” (fond of sweets; fond of saying sweet or flattering things, suave, flattering); compare with Quenya “lissë” and Sindarin “laich” both meaning “sweet” uncountable
flotsam and jetsam hôghûrz adj NL, adj. from “hôgh-”
fool glob n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, HOME 12 (PM)
fool pah n HG
for sure durtarz adv see “durt”
for sure rûzarz adv see “rûz”
force polm n NL < Gnomish < Etym. “POL” physical power;
force (supernatural) bal n TK “Balrog”; Sindarin, compare with “Vala” divine, magical or authoritar power;
also “force” as in “May the force be with you”;

о божественной, магической или авторитарной силе
foreign râz adj SV, HG “râz” (different), also LOS “raz” (odd, strange, weird) and RN (alien, foreign)
fortunate faltûrz adj LOS, see also “falt”, “falg”
fortune falt n LOS, see also “falg” uncountable
foul haur adj NL < Quenya “saura”, Sindarin “thaur” < Etym. “THUS” (putrid, foul); as in PN “Gorthaur” (abominable horror, fear stench), epithetic name of Sauron; thus in Nûrlâm “Gorthaur” will mean “revered horrible” mostly about smell
fragile dîb adj NL, merging Etym. “NIN-DI” (fragile, thin) and early Primitive Elvish roots “(N)DIP”, “(N)DUP”, “(N)DUB” (drooping, bending)
frail dîb adj NL, merging Etym. “NIN-DI” (fragile, thin) and early Primitive Elvish roots “(N)DIP”, “(N)DUP”, “(N)DUB” (drooping, bending)
frequent thil adv, adj all major dialects < SV (adv)
frequently thil adv, adj all major dialects < SV (adv)
fresh gin adj DS (only “new”), probably from Etym. “GWEN” (fresh) which gives the same Quenya word “vinya”, from which “fîn” is taken
friend shauk n LOS “shaûk” (companion) < HG; lit. “with all”
fully ûk adv TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
? Hurrian “-ok-” (fully, really)
clitic, aspect suffix
fun glaz adj NL < Noldorin “glas”, early “gell” (joy), “gair” (merry), Sindarin “gelir” (merry) < Etym. “GALÁS” (joy, be glad)
funny glaz adj NL < Noldorin “glas”, early “gell” (joy), “gair” (merry), Sindarin “gelir” (merry) < Etym. “GALÁS” (joy, be glad)
gay glaz adj NL < Noldorin “glas”, early “gell” (joy), “gair” (merry), Sindarin “gelir” (merry) < Etym. “GALÁS” (joy, be glad)
gentle mûlk adj NL, merging LOS “mûk” (gentle) < HG with Middle-Quenya “milya” < Etym. (AC) “MIL”, Qenya “malaqa” < root “MALA” (to crush, squeeze, pulp)
glad glaz adj NL < Noldorin “glas”, early “gell” (joy), “gair” (merry), Sindarin “gelir” (merry) < Etym. “GALÁS” (joy, be glad)
glorify ludm- v NL < Quenya “laita” (to praise)
glory imburm n NL < Gnomish “emfeg” (infamous, of evil name) uncountable
godhood bâlurm n NL, see “bal” (divine power) < Sindarin
good bhog adj LOS (LUG) < HG < Latin “bono” good behaviour; may be used as interjection / exclamation (“okay”, “all right!”)

о поведении; в том числе восклицание “хорошо!”
good nîr adj NL, merging Hurrian “niri” (good) with MERP, SV “mîr” < Albanian “mirë” usually about person, more about look
good at sriz adj LOS < MB
good reputation gorm n NL < Primitive Elvish “ñgormê” (dread; reverence; awe) > Old Sindarin “ngorn” > Sindarin “gorn” (revered) as in PN “Aragorn”; compare with Etym. “ÑGOROTH” (dread, fear) uncountable
grade dhâr n LOS about hierarchy

great bûb-hosh adj TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, HOME 12 (PM)
great (person) shabz adj NL < Hurrian “šawoši”, “šavoše”, “šaf(i)oši” (great) usually about person
greed for ghîr- v NL < LP “ghêr” < Noldorin “îr”, Quenya “írë”, “yére” together with verb in infinitive, noun in dative or genitive case
group srinkh n LOS < HG “srinukh” < LL “srinkh-” (to gather) (cf.)
hallow ludm- v NL < Quenya “laita” (to praise)
handsome nîr adj NL, merging Hurrian “niri” (good) with MERP, SV “mîr” < Albanian “mirë” usually about person, more about look
happy glaz adj NL < Noldorin “glas”, early “gell” (joy), “gair” (merry), Sindarin “gelir” (merry) < Etym. “GALÁS” (joy, be glad)
hard gurd adj NL, merging HG “gûn” < EL “gund” (stone) with MERP “gurat” (hard, stony) < Albanian “gurtë” and with Primitive Elvish root “GUR” (hard, stiff, difficult, cumbrous, slow)
hard khag adj DS (PO) “kʰag” < Quenya “hranga” < Primitive Elvish root “SRAG” (awkward, awry, hard, very difficult)
hardiness bronburm n NL, see “bronb-” uncountable
hardly âzh adv NL clitic adverb of aspect
hate mog n TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, WR, Silm., PN “Gothmog”, PN “Gazmog” replaced by “Shagrat” in LOTR;
Explicitly translated as “hatred” in various drafts;
Qenya “moko”, Gnomish “mog”;
see also “mok-”
hatred mog n TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, WR, Silm., PN “Gothmog”, PN “Gazmog” replaced by “Shagrat” in LOTR;
Explicitly translated as “hatred” in various drafts;
Qenya “moko”, Gnomish “mog”;
see also “mok-”
have mercy on kask- v NL < SV (BA) “kaskût” (mercy, n) use with object in accusative case
head gînd adj NL, merging LOS “gîmtog” < error in MERP “gîmtog” (to maim) < Albanian “gjymtoj” with early Noldorin “-iant” (superlative ending suffix), Gnomish “gant” (larger, greater, more), “gantha” (more) < Primitive Elvish “yn̄t” (large) < roots “YṆTṆ”, “DẎṆTṆ”;
compare with “gint-” (to increase)
health môgl n NL, word “gôm” (illness) written reversed, merged with Quenya “málë” (good health) < Primitive Elvish root “MAG” (be in a good state, thrive) and Primitive Elvish root “AL(A)” (good, blessed, fortunate, prosperous, healthy) uncountable
hero maurd n NL, merging “mau” (warrior) with Qenya “mordo” (warrior, hero) < early Primitive Elvish “mau̯ard” (shepherd)
high (status) ard adj NL < Quenya “arata”, “arta”, Sindarin “arod”; compare with “arn” (king) High-born
hollow lushd adj NL, merging Etym. “LUS” with DS “shad”; compare with Sindarin “lost”, Quenya “lusta”, Ilkorin “lost”, Noldorin “lhost”
honest ruzg adj NL < HG “ruzag” < SV (no source word given)
honor gorm n NL < Primitive Elvish “ñgormê” (dread; reverence; awe) > Old Sindarin “ngorn” > Sindarin “gorn” (revered) as in PN “Aragorn”; compare with Etym. “ÑGOROTH” (dread, fear) uncountable
honour gorm n NL < Primitive Elvish “ñgormê” (dread; reverence; awe) > Old Sindarin “ngorn” > Sindarin “gorn” (revered) as in PN “Aragorn”; compare with Etym. “ÑGOROTH” (dread, fear) uncountable
horrible bhau adj NL < Primitive Elvish PN “Bhau̯kil” (epithetic name of Morgoth), Qenya “Faukil”, Noldorin “Bauglir” (terrible); compare with Sindarin PN “Bauglir” (tyrant, oppressor) < Etym. “MBAW” (compel, force)
horrible dolbûrz adj NL, see “dolb-”
horrible haur adj NL < Quenya “saura”, Sindarin “thaur” < Etym. “THUS” (putrid, foul); as in PN “Gorthaur” (abominable horror, fear stench), epithetic name of Sauron; thus in Nûrlâm “Gorthaur” will mean “revered horrible” mostly about smell
horrible uf adj TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Ufthak”;
? Etym. “UGU” (negative prefix);
? Etym. “ÚLUG”, “ÚLGU” (horrible, hideous)
translation is speculative
hostile nûrz adj LOS
humble zaud adj NL < Adûnaic“zabath-” (to be humble)
hypocrisy glizg n NL < Gnomish “glisc” (fond of sweets; fond of saying sweet or flattering things, suave, flattering); compare with Quenya “lissë” and Sindarin “laich” both meaning “sweet” uncountable
idiot pah n HG
idle frûz adj LOS
important horm adj LOS < SV
important shabz adj NL < Hurrian “šawoši”, “šavoše”, “šaf(i)oši” (great) usually about person
impotent doz adj HG < SV “dobaturz” < MERP “dobat” < Albanian “dobët”
indeed kogarz adv see “kog”
insane trîn adj LOS < SV
insomuch zamaku pro see “zamak” and “u” to so much degree
intact fol adj LOS < HG see also “ûk”
intelligence tunkurm n NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty) uncountable
interesting kizgûrz adj NL, see “kizg-”
intriguing kizgûrz adj NL, see “kizg-”
irksome frâd adj NL < LOS “frâtûrz” (tired, weary); changed according to Nûrlâm objectives and to make connection with Gnomish “fadrog” (tiresome)
irresponsible frûz adj LOS
it's no use narushdarz adv NL, see “nar”, “ushd-” + adverb suffix “-arz” used mostly with gerundives
joyful glaz adj NL < Noldorin “glas”, early “gell” (joy), “gair” (merry), Sindarin “gelir” (merry) < Etym. “GALÁS” (joy, be glad)
junk hôghûrz adj NL, adj. from “hôgh-”
just âzh adv NL clitic adverb of aspect
just a little âzh adv NL clitic adverb of aspect
key horm adj LOS < SV
kind mûlk adj NL, merging LOS “mûk” (gentle) < HG with Middle-Quenya “milya” < Etym. (AC) “MIL”, Qenya “malaqa” < root “MALA” (to crush, squeeze, pulp)
kind nîr adj NL, merging Hurrian “niri” (good) with MERP, SV “mîr” < Albanian “mirë” usually about person, more about look
kind srinkh n LOS < HG “srinukh” < LL “srinkh-” (to gather) (cf.)
known imb adj NL < Gnomish “emfeg” (infamous, of evil name)
large pol adj NL < Quenya “polda” (big), “poldor” (physical strength, might) < Etym. “POL” usually about person;
see also “Bolg”
laud ludm- v NL < Quenya “laita” (to praise)
lax doz adj HG < SV “dobaturz” < MERP “dobat” < Albanian “dobët”
lazy frûz adj LOS
leadership dughurm n HG “dugh-” (to lead); compare with “duke” uncountable
leading gînd adj NL, merging LOS “gîmtog” < error in MERP “gîmtog” (to maim) < Albanian “gjymtoj” with early Noldorin “-iant” (superlative ending suffix), Gnomish “gant” (larger, greater, more), “gantha” (more) < Primitive Elvish “yn̄t” (large) < roots “YṆTṆ”, “DẎṆTṆ”;
compare with “gint-” (to increase)
least mikaz adj, adv SV
lech ghîr- v NL < LP “ghêr” < Noldorin “îr”, Quenya “írë”, “yére” together with verb in infinitive, noun in dative or genitive case
less mikar adj, adv SV
lesser mikar adj, adv SV
lightly âzh adv NL clitic adverb of aspect
likely falgarz adv see “falg”
limp mûlk adj NL, merging LOS “mûk” (gentle) < HG with Middle-Quenya “milya” < Etym. (AC) “MIL”, Qenya “malaqa” < root “MALA” (to crush, squeeze, pulp)
loathsome dolbûrz adj NL, see “dolb-”
long for ghîr- v NL < LP “ghêr” < Noldorin “îr”, Quenya “írë”, “yére” together with verb in infinitive, noun in dative or genitive case
lovely nîr adj NL, merging Hurrian “niri” (good) with MERP, SV “mîr” < Albanian “mirë” usually about person, more about look
lowkey zaud adj NL < Adûnaic“zabath-” (to be humble)
luck dûrf- v HG (to have luck; be lucky); LOS “dûrfit-” (have luck) have luck; be lucky

быть удачливым
luck falt n LOS, see also “falg” uncountable
lucky faltûrz adj LOS, see also “falt”, “falg”
lust ghîr- v NL < LP “ghêr” < Noldorin “îr”, Quenya “írë”, “yére” together with verb in infinitive, noun in dative or genitive case
mad trîn adj LOS < SV
main gînd adj NL, merging LOS “gîmtog” < error in MERP “gîmtog” (to maim) < Albanian “gjymtoj” with early Noldorin “-iant” (superlative ending suffix), Gnomish “gant” (larger, greater, more), “gantha” (more) < Primitive Elvish “yn̄t” (large) < roots “YṆTṆ”, “DẎṆTṆ”;
compare with “gint-” (to increase)
major gînd adj NL, merging LOS “gîmtog” < error in MERP “gîmtog” (to maim) < Albanian “gjymtoj” with early Noldorin “-iant” (superlative ending suffix), Gnomish “gant” (larger, greater, more), “gantha” (more) < Primitive Elvish “yn̄t” (large) < roots “YṆTṆ”, “DẎṆTṆ”;
compare with “gint-” (to increase)
master gînd adj NL, merging LOS “gîmtog” < error in MERP “gîmtog” (to maim) < Albanian “gjymtoj” with early Noldorin “-iant” (superlative ending suffix), Gnomish “gant” (larger, greater, more), “gantha” (more) < Primitive Elvish “yn̄t” (large) < roots “YṆTṆ”, “DẎṆTṆ”;
compare with “gint-” (to increase)
maybe falgarz adv see “falg”
mean fait adj NL < Noldorin “foeg” (mean, poor, bad), Middle-Quenya “faika” (contemptible, mean) < Etym. “SPAY” (despise, contemn) merged with RN “fatoftûrz” (miserable, pitiful) < all Neo-BS dialects “fatoft” (dismal, bleak, dreary, gloomy) < MERP < probably from Albanian “ftohtë” (cold);
compare with “fik” (bad)
merry glaz adj NL < Noldorin “glas”, early “gell” (joy), “gair” (merry), Sindarin “gelir” (merry) < Etym. “GALÁS” (joy, be glad)
might bal n TK “Balrog”; Sindarin, compare with “Vala” divine, magical or authoritar power;
also “force” as in “May the force be with you”;

о божественной, магической или авторитарной силе
mighty Bolg n, adj TK, DBS, TH, PN;
? Sindarin “beleg” (great, might, large, big) < Common Eldarin “(M)BEL(EK)” (strong), the same stem from which names Melkor (Mbelekōro) and Belegûr came;
? Quenya “polda” (big, strong), Early Quenya “poldor” (physical strength, might) < Etym. “POL(OD)” (physically strong);
? “strong” in Mágol language (invented by Tolkien but not connected to Middle-Earth and LOTR);
? a shortened form of Boldog;
compare with Old-English “fel” (strong, cruel, fierce)
miserable fait adj NL < Noldorin “foeg” (mean, poor, bad), Middle-Quenya “faika” (contemptible, mean) < Etym. “SPAY” (despise, contemn) merged with RN “fatoftûrz” (miserable, pitiful) < all Neo-BS dialects “fatoft” (dismal, bleak, dreary, gloomy) < MERP < probably from Albanian “ftohtë” (cold);
compare with “fik” (bad)
modest zaud adj NL < Adûnaic“zabath-” (to be humble)
more makar adj, adv see “mak”
most makaz adj, adv see “mak”
must-have bolkûrz adj see “bolk-” may be replaced with gerundive “bolkat”
nasty ukr adj NL < Primitive Elvish “ugrā” (nasty) < Primitive Elvish roots “UG” (dislike), “UK” (nasty);
also inspired by the computer game “The Dark Heart of Uukrul”, where “Uukrul” is the main antagonist;
may be related also to “ugl-”, “ulk”
nearly musharz adv LOS (“nearly”) < MB, SV “mûsh” (close, next to, near, at)
nearly âzh adv NL clitic adverb of aspect
neat boig adj NL < Noldorin “puig” < Etym. “POY” about person, job

о человеке, деле
necessary bolkarz adv see “bolk-”
necessary bolkûrz adj see “bolk-” may be replaced with gerundive “bolkat”
needful bolkûrz adj see “bolk-” may be replaced with gerundive “bolkat”
new gin adj DS (only “new”), probably from Etym. “GWEN” (fresh) which gives the same Quenya word “vinya”, from which “fîn” is taken
nice nîr adj NL, merging Hurrian “niri” (good) with MERP, SV “mîr” < Albanian “mirë” usually about person, more about look
nimble golk adj NL < Sindarin “celeg” (swift, agile) < Etym. “KYELEK”; vowel shift in analogy with “Bolg” < “Beleg”
no reason (for) narushdarz adv NL, see “nar”, “ushd-” + adverb suffix “-arz” used mostly with gerundives
noble ard adj NL < Quenya “arata”, “arta”, Sindarin “arod”; compare with “arn” (king) High-born
normal thang adj NL < Quenya “sanya” (regular, normal, law-abiding) < Etym. “STAN” (firm, decide);
see also NL “than”, “thar”
not much (…) as (…) nar zamak (…) zîgmaksi (…) expr see individual words lit. “not so much … as that much …”
not worth narushdarz adv NL, see “nar”, “ushd-” + adverb suffix “-arz” used mostly with gerundives
nouveau riche ardauk n NL < “ard” (noble) + derogatory agentive suffux “-auk”
numbskull pah n HG
obligatory bolkûrz adj see “bolk-” may be replaced with gerundive “bolkat”
odd râz adj SV, HG “râz” (different), also LOS “raz” (odd, strange, weird) and RN (alien, foreign)
of course durtarz adv see “durt”
often thil adv, adj all major dialects < SV (adv)
one of a kind sharzash adj NL, lit. “very one”; see “sharz”, “ash”
ordinary thang adj NL < Quenya “sanya” (regular, normal, law-abiding) < Etym. “STAN” (firm, decide);
see also NL “than”, “thar”
partially âzh adv NL clitic adverb of aspect
particular sharzash adj NL, lit. “very one”; see “sharz”, “ash”
partner shauk n LOS “shaûk” (companion) < HG; lit. “with all”
past hoir adj NL < EH (n) < Gnomish “luin” (sic!)
peace borz n HG, cited as borrowed from SV but there is no similar word attested uncountable
perhaps falgarz adv see “falg”
perverted raik adj NL < Quenya “raika” (also “crooked, bent”), Noldorin “rhoeg” < Etym. “RÁYAK”, “RAG”; also Gnomish “raig” (awry, twisted, distorted, perverted, wrong) systematically wrong; wrong by nature, behavior
pleasant nîr adj NL, merging Hurrian “niri” (good) with MERP, SV “mîr” < Albanian “mirë” usually about person, more about look
plenty mag adv NL, SV “mak” (many) + Qenya “mai” (great), “mâye” (too much) < root “MAÝA” (excessive)
pointless narushdarz adv NL, see “nar”, “ushd-” + adverb suffix “-arz” used mostly with gerundives
polite klimb adj NL < Qenya “kalimbo” (a savage, uncivilized man, barbarian, monster, giant, troll, goblin), Gnomish “calum(oth)”
poor fait adj NL < Noldorin “foeg” (mean, poor, bad), Middle-Quenya “faika” (contemptible, mean) < Etym. “SPAY” (despise, contemn) merged with RN “fatoftûrz” (miserable, pitiful) < all Neo-BS dialects “fatoft” (dismal, bleak, dreary, gloomy) < MERP < probably from Albanian “ftohtë” (cold);
compare with “fik” (bad)
poor orz adj NL < Qenya “oika”, “oiswa”;
coincidental resemblance with LOS “orsk-” (to steal)
about lack of money or any property
possible falgûrz adj see “falg”
power polm n NL < Gnomish < Etym. “POL” physical power;
praise ludm- v NL < Quenya “laita” (to praise)
precious turkûrz adj see “turk”
precise aktûrz adj NL < ULK “aktum” (accuracy; precision; marksmanship)
prepared firg adj NL < Sindarin “fair” < Primitive Elvish “pheryā” ready to/for

готовый к чему-либо
presence thukulurm n NL, lit. “over-presence”; see “thu”, “kulurm” uncountable
pretty fân adj NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vanima”, Sindarin “bain” < Etym. “BAN”
pretty nîr adj NL, merging Hurrian “niri” (good) with MERP, SV “mîr” < Albanian “mirë” usually about person, more about look
price turk n LOS < SV, MB
probable falgûrz adj see “falg”
probably falgarz adv see “falg”
proper than adj NL < Sindarin “thand”, Noldorin “thenid”, Quenya “sanda” < Etym. “STAN” (firm, fix, decide, true, regular)
proud mîb adj NL < MERP “mîburr” (pride) < Albanian “mburrem”
prudent gîrd adj NL < Gnomish “hirthol”, “hîriol” (careful), “hirtha-” (to care for, mind, tend; to care, reck, mind)
pure foig adj NL < Qenya “poika”, Noldorin “puig” < Etym. “POY” about material, water

о материале, веществе
rank dhâr n LOS about hierarchy

rare raih adv, adj NL < Quenya “hraicénima” (scarcely visible, hard to see) < “hrai” (hard) + “cénima” (visible) < Etym. “KHEN” ; compare with NL “hon-”, “kin-” (to see)
rarely raih adv, adj NL < Quenya “hraicénima” (scarcely visible, hard to see) < “hrai” (hard) + “cénima” (visible) < Etym. “KHEN” ; compare with NL “hon-”, “kin-” (to see)
rather (…) than (…) hîsarzar (…) snû (…) expr see “hîsarzar”, “snû”
ready firg adj NL < Sindarin “fair” < Primitive Elvish “pheryā” ready to/for

готовый к чему-либо
real kog adj NL < ZA “kog-” (to speak, tell truth)
really kogarz adv see “kog”
reckless hûrz adj NL < TK PN “Mauhúr”;
? Noldorin “hûr” (vigour, fiery spirit) < Etym. “KHOR”
regular thang adj NL < Quenya “sanya” (regular, normal, law-abiding) < Etym. “STAN” (firm, decide);
see also NL “than”, “thar”
renegade fûrthal n NL, see “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat)
repellent ukr adj NL < Primitive Elvish “ugrā” (nasty) < Primitive Elvish roots “UG” (dislike), “UK” (nasty);
also inspired by the computer game “The Dark Heart of Uukrul”, where “Uukrul” is the main antagonist;
may be related also to “ugl-”, “ulk”
repose borz n HG, cited as borrowed from SV but there is no similar word attested uncountable
reputation imburm n NL < Gnomish “emfeg” (infamous, of evil name) uncountable
required bolkûrz adj see “bolk-” may be replaced with gerundive “bolkat”
respect gorm n NL < Primitive Elvish “ñgormê” (dread; reverence; awe) > Old Sindarin “ngorn” > Sindarin “gorn” (revered) as in PN “Aragorn”; compare with Etym. “ÑGOROTH” (dread, fear) uncountable
rest borz n HG, cited as borrowed from SV but there is no similar word attested uncountable
reverence gorm n NL < Primitive Elvish “ñgormê” (dread; reverence; awe) > Old Sindarin “ngorn” > Sindarin “gorn” (revered) as in PN “Aragorn”; compare with Etym. “ÑGOROTH” (dread, fear) uncountable
rich abz adj NL, melting LOS “tabz-” (to own, possess) < SV with early Noldorin “awes” (reach) and MERP “pasun” (reach, wealthy) < Albanian “pasur”
right than adj NL < Sindarin “thand”, Noldorin “thenid”, Quenya “sanda” < Etym. “STAN” (firm, fix, decide, true, regular)
rotten nirgûrz adj NL < Qenya “narqa-” (fade, wither), Gnomish “narcos” (rot, decay) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ”
same zash adj SV
scarce raih adv, adj NL < Quenya “hraicénima” (scarcely visible, hard to see) < “hrai” (hard) + “cénima” (visible) < Etym. “KHEN” ; compare with NL “hon-”, “kin-” (to see)
scary uf adj TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Ufthak”;
? Etym. “UGU” (negative prefix);
? Etym. “ÚLUG”, “ÚLGU” (horrible, hideous)
translation is speculative
seldom raih adv, adj NL < Quenya “hraicénima” (scarcely visible, hard to see) < “hrai” (hard) + “cénima” (visible) < Etym. “KHEN” ; compare with NL “hon-”, “kin-” (to see)
sellout fûrthal n NL, see “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat)
serious horm adj LOS < SV
severe horm adj LOS < SV
sheer foig adj NL < Qenya “poika”, Noldorin “puig” < Etym. “POY” about material, water

о материале, веществе
shrewd tunkûrz adj NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
significant shabz adj NL < Hurrian “šawoši”, “šavoše”, “šaf(i)oši” (great) usually about person
simple uls adj HG easy to do
skilled sriz adj LOS < MB
slightly âzh adv NL clitic adverb of aspect
smart tunkûrz adj NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
snob ardauk n NL < “ard” (noble) + derogatory agentive suffux “-auk”
soft mûlk adj NL, merging LOS “mûk” (gentle) < HG with Middle-Quenya “milya” < Etym. (AC) “MIL”, Qenya “malaqa” < root “MALA” (to crush, squeeze, pulp)
sort srinkh n LOS < HG “srinukh” < LL “srinkh-” (to gather) (cf.)
spare kask- v NL < SV (BA) “kaskût” (mercy, n) use with object in accusative case
special sharzash adj NL, lit. “very one”; see “sharz”, “ash”
specific sharzash adj NL, lit. “very one”; see “sharz”, “ash”
splendid klor adj NL, merging HG “or” with Noldorin “claur” (splendid) < Old Noldorin “klōra” (brilliant, adj.) < Etym. “KAL” (shine)
squalid pushdug presp TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, VT 26, PE 17
stable stalg adj NL < Primitive Elvish and Telerin “stalga” < Etym. “STÁLAG”; compare with Sindarin PN “Thalion” (aka Húrin)
stalwart stalg adj NL < Primitive Elvish and Telerin “stalga” < Etym. “STÁLAG”; compare with Sindarin PN “Thalion” (aka Húrin)
stamina bronburm n NL, see “bronb-” uncountable
standard thang adj NL < Quenya “sanya” (regular, normal, law-abiding) < Etym. “STAN” (firm, decide);
see also NL “than”, “thar”
status dhâr n LOS about hierarchy

steadfast stalg adj NL < Primitive Elvish and Telerin “stalga” < Etym. “STÁLAG”; compare with Sindarin PN “Thalion” (aka Húrin)
steady stalg adj NL < Primitive Elvish and Telerin “stalga” < Etym. “STÁLAG”; compare with Sindarin PN “Thalion” (aka Húrin)
stiff gurd adj NL, merging HG “gûn” < EL “gund” (stone) with MERP “gurat” (hard, stony) < Albanian “gurtë” and with Primitive Elvish root “GUR” (hard, stiff, difficult, cumbrous, slow)
stinking pushdug presp TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, VT 26, PE 17
stout stalg adj NL < Primitive Elvish and Telerin “stalga” < Etym. “STÁLAG”; compare with Sindarin PN “Thalion” (aka Húrin)
straight ruzg adj NL < HG “ruzag” < SV (no source word given)
strange râz adj SV, HG “râz” (different), also LOS “raz” (odd, strange, weird) and RN (alien, foreign)
strength bolgurm n NL, see “bolg”
strength polm n NL < Gnomish < Etym. “POL” physical power;
strong Bolg n, adj TK, DBS, TH, PN;
? Sindarin “beleg” (great, might, large, big) < Common Eldarin “(M)BEL(EK)” (strong), the same stem from which names Melkor (Mbelekōro) and Belegûr came;
? Quenya “polda” (big, strong), Early Quenya “poldor” (physical strength, might) < Etym. “POL(OD)” (physically strong);
? “strong” in Mágol language (invented by Tolkien but not connected to Middle-Earth and LOTR);
? a shortened form of Boldog;
compare with Old-English “fel” (strong, cruel, fierce)
strong pol adj NL < Quenya “polda” (big), “poldor” (physical strength, might) < Etym. “POL” usually about person;
see also “Bolg”
stupid pah adj HG
sturdy stalg adj NL < Primitive Elvish and Telerin “stalga” < Etym. “STÁLAG”; compare with Sindarin PN “Thalion” (aka Húrin)
sure durt adj LOS
sure rûz adj LOS < HG
surely durtarz adv see “durt”
surely rûzarz adv see “rûz”
sweet-speaking glizg n NL < Gnomish “glisc” (fond of sweets; fond of saying sweet or flattering things, suave, flattering); compare with Quenya “lissë” and Sindarin “laich” both meaning “sweet” uncountable
tedious frâd adj NL < LOS “frâtûrz” (tired, weary); changed according to Nûrlâm objectives and to make connection with Gnomish “fadrog” (tiresome)
tender mûlk adj NL, merging LOS “mûk” (gentle) < HG with Middle-Quenya “milya” < Etym. (AC) “MIL”, Qenya “malaqa” < root “MALA” (to crush, squeeze, pulp)
terrible bhau adj NL < Primitive Elvish PN “Bhau̯kil” (epithetic name of Morgoth), Qenya “Faukil”, Noldorin “Bauglir” (terrible); compare with Sindarin PN “Bauglir” (tyrant, oppressor) < Etym. “MBAW” (compel, force)
throw-out hôghûrz adj NL, adj. from “hôgh-”
tidy boig adj NL < Noldorin “puig” < Etym. “POY” about person, job

о человеке, деле
tiresome frâd adj NL < LOS “frâtûrz” (tired, weary); changed according to Nûrlâm objectives and to make connection with Gnomish “fadrog” (tiresome)
title dhâr n LOS about hierarchy

too (much) mag adv NL, SV “mak” (many) + Qenya “mai” (great), “mâye” (too much) < root “MAÝA” (excessive)
totally ûk adv TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
? Hurrian “-ok-” (fully, really)
clitic, aspect suffix
traitor fûrthal n NL, see “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat)
tranquility borz n HG, cited as borrowed from SV but there is no similar word attested uncountable
transparent kilk adj NL, merging NL “kalk” (diamond) with NL “kilg” (paint) (lit. “diamond-coloured”, see corresponding articles) with Qenya “kalle” (fair weather, clear sky) < Etym. “KAL” (shine) about sky or paper
true kog adj NL < ZA “kog-” (to speak, tell truth)
truly kogarz adv see “kog”
truth kogurm n see “kog”
twisted raik adj NL < Quenya “raika” (also “crooked, bent”), Noldorin “rhoeg” < Etym. “RÁYAK”, “RAG”; also Gnomish “raig” (awry, twisted, distorted, perverted, wrong) systematically wrong; wrong by nature, behavior
unassuming zaud adj NL < Adûnaic“zabath-” (to be humble)
unnecessary hôghûrz adj NL, adj. from “hôgh-”
unpleasant ukr adj NL < Primitive Elvish “ugrā” (nasty) < Primitive Elvish roots “UG” (dislike), “UK” (nasty);
also inspired by the computer game “The Dark Heart of Uukrul”, where “Uukrul” is the main antagonist;
may be related also to “ugl-”, “ulk”
untamed ragh adj NL < Noldorin “rhaw”, “rhof”, “rhov” (PN “Rhovanion”) < Etym. “RAB”
usual thang adj NL < Quenya “sanya” (regular, normal, law-abiding) < Etym. “STAN” (firm, decide);
see also NL “than”, “thar”
valiant for adj NL < Quenya “verya” (to dare, n) (bold, adj.) < Etym. “BER” (valiant); compare with Noldorin PN “Beren” (“bold” in Noldorin) and Etym. “BAL” (power, might), cf. “bal”;
usual replacement for Elvish would be “bîr”, but analogy with “BELEK” > “Bolg” was made + change to avoid false cognates with other dialects
valour forurm n NL, see “for” (brave, adj.) uncountable
valuable turkûrz adj see “turk”
value turk n LOS < SV, MB
very sharz adv LOS (SN)
vigour hûrurm n NL, see “hûr” (adj.) uncountable
vigourous hûr adj TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Mauhúr”;
? Noldorin “hûr” (vigour, fiery spirit) < Etym. “KHOR”
vile haur adj NL < Quenya “saura”, Sindarin “thaur” < Etym. “THUS” (putrid, foul); as in PN “Gorthaur” (abominable horror, fear stench), epithetic name of Sauron; thus in Nûrlâm “Gorthaur” will mean “revered horrible” mostly about smell
violent gor adj TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, HOME 3, PN “Gorbag”, PN “Gorgol”;
Etym. “GOR” (violence, impetus, haste, vigor)
void lushd adj NL, merging Etym. “LUS” with DS “shad”; compare with Sindarin “lost”, Quenya “lusta”, Ilkorin “lost”, Noldorin “lhost”
wary gîrd adj NL < Gnomish “hirthol”, “hîriol” (careful), “hirtha-” (to care for, mind, tend; to care, reck, mind)
weak doz adj HG < SV “dobaturz” < MERP “dobat” < Albanian “dobët”
wealthy abz adj NL, melting LOS “tabz-” (to own, possess) < SV with early Noldorin “awes” (reach) and MERP “pasun” (reach, wealthy) < Albanian “pasur”
weary frâd adj NL < LOS “frâtûrz” (tired, weary); changed according to Nûrlâm objectives and to make connection with Gnomish “fadrog” (tiresome)
weird râz adj SV, HG “râz” (different), also LOS “raz” (odd, strange, weird) and RN (alien, foreign)
well bhog adj LOS (LUG) < HG < Latin “bono” good behaviour; may be used as interjection / exclamation (“okay”, “all right!”)

о поведении; в том числе восклицание “хорошо!”
well-known imb adj NL < Gnomish “emfeg” (infamous, of evil name)
whole fol adj LOS < HG see also “ûk”
wholly ûk adv TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
? Hurrian “-ok-” (fully, really)
clitic, aspect suffix
wild ragh adj NL < Noldorin “rhaw”, “rhof”, “rhov” (PN “Rhovanion”) < Etym. “RAB”
wile tunkûrz adj NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
wisdom golurm n NL < TK “gol-” (cf.) uncountable
worth turk n LOS < SV, MB
worthwhile turkûrz adj see “turk”
worthy turkûrz adj see “turk”
wretched fait adj NL < Noldorin “foeg” (mean, poor, bad), Middle-Quenya “faika” (contemptible, mean) < Etym. “SPAY” (despise, contemn) merged with RN “fatoftûrz” (miserable, pitiful) < all Neo-BS dialects “fatoft” (dismal, bleak, dreary, gloomy) < MERP < probably from Albanian “ftohtë” (cold);
compare with “fik” (bad)
wrong firk adj NL < LOS “fik” (bad) + Qenya “perqa” be wrong (once) by mistake
wrong raik adj NL < Quenya “raika” (also “crooked, bent”), Noldorin “rhoeg” < Etym. “RÁYAK”, “RAG”; also Gnomish “raig” (awry, twisted, distorted, perverted, wrong) systematically wrong; wrong by nature, behavior
yore hoir adj NL < EH (n) < Gnomish “luin” (sic!)

See also