Wordlist: Evil

This page will contain list of words related to various crimes, death and killing, hatred and destruction, and others for dark way of life of Sauron's servants.

English Nûrlâm Part of speech Etymology Comments
(dark) sorcery dush n TK, DBS, WJ, WR, SD, “Dushgoi” (Minas Morgul), AA translates as “dark sorcery” = Sindarin “Morgul”;
? Valarin “dušamanûðân” (marred)
? Sindarin “dûr” (dark) as in “gûldûr” (dark sorcery)
(dead) body loik n LOS < Quenya “loico”
(evil/black) magic dush n TK, DBS, WJ, WR, SD, “Dushgoi” (Minas Morgul), AA translates as “dark sorcery” = Sindarin “Morgul”;
? Valarin “dušamanûðân” (marred)
? Sindarin “dûr” (dark) as in “gûldûr” (dark sorcery)
(secret) plan faurm n NL < EL “fauth-” (to hide, conceal, cf.) + Gnomish “fur” of same meanings + abstract noun suffix “-urm” hidden, secret plan against smb.
(shady) scheme faurm n NL < EL “fauth-” (to hide, conceal, cf.) + Gnomish “fur” of same meanings + abstract noun suffix “-urm” hidden, secret plan against smb.
abhor dolb- v NL < Noldorin “delb” (horrible, abominable, loathsome), “delw” (hateful, deadly, fell) < Etym. “DYEL” (feel fear and disgust, abhor) as in early “Dor Deadhelos” (Land of the Shadow of Abomination) strong disgust
abhorred haur adj NL < Quenya “saura”, Sindarin “thaur” < Etym. “THUS” (putrid, foul); as in PN “Gorthaur” (abominable horror, fear stench), epithetic name of Sauron; thus in Nûrlâm “Gorthaur” will mean “revered horrible” mostly about smell
abhorrent dolbûrz adj NL, see “dolb-”
abominable dolbûrz adj NL, see “dolb-”
abominable haur adj NL < Quenya “saura”, Sindarin “thaur” < Etym. “THUS” (putrid, foul); as in PN “Gorthaur” (abominable horror, fear stench), epithetic name of Sauron; thus in Nûrlâm “Gorthaur” will mean “revered horrible” mostly about smell
adjudge nûmp- v NL < EL “dûmp-” (doom, cf.) + Quenya “nam” (to judge) + Etym. (AC) “MBAD”, “BAD” (judgement, sentence) together with object in Allative case
anger uruth n NL < Sindarin “oroth”, “rûth”, Quenya “ursa”
angry nûrz adj LOS
annihilate shad- v DS “shad” (nothingness, void, destruction), “shadgar” (destroyer) ;
compare with LOS “sadâuk” (to attack, assault), ZA “zâdûk” (to destroy, wipe out, delete, erase, annihilate, obliterate), both from SV “sadáuk”
arrest mraf- v NL < merging Quenya “arpo” (seizer, thief), Middle Quenya “raf-” (snatch, seize) < Primitive Elvish “RAPH” (to seize, grab, snatch) with Middle Quenya “mapa” (to grasp, seize), Qenya “(a)mapta” (to ravish, seize and carry off forcibly) < Primitive Elvish “MAP”, “MAPA”, “NAPA” (to lay hold of with hand, seize) to seize and carry off person forcibly

похищать, уносить людей против их воли
assassin thrug n LOS, all major dialects < MERP
attaint bagd- v NL, merging LOS, SV, HG “bâk” (n) < MB with TK “bag” (excrement), Gnomish “naud” (ashamed, abashed) < early Primitive Elvish root “NAWA” (dwarf) and Qenya “naitya” (to damage, abuse, put to shame) add clitic reflexive pronoun “-îm” for meaning “be ashamed, cringe”
avenge grûth- v NL < Gnomish “gruith” (deed of horror, vengeance)
avenge pait- v NL < Qenya “paitya” (to repay, requite) < Primitive Elvish stem “PAÝA” (requite, punish, take vengeance, conquer, subdue)
awful bhau adj NL < Primitive Elvish PN “Bhau̯kil” (epithetic name of Morgoth), Qenya “Faukil”, Noldorin “Bauglir” (terrible); compare with Sindarin PN “Bauglir” (tyrant, oppressor) < Etym. “MBAW” (compel, force)
awry raik adj NL < Quenya “raika” (also “crooked, bent”), Noldorin “rhoeg” < Etym. “RÁYAK”, “RAG”; also Gnomish “raig” (awry, twisted, distorted, perverted, wrong) systematically wrong; wrong by nature, behavior
bad fik adj LOS < Gnomish “fêg” (bad, poor), Qenya “faika” (contemptible, mean), Noldorin “foeg” (mean, poor, bad) < Etym. “SPAY”
bait prâkh n LOS < LL “prakh-” (to lure)
bandit taus n NL < HG (outlawed, adj.) < SV “arataus” (n.) < MERP
battle dogr n NL < Sindarin “dagor” < Etym. “NDAK” (slay)
battle with tad- v HG < MERP “bartas” (brawl) < Albanian “bërtas” (to scream, shout) object should be in accusative or comitative case
beast uglauk n NL < “ugl-” (to frighten) < Etym. “ÚLUG”, “ÚLGU” and SV suffix “-auk”
beat bump- v HG < LOS “bum” < MB mostly about sound
beat fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
behead kazbhalt- v NL, lit. “head-deprive”; see “kaz”, “bhalt-”
betray fûrth- v NL < LOS (LUG) “fûr-” + Noldorin “gwarth” (betrayer) < Etym. “WAR” (give way, yield, not endure, let down, betray)
betrayal fûrthurm n NL, abstract noun from “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat, cf.)
betrayer fûrthal n NL, see “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat)
black mor adj TK, AO, LR;
abandoned translation of PN “Morgoth”. In Orcish it was translated as “Dark Lord”, not “Black Enemy” as in Sindarin
black mor adj LOS < Sindarin “mor(n)”
bloodshed shirgzûrb n NL, “shirk” (blood) + “sûrb-” (to pour) (see corresponding articles) uncountable
booty raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
bounty raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
brawl gask- v HG < Sumerian ?
brigand taus n NL < HG (outlawed, adj.) < SV “arataus” (n.) < MERP
burglar orskal n NL < LOS, see “orsk-”
burn ghâsh- v LL < TK (“fire”)
butcher fakht- v NL < LOS “fakhtal” (butcher) < SV “fachtal” < MERP “fachthal”, “fakhtchal” refers to animals or mass murders
butcher gorg- v TK, AO, HOME 3, PN “Gorgol the Butcher”
capture dik- v LOS
ceremony kaush n NL < LOS “kaushar” (negative ceremony) < SV < MERP “kaushatar” (ritual) ceremony with negative, evil connotations, e.g. with blood sacrifices
chaos bûzg n NL < LOS (RE) “bûzog” uncountable
chaos girzurm n NL < HG “girz-” (to mess) uncountable
chase farb- v NL < SV “vorb-” (to hunt, pursuit), “várbatár” (hunter) + Sindarin “farad” (hunter), “faras” (hunt), “fara” (to hunt)
cheat fûrth- v NL < LOS (LUG) “fûr-” + Noldorin “gwarth” (betrayer) < Etym. “WAR” (give way, yield, not endure, let down, betray)
cheat prakh- v all major dialects < LL (to lure); other meanings were added in SV
choke (smb. else) strakh- v SV, HG transitive
cleave grish- v TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Grishnákh”;
? Etym. “KIRIS”, “RIS” (cut), compare with Sindarin “criss”
combat dogr n NL < Sindarin “dagor” < Etym. “NDAK” (slay)
compel ikh- v LOS see also “durb-”
condemn nûmp- v NL < EL “dûmp-” (doom, cf.) + Quenya “nam” (to judge) + Etym. (AC) “MBAD”, “BAD” (judgement, sentence) together with object in Allative case
confuse girz- v HG
conquer paik- v NL < Qenya “apaika”, “apaira”, “apaitya” (conquer-) < QL stem “PAÝA” (punish, take vengeance, conquer, subdue)
conquer thudurb- v NL, lit. “over-rule”, calque from Noldorin “ortur”
conspiracy faurm n NL < EL “fauth-” (to hide, conceal, cf.) + Gnomish “fur” of same meanings + abstract noun suffix “-urm” hidden, secret plan against smb.
constrain durb- v TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
? Quenya “tur” (to control, govern, wield) < Etym. “TUR” (power, control, mastery, victory)
constraining durburm n NL, see “durb-” uncountable
control durb- v TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
? Quenya “tur” (to control, govern, wield) < Etym. “TUR” (power, control, mastery, victory)
control durburm n NL, see “durb-” uncountable
corpse loik n LOS < Quenya “loico”
corrupt nirz adj NL < TK BS “nazg” (ring) + NL “nîr” (good) + Gnomish “narp” (rotten, decayed, corrupt) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ”; compare with NL “nirg-” (rot, decay)
corrupt nizg- v NL < TK BS “nazg” (ring) + NL “nîr” (good) + Gnomish “narp” (rotten, decayed, corrupt) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ”; compare with NL “nirg-” (rot, decay), “nirz” (corrupted, adj.)
corrupted nirz adj NL < TK BS “nazg” (ring) + NL “nîr” (good) + Gnomish “narp” (rotten, decayed, corrupt) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ”; compare with NL “nirg-” (rot, decay)
counterfeit land- v NL < early Noldorin “bland” (a lie, deceit)
crack grish- v TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Grishnákh”;
? Etym. “KIRIS”, “RIS” (cut), compare with Sindarin “criss”
cruel bol adj TK, AO, HOME 3, LR, PN “Boldog”; Noldorin & Sindarin “balch” < Etym. “ÑGWAL” (torment);
compare with Old-English “fel” (strong, cruel, fierce)
crush barsh- v NL < HG “bars”, LOS “barash-”, both from SV damage completely to small pieces or to ashes

разбивать вдребезги, в клочья, в пух и прах
crush margz- v SV < MERP “marzgi”;
compare with Primitive Elvish roots “MḶÐḶ”, “MLŘL”, “MALA” (to crush, squeeze, pound, pulp), Qenya “mald” (pound, crush), “mal” (crush, squeeze)
damage completely with heavy blow to small pieces or to ashes

разбивать вдребезги, в клочья, в пух и прах
crush sud- v HG, probably from SV “shatûp” (to crush, destroy, shatter) < Albanian “shtyp” damage with heavy weight to flat or small pieces
cut ak- v LOS < Quenya “ecet” (short stabbing sword)
cut grish- v TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Grishnákh”;
? Etym. “KIRIS”, “RIS” (cut), compare with Sindarin “criss”
damage dul- v HG < SV, MB
damage fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
danger bai n all major DBS dialects < MB
danger razg n NL < Quenya “raxë”
dark burz n TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
? Noldorin “maur” (gloom), Quenya “mornië” (darkness) < Etym. “MOR” (black);
? Hurrian “wurikk-” (to be blind), “wur-”  (to see)
sometimes used with meaning “night”;
dark mor adj TK, AO, LR;
abandoned translation of PN “Morgoth”. In Orcish it was translated as “Dark Lord”, not “Black Enemy” as in Sindarin
darkness burz n TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
? Noldorin “maur” (gloom), Quenya “mornië” (darkness) < Etym. “MOR” (black);
? Hurrian “wurikk-” (to be blind), “wur-”  (to see)
sometimes used with meaning “night”;
dead gûrz adj SV “gurz” < MERP (death), probably from Sindarin “guru”, “gurth” (death, n) < Etym. “ÑGUR”
deal with tad- v HG < MERP “bartas” (brawl) < Albanian “bërtas” (to scream, shout) object should be in accusative or comitative case
death gurz n MERP, probably from Sindarin “gurth” (death) < Etym. “ÑGUR”;
in analogy with “burz(um)” - “bûrz”
death mât n HG < EL, all major dialects “mat-” (to die) more about natural death (like in bed, of aging, etc.)
debase nizg- v NL < TK BS “nazg” (ring) + NL “nîr” (good) + Gnomish “narp” (rotten, decayed, corrupt) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ”; compare with NL “nirg-” (rot, decay), “nirz” (corrupted, adj.)
decapitate kazbhalt- v NL, lit. “head-deprive”; see “kaz”, “bhalt-”
decay nirg- v NL < Qenya “narqa-” (fade, wither), Gnomish “narcos” (rot, decay) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ” intransitive
deceit lân n NL < early Noldorin “orvlann” (without deceit) < “bland” (lie) uncountable
deceive lan- v NL < early Noldorin “orvlann” (without deceit) < “bland” (lie)
deceive prakh- v all major dialects < LL (to lure); other meanings were added in SV
defame bagd- v NL, merging LOS, SV, HG “bâk” (n) < MB with TK “bag” (excrement), Gnomish “naud” (ashamed, abashed) < early Primitive Elvish root “NAWA” (dwarf) and Qenya “naitya” (to damage, abuse, put to shame) add clitic reflexive pronoun “-îm” for meaning “be ashamed, cringe”
despair narkh- v NL < merging TK “nar” (negative particle) + NL “khard-” (to hope) < Noldorin “hartha-” with Sindarin “naer”, Quenya “naira” (dreadful, unendurable) < Etym. “NAY” (lament), “NÁYAK” (pain) with Qenya “naira” (dire, grievous) < Primitive Elvish “ŊAHYA” intansitive
desperate hîrd adj NL, merging Gnomish “uchirthol” (reckless, careless) with NL “khard-” (to hope); see also “narkh-” (to despair)
destroy dul- v HG < SV, MB
destroy guzd- v NL < Gnomish “gusta”, “husta” (burn smth., destroy); compare with DS “gûda-”, “gutja-”
destroy shad- v DS “shad” (nothingness, void, destruction), “shadgar” (destroyer) ;
compare with LOS “sadâuk” (to attack, assault), ZA “zâdûk” (to destroy, wipe out, delete, erase, annihilate, obliterate), both from SV “sadáuk”
detestable dolbûrz adj NL, see “dolb-”
detestable haur adj NL < Quenya “saura”, Sindarin “thaur” < Etym. “THUS” (putrid, foul); as in PN “Gorthaur” (abominable horror, fear stench), epithetic name of Sauron; thus in Nûrlâm “Gorthaur” will mean “revered horrible” mostly about smell
die mat- v EL, all major dialects more about natural death (like in bed, of aging, etc.);
discredit bagd- v NL, merging LOS, SV, HG “bâk” (n) < MB with TK “bag” (excrement), Gnomish “naud” (ashamed, abashed) < early Primitive Elvish root “NAWA” (dwarf) and Qenya “naitya” (to damage, abuse, put to shame) add clitic reflexive pronoun “-îm” for meaning “be ashamed, cringe”
disembowel dakh- v HG < SV “dakog” < Noldorin “dag” (to slay, kill)? < Etym. “NDAK” to remove guts
disgrace bagd- v NL, merging LOS, SV, HG “bâk” (n) < MB with TK “bag” (excrement), Gnomish “naud” (ashamed, abashed) < early Primitive Elvish root “NAWA” (dwarf) and Qenya “naitya” (to damage, abuse, put to shame) add clitic reflexive pronoun “-îm” for meaning “be ashamed, cringe”
dishonor bagd- v NL, merging LOS, SV, HG “bâk” (n) < MB with TK “bag” (excrement), Gnomish “naud” (ashamed, abashed) < early Primitive Elvish root “NAWA” (dwarf) and Qenya “naitya” (to damage, abuse, put to shame) add clitic reflexive pronoun “-îm” for meaning “be ashamed, cringe”
disjoin ogz- v NL < Qenya “oksa” (joint)
dismember ogz- v NL < Qenya “oksa” (joint)
distorted raik adj NL < Quenya “raika” (also “crooked, bent”), Noldorin “rhoeg” < Etym. “RÁYAK”, “RAG”; also Gnomish “raig” (awry, twisted, distorted, perverted, wrong) systematically wrong; wrong by nature, behavior
dominate durb- v TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
? Quenya “tur” (to control, govern, wield) < Etym. “TUR” (power, control, mastery, victory)
domination durburm n NL, see “durb-” uncountable
doom dûmp n EL, either from Etym. “MBAD” written reversed (MB is one letter in Elvish writing systems), see also Quenya “umbar”, or just stylized English word (possibly both) uncountable
dread goth adj TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, Silm., PN “Gothmog”;
Etym. “GOTH”, “GOS” (dread, terror);
compare with PN “Osse”, “Mandos”;
see also “gozd”
dread gozd n NL < Noldorin “gost” (dread, terror) < Etym. “GOS”, “GOTH” cause of fear;
dread ufur n NL < LOS “ufum”, “ufur-” (fear), also “uf-” (to frighten) < TK PN “Ufthak”;
only noun in NL, see “furg-” for verb
fear of smth., not frighten smb. else;
dreadful goth adj TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, Silm., PN “Gothmog”;
Etym. “GOTH”, “GOS” (dread, terror);
compare with PN “Osse”, “Mandos”;
see also “gozd”
dsigusting dolbûrz adj NL, see “dolb-”
empale ghrûth- v NL, merging “ghru” with SV “hûth-” may refer to coitus
encounter tad- v HG < MERP “bartas” (brawl) < Albanian “bërtas” (to scream, shout) object should be in accusative or comitative case
enslave norg- v NL < Qenya “norka” (slave, thrall, servant) < Primitive Elvish “norokā́” merged with LOS “nork-” (to take)
enthrall norg- v NL < Qenya “norka” (slave, thrall, servant) < Primitive Elvish “norokā́” merged with LOS “nork-” (to take)
evil ulk n NL < LOS “ulkum” (n), “ulkûrz” (adj) < Quenya “ulco” (n), “ulca” (adj) uncountable
eviscerate dakh- v HG < SV “dakog” < Noldorin “dag” (to slay, kill)? < Etym. “NDAK” to remove guts
execute dûmb- v NL < EL “dûmp-”
exploit mogr- v NL < TK “mog” (tyrant, oppressor) < PN “Gothmog” < Etym. “MBAW”
face tad- v HG < MERP “bartas” (brawl) < Albanian “bërtas” (to scream, shout) object should be in accusative or comitative case
fade nark- v NL < merging TK “nar” (negative particle) + Qenya “narqa” (to wither), Gnomish “narcos” (to rot, decay) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ” intransitive
fake land- v NL < early Noldorin “bland” (a lie, deceit)
fall (down) lûmp- v LOS also morally
falsify land- v NL < early Noldorin “bland” (a lie, deceit)
fate dûmp n EL, either from Etym. “MBAD” written reversed (MB is one letter in Elvish writing systems), see also Quenya “umbar”, or just stylized English word (possibly both) uncountable
fear furg- v NL, merging Quenya “þorya” (to dread, feel fear) < root “THOS”, with Qenya “varka” (to bode, dread, fear) < Primitive Elvish root “VṚKṚ” and with LOS “ufur-”, also “uf-” (to frighten) < TK PN “Ufthak”;
see also “uf-”, “ufur”
passive, fear of smth., not frighten smb. else
fear ufur n NL < LOS “ufum”, “ufur-” (fear), also “uf-” (to frighten) < TK PN “Ufthak”;
only noun in NL, see “furg-” for verb
fear of smth., not frighten smb. else;
feel disgust dolb- v NL < Noldorin “delb” (horrible, abominable, loathsome), “delw” (hateful, deadly, fell) < Etym. “DYEL” (feel fear and disgust, abhor) as in early “Dor Deadhelos” (Land of the Shadow of Abomination) strong disgust
feign land- v NL < early Noldorin “bland” (a lie, deceit)
fester nirg- v NL < Qenya “narqa-” (fade, wither), Gnomish “narcos” (rot, decay) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ” intransitive
fight dogr n NL < Sindarin “dagor” < Etym. “NDAK” (slay)
fight mauk- v LOS, probably from Qenya “mahtar” (warrior) < Etym. “MAK” (sword, to fight) literally, with weapons or fists;
opponent of fighting is in Accusative;
Comitative case marks people who help fighting
fight tad- v HG < MERP “bartas” (brawl) < Albanian “bërtas” (to scream, shout) object should be in accusative or comitative case
flattery glizg n NL < Gnomish “glisc” (fond of sweets; fond of saying sweet or flattering things, suave, flattering); compare with Quenya “lissë” and Sindarin “laich” both meaning “sweet” uncountable
flay daft- v NL, melting Gnomish “daf”, “dôf”, “dauth”
flog hauk n HG (v) < MERP “fashaukalog” < Albanian “fshikulloj”
flog hauk- v HG < MERP “fashaukalog” < Albanian “fshikulloj”
fool (smb. else) prakh- v all major dialects < LL (to lure); other meanings were added in SV
force durb- v TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
? Quenya “tur” (to control, govern, wield) < Etym. “TUR” (power, control, mastery, victory)
force ikh- v LOS see also “durb-”
fornicate ghrup- v NL, merging LOS “ghru” (penis) with Neo-Quenya “hrupuhta-” (to fornicate, lit. “to do evil sex”);
see also “ghîr-”
foul glob adj TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, PE, PE 17
foul haur adj NL < Quenya “saura”, Sindarin “thaur” < Etym. “THUS” (putrid, foul); as in PN “Gorthaur” (abominable horror, fear stench), epithetic name of Sauron; thus in Nûrlâm “Gorthaur” will mean “revered horrible” mostly about smell
frighten ugl- v TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, PN “Uglúk”;
? Etym. “ÚLUG”, “ÚLGU” (horrible, hideous);
? Hurrian “ugil” (frighten);
? Etym. “UGU” (negative prefix)
translation is speculative
game (hunting) fraun n NL < Quenya “farna” < Etym. “SPAR”, “PHAR” (AC); from fictional proto-word “praunk”; compare with “farb-” (to hunt), “prauk-” (to pillage), “raun” (trophy) object of hunt
garble girz- v HG
gloomy duf adj TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Lagduf”;
? Noldorin “dofn”, “dufui” < Etym. “DUB” (lie heavy);
? Etym. “DOGH, DÔ, DOMO” (night, dark, gloom, faint, dim)
? Etym. “DEM” (sad, gloomy)
? Adûnaic “dâur” < root “DAWAR”
speculative translation
government durburm n NL, see “durb-” uncountable
grave khad n NL < Noldorin “hauð” (mound, grave, tomb) < Primitive Elvish “khagda” < Etym. “KHAG” (pile, mound) + “KHAW” (bed)
grave matronk n lit. “dead-pit”, see “mat”, “ronk”
hang runk- v LOS < MB (“rûng-” ?)
harlot ghrupauk n NL, see “ghrup-” of any gender
harry lîzd- v NL < rejected Qenya “lehesta”, “lehasta” (to ride, riding, raid)
hate mog n TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, WR, Silm., PN “Gothmog”, PN “Gazmog” replaced by “Shagrat” in LOTR;
Explicitly translated as “hatred” in various drafts;
Qenya “moko”, Gnomish “mog”;
see also “mok-”
hate mok- v LOS < Qenya “moko” in Quenya PN “Kosomoko” (war-hate, strife-and-hatred) aka “Gothmog”
hatred mog n TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, WR, Silm., PN “Gothmog”, PN “Gazmog” replaced by “Shagrat” in LOTR;
Explicitly translated as “hatred” in various drafts;
Qenya “moko”, Gnomish “mog”;
see also “mok-”
havoc bûzg n NL < LOS (RE) “bûzog” uncountable
havoc girzurm n NL < HG “girz-” (to mess) uncountable
hazard razg n NL < Quenya “raxë”
hit fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
hooker ghrupauk n NL, see “ghrup-” of any gender
hopeless hîrd adj NL, merging Gnomish “uchirthol” (reckless, careless) with NL “khard-” (to hope); see also “narkh-” (to despair)
horrible bhau adj NL < Primitive Elvish PN “Bhau̯kil” (epithetic name of Morgoth), Qenya “Faukil”, Noldorin “Bauglir” (terrible); compare with Sindarin PN “Bauglir” (tyrant, oppressor) < Etym. “MBAW” (compel, force)
horrible dolbûrz adj NL, see “dolb-”
horrible haur adj NL < Quenya “saura”, Sindarin “thaur” < Etym. “THUS” (putrid, foul); as in PN “Gorthaur” (abominable horror, fear stench), epithetic name of Sauron; thus in Nûrlâm “Gorthaur” will mean “revered horrible” mostly about smell
horrible uf adj TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Ufthak”;
? Etym. “UGU” (negative prefix);
? Etym. “ÚLUG”, “ÚLGU” (horrible, hideous)
translation is speculative
horror ufur n NL < LOS “ufum”, “ufur-” (fear), also “uf-” (to frighten) < TK PN “Ufthak”;
only noun in NL, see “furg-” for verb
fear of smth., not frighten smb. else;
hostile nûrz adj LOS
hunt farb- v NL < SV “vorb-” (to hunt, pursuit), “várbatár” (hunter) + Sindarin “farad” (hunter), “faras” (hunt), “fara” (to hunt)
hurt fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
hypocrisy glizg n NL < Gnomish “glisc” (fond of sweets; fond of saying sweet or flattering things, suave, flattering); compare with Quenya “lissë” and Sindarin “laich” both meaning “sweet” uncountable
impale ghrûth- v NL, merging “ghru” with SV “hûth-” may refer to coitus
incruciate balg- v NL, merging TK “bag”, “bal”, “bol”, all from Etym. “ÑGWAL” (torment)
intrigue faurm n NL < EL “fauth-” (to hide, conceal, cf.) + Gnomish “fur” of same meanings + abstract noun suffix “-urm” hidden, secret plan against smb.
judge damp- v NL < EL “dûmp-” (doom, cf.) + Quenya “nam” (to judge) + Etym. (AC) “MBAD” (judgement, sentence)
kidnap mraf- v NL < merging Quenya “arpo” (seizer, thief), Middle Quenya “raf-” (snatch, seize) < Primitive Elvish “RAPH” (to seize, grab, snatch) with Middle Quenya “mapa” (to grasp, seize), Qenya “(a)mapta” (to ravish, seize and carry off forcibly) < Primitive Elvish “MAP”, “MAPA”, “NAPA” (to lay hold of with hand, seize) to seize and carry off person forcibly

похищать, уносить людей против их воли
kill dog- v TK, AO, HOME 3, LR, PN “Boldog”;
Noldorin “daug” (warrior, soldier) < Etym. “NDAK” (slay)
killer thrug n LOS, all major dialects < MERP
lash hauk n HG (v) < MERP “fashaukalog” < Albanian “fshikulloj”
lech ghrup- v NL, merging LOS “ghru” (penis) with Neo-Quenya “hrupuhta-” (to fornicate, lit. “to do evil sex”);
see also “ghîr-”
levy mârbh- v LOS < HG заставлять платить налог, дань, подать, штраф
lie lan- v NL < early Noldorin “orvlann” (without deceit) < “bland” (lie)
lie lân n NL < early Noldorin “orvlann” (without deceit) < “bland” (lie) uncountable
lie (tell untruth) prakh- v all major dialects < LL (to lure); other meanings were added in SV
limb ogz- v NL < Qenya “oksa” (joint)
loathe dolb- v NL < Noldorin “delb” (horrible, abominable, loathsome), “delw” (hateful, deadly, fell) < Etym. “DYEL” (feel fear and disgust, abhor) as in early “Dor Deadhelos” (Land of the Shadow of Abomination) strong disgust
loathsome dolbûrz adj NL, see “dolb-”
loot raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
lose hope narkh- v NL < merging TK “nar” (negative particle) + NL “khard-” (to hope) < Noldorin “hartha-” with Sindarin “naer”, Quenya “naira” (dreadful, unendurable) < Etym. “NAY” (lament), “NÁYAK” (pain) with Qenya “naira” (dire, grievous) < Primitive Elvish “ŊAHYA” intansitive
lure prakh- v all major dialects < LL (to lure); other meanings were added in SV
lure prâkh n LOS < LL “prakh-” (to lure)
machination faurm n NL < EL “fauth-” (to hide, conceal, cf.) + Gnomish “fur” of same meanings + abstract noun suffix “-urm” hidden, secret plan against smb.
make (to do smth.) ikh- v LOS see also “durb-”
mar nizg- v NL < TK BS “nazg” (ring) + NL “nîr” (good) + Gnomish “narp” (rotten, decayed, corrupt) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ”; compare with NL “nirg-” (rot, decay), “nirz” (corrupted, adj.)
massacre fakht- v NL < LOS “fakhtal” (butcher) < SV “fachtal” < MERP “fachthal”, “fakhtchal” refers to animals or mass murders
mayhem bûzg n NL < LOS (RE) “bûzog” uncountable
mayhem girzurm n NL < HG “girz-” (to mess) uncountable
meet at battlefield tad- v HG < MERP “bartas” (brawl) < Albanian “bërtas” (to scream, shout) object should be in accusative or comitative case
mess bûzg n NL < LOS (RE) “bûzog” uncountable
mess girz- v HG
mess girzurm n NL < HG “girz-” (to mess) uncountable
mischief fikhabauk n NL, merging “fik” with “gabauk” (see corresponding articles)
monster uglauk n NL < “ugl-” (to frighten) < Etym. “ÚLUG”, “ÚLGU” and SV suffix “-auk”
murderer thrug n LOS, all major dialects < MERP
nab mraf- v NL < merging Quenya “arpo” (seizer, thief), Middle Quenya “raf-” (snatch, seize) < Primitive Elvish “RAPH” (to seize, grab, snatch) with Middle Quenya “mapa” (to grasp, seize), Qenya “(a)mapta” (to ravish, seize and carry off forcibly) < Primitive Elvish “MAP”, “MAPA”, “NAPA” (to lay hold of with hand, seize) to seize and carry off person forcibly

похищать, уносить людей против их воли
necromancy dush n TK, DBS, WJ, WR, SD, “Dushgoi” (Minas Morgul), AA translates as “dark sorcery” = Sindarin “Morgul”;
? Valarin “dušamanûðân” (marred)
? Sindarin “dûr” (dark) as in “gûldûr” (dark sorcery)
noose hnûf n NL < Noldorin “hnuif”, “hniof”, “nû” (noose, snare) < Etym. “SNEW” (entangle)
oppress mogr- v NL < TK “mog” (tyrant, oppressor) < PN “Gothmog” < Etym. “MBAW”
oppressor mog n TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, WR, Silm., PN “Gothmog”, PN “Gazmog” replaced by “Shagrat” in LOTR;
Etym. “MBAW” (oppress, force, compel); compare with PN “Bauglir” (one of Sindarin names of Morgoth) of the same etymology
outlaw taus n NL < HG (outlawed, adj.) < SV “arataus” (n.) < MERP
peel daft- v NL, melting Gnomish “daf”, “dôf”, “dauth”
penalize dangh- v LOS, HG < MERP “danoj-” < Albanian “dënoj”
pervert nizg- v NL < TK BS “nazg” (ring) + NL “nîr” (good) + Gnomish “narp” (rotten, decayed, corrupt) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ”; compare with NL “nirg-” (rot, decay), “nirz” (corrupted, adj.)
perverted raik adj NL < Quenya “raika” (also “crooked, bent”), Noldorin “rhoeg” < Etym. “RÁYAK”, “RAG”; also Gnomish “raig” (awry, twisted, distorted, perverted, wrong) systematically wrong; wrong by nature, behavior
phantom gûl n TK, CBS, “Nazgûl” (ringwraith), PN “Yagûl”;
Sindarin “gul”, “gûl” (evil knowledge, magic, sorcery, necromancy) < Etym. “ÑGOL” (wisdom);
in 1970s Tolkien changed his mind and separated etymology of Sindarin “gûl” from “ÑGOL” (wise < dark brown as name of Noldo elves) to “ÑGUL” (sinister dark)
probably not only “wraith”, but any (undead) servant of Sauron
pierce ghrûth- v NL, merging “ghru” with SV “hûth-” may refer to coitus
pillage prauk- v NL < SV “plauk” < probably Albanian “plaçkit” or debased English words;
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “raun-”
take other's property by force
plot faurm n NL < EL “fauth-” (to hide, conceal, cf.) + Gnomish “fur” of same meanings + abstract noun suffix “-urm” hidden, secret plan against smb.
plunder prauk- v NL < SV “plauk” < probably Albanian “plaçkit” or debased English words;
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “raun-”
take other's property by force
plunder raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
poison holm n NL < SV, MERP “holm” < Albanian “helm”, Quenya “hloima” < root “SLOY”; related to “fâm” (cf.)
pound sud- v HG, probably from SV “shatûp” (to crush, destroy, shatter) < Albanian “shtyp” damage with heavy weight to flat or small pieces
prey fraun n NL < Quenya “farna” < Etym. “SPAR”, “PHAR” (AC); from fictional proto-word “praunk”; compare with “farb-” (to hunt), “prauk-” (to pillage), “raun” (trophy) object of hunt
profit raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
prostitute ghrupauk n NL, see “ghrup-” of any gender
punish dangh- v LOS, HG < MERP “danoj-” < Albanian “dënoj”
pursue farb- v NL < SV “vorb-” (to hunt, pursuit), “várbatár” (hunter) + Sindarin “farad” (hunter), “faras” (hunt), “fara” (to hunt)
put to death dûmb- v NL < EL “dûmp-”
quarry fraun n NL < Quenya “farna” < Etym. “SPAR”, “PHAR” (AC); from fictional proto-word “praunk”; compare with “farb-” (to hunt), “prauk-” (to pillage), “raun” (trophy) object of hunt
racket mârbh- v LOS < HG заставлять платить налог, дань, подать, штраф
rage uruth n NL < Sindarin “oroth”, “rûth”, Quenya “ursa”
raid lîzd- v NL < rejected Qenya “lehesta”, “lehasta” (to ride, riding, raid)
ransom raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
rape tram- v LOS, marked as borrowed from SV, probably from MERP “rramab” < Albanian “rrëmbej”
rascal fikhabauk n NL, merging “fik” with “gabauk” (see corresponding articles)
ravish mraf- v NL < merging Quenya “arpo” (seizer, thief), Middle Quenya “raf-” (snatch, seize) < Primitive Elvish “RAPH” (to seize, grab, snatch) with Middle Quenya “mapa” (to grasp, seize), Qenya “(a)mapta” (to ravish, seize and carry off forcibly) < Primitive Elvish “MAP”, “MAPA”, “NAPA” (to lay hold of with hand, seize) to seize and carry off person forcibly

похищать, уносить людей против их воли
renegade fûrthal n NL, see “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat)
repay pait- v NL < Qenya “paitya” (to repay, requite) < Primitive Elvish stem “PAÝA” (requite, punish, take vengeance, conquer, subdue)
repress mogr- v NL < TK “mog” (tyrant, oppressor) < PN “Gothmog” < Etym. “MBAW”
requite pait- v NL < Qenya “paitya” (to repay, requite) < Primitive Elvish stem “PAÝA” (requite, punish, take vengeance, conquer, subdue)
retaliate grûth- v NL < Gnomish “gruith” (deed of horror, vengeance)
revenge grûth- v NL < Gnomish “gruith” (deed of horror, vengeance)
revenge pait- v NL < Qenya “paitya” (to repay, requite) < Primitive Elvish stem “PAÝA” (requite, punish, take vengeance, conquer, subdue)
reward raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
risk razg n NL < Quenya “raxë”
ritual kaush n NL < LOS “kaushar” (negative ceremony) < SV < MERP “kaushatar” (ritual) ceremony with negative, evil connotations, e.g. with blood sacrifices
rob rânt- v LOS (only noun “robber”) to steal using force, violence, intimidation
rogue fikhabauk n NL, merging “fik” with “gabauk” (see corresponding articles)
rot nirg- v NL < Qenya “narqa-” (fade, wither), Gnomish “narcos” (rot, decay) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ” intransitive
rule durb- v TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
? Quenya “tur” (to control, govern, wield) < Etym. “TUR” (power, control, mastery, victory)
sack prauk- v NL < SV “plauk” < probably Albanian “plaçkit” or debased English words;
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “raun-”
take other's property by force
sad duf adj TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Lagduf”;
? Noldorin “dofn”, “dufui” < Etym. “DUB” (lie heavy);
? Etym. “DOGH, DÔ, DOMO” (night, dark, gloom, faint, dim)
? Etym. “DEM” (sad, gloomy)
? Adûnaic “dâur” < root “DAWAR”
speculative translation
scare ugl- v TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, PN “Uglúk”;
? Etym. “ÚLUG”, “ÚLGU” (horrible, hideous);
? Hurrian “ugil” (frighten);
? Etym. “UGU” (negative prefix)
translation is speculative
scary uf adj TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Ufthak”;
? Etym. “UGU” (negative prefix);
? Etym. “ÚLUG”, “ÚLGU” (horrible, hideous)
translation is speculative
scoundrel fikhabauk n NL, merging “fik” with “gabauk” (see corresponding articles)
scout nûsh n NL < Easterling “nûs” (spy) as in Gandalf's name “Incánus”
seduce prakh- v all major dialects < LL (to lure); other meanings were added in SV
sellout fûrthal n NL, see “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat)
sentence nûmp- v NL < EL “dûmp-” (doom, cf.) + Quenya “nam” (to judge) + Etym. (AC) “MBAD”, “BAD” (judgement, sentence) together with object in Allative case
servant snaga n TK, DBS, WJ, PN, a name of many orcs;
? Etym. “SNAR” (tie);
? Noldorin “mâgâ” < Etym. “SMAG” (soil, stain)
may refer to orcs of breed lesser than uruk, or to lowest rank in orcish hierarchy
shame bagd- v NL, merging LOS, SV, HG “bâk” (n) < MB with TK “bag” (excrement), Gnomish “naud” (ashamed, abashed) < early Primitive Elvish root “NAWA” (dwarf) and Qenya “naitya” (to damage, abuse, put to shame) add clitic reflexive pronoun “-îm” for meaning “be ashamed, cringe”
shatter barsh- v NL < HG “bars”, LOS “barash-”, both from SV damage completely to small pieces or to ashes

разбивать вдребезги, в клочья, в пух и прах
shatter margz- v SV < MERP “marzgi”;
compare with Primitive Elvish roots “MḶÐḶ”, “MLŘL”, “MALA” (to crush, squeeze, pound, pulp), Qenya “mald” (pound, crush), “mal” (crush, squeeze)
damage completely with heavy blow to small pieces or to ashes

разбивать вдребезги, в клочья, в пух и прах
shrivel nark- v NL < merging TK “nar” (negative particle) + Qenya “narqa” (to wither), Gnomish “narcos” (to rot, decay) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ” intransitive
skin daft- v NL, melting Gnomish “daf”, “dôf”, “dauth”
slash grish- v TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Grishnákh”;
? Etym. “KIRIS”, “RIS” (cut), compare with Sindarin “criss”
slaughter fakht- v NL < LOS “fakhtal” (butcher) < SV “fachtal” < MERP “fachthal”, “fakhtchal” refers to animals or mass murders
slave snaga n TK, DBS, WJ, PN, a name of many orcs;
? Etym. “SNAR” (tie);
? Noldorin “mâgâ” < Etym. “SMAG” (soil, stain)
may refer to orcs of breed lesser than uruk, or to lowest rank in orcish hierarchy
slay dog- v TK, AO, HOME 3, LR, PN “Boldog”;
Noldorin “daug” (warrior, soldier) < Etym. “NDAK” (slay)
slayer dog n TK, AO, HOME 3, LR, PN “Boldog”;
Noldorin “daug” (warrior, soldier) < Etym. “NDAK” (slay); explicitly translated as “slayer” in Etymologies
slice grish- v TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Grishnákh”;
? Etym. “KIRIS”, “RIS” (cut), compare with Sindarin “criss”
slut ghrupauk n NL, see “ghrup-” of any gender
smash barsh- v NL < HG “bars”, LOS “barash-”, both from SV damage completely to small pieces or to ashes

разбивать вдребезги, в клочья, в пух и прах
smash margz- v SV < MERP “marzgi”;
compare with Primitive Elvish roots “MḶÐḶ”, “MLŘL”, “MALA” (to crush, squeeze, pound, pulp), Qenya “mald” (pound, crush), “mal” (crush, squeeze)
damage completely with heavy blow to small pieces or to ashes

разбивать вдребезги, в клочья, в пух и прах
smite fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
snare hnûf n NL < Noldorin “hnuif”, “hniof”, “nû” (noose, snare) < Etym. “SNEW” (entangle)
snatch mraf- v NL < merging Quenya “arpo” (seizer, thief), Middle Quenya “raf-” (snatch, seize) < Primitive Elvish “RAPH” (to seize, grab, snatch) with Middle Quenya “mapa” (to grasp, seize), Qenya “(a)mapta” (to ravish, seize and carry off forcibly) < Primitive Elvish “MAP”, “MAPA”, “NAPA” (to lay hold of with hand, seize) to seize and carry off person forcibly

похищать, уносить людей против их воли
soldier dog n TK, AO, HOME 3, LR, PN “Boldog”;
Noldorin “daug” (warrior, soldier) < Etym. “NDAK” (slay); explicitly translated as “slayer” in Etymologies
sorcerer dushal n NL < TK “dush” (cf.)
sorceror dushal n NL < TK “dush” (cf.)
spoil nizg- v NL < TK BS “nazg” (ring) + NL “nîr” (good) + Gnomish “narp” (rotten, decayed, corrupt) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ”; compare with NL “nirg-” (rot, decay), “nirz” (corrupted, adj.)
spoil raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
spy nûsh n NL < Easterling “nûs” (spy) as in Gandalf's name “Incánus”
stab ak- v LOS < Quenya “ecet” (short stabbing sword)
steal orsk- v LOS
stick (through) ghrûth- v NL, merging “ghru” with SV “hûth-” may refer to coitus
strangle strakh- v SV, HG transitive
strife ghûth n NL < TK, AO, DBS, “goth” < LOTR, Silm., BOLT 2, PN “Gothmog”;
from Etym. “KOT” (strive, quarrel);
modified to differentiate from other meanings of “goth” (cf.)
strife goth n TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, Silm., BOLT 2, PN “Gothmog”;
Explicitly translated as Gnomish “war, strife” in BOLT II;
from Etym. “KOT” (strive, quarrel);
see also “ghûth”
strike fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
struggle tad- v HG < MERP “bartas” (brawl) < Albanian “bërtas” (to scream, shout) object should be in accusative or comitative case
subjugate norg- v NL < Qenya “norka” (slave, thrall, servant) < Primitive Elvish “norokā́” merged with LOS “nork-” (to take)
swag raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
sweet-speaking glizg n NL < Gnomish “glisc” (fond of sweets; fond of saying sweet or flattering things, suave, flattering); compare with Quenya “lissë” and Sindarin “laich” both meaning “sweet” uncountable
tamper land- v NL < early Noldorin “bland” (a lie, deceit)
tart ghrupauk n NL, see “ghrup-” of any gender
terrible bhau adj NL < Primitive Elvish PN “Bhau̯kil” (epithetic name of Morgoth), Qenya “Faukil”, Noldorin “Bauglir” (terrible); compare with Sindarin PN “Bauglir” (tyrant, oppressor) < Etym. “MBAW” (compel, force)
terror gozd n NL < Noldorin “gost” (dread, terror) < Etym. “GOS”, “GOTH” cause of fear;
thief orskal n NL < LOS, see “orsk-”
thrall snaga n TK, DBS, WJ, PN, a name of many orcs;
? Etym. “SNAR” (tie);
? Noldorin “mâgâ” < Etym. “SMAG” (soil, stain)
may refer to orcs of breed lesser than uruk, or to lowest rank in orcish hierarchy
threat razg n NL < Quenya “raxë”
throttle strakh- v SV, HG transitive
tomb khad n NL < Noldorin “hauð” (mound, grave, tomb) < Primitive Elvish “khagda” < Etym. “KHAG” (pile, mound) + “KHAW” (bed)
torment bal n TK “Balrog”; see “bol” this meaning is not recommended; see “bol” instead; initially “bal” and “bol” were synonyms/omonyms, but later Tolkien separated these words in Sindarin
torment bol n TK, AO, HOME 3, LR, PN “Boldog”;
Noldorin “baul” < Etym. “ÑGWAL” (torment)
torture bag n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, PN, PE 17;
? Etym. “ÑGWAL” (torment)
torture balg- v NL, merging TK “bag”, “bal”, “bol”, all from Etym. “ÑGWAL” (torment)
traitor fûrthal n NL, see “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat)
traitory fûrthurm n NL, abstract noun from “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat, cf.)
trap hnûf n NL < Noldorin “hnuif”, “hniof”, “nû” (noose, snare) < Etym. “SNEW” (entangle)
treachery fûrthurm n NL, abstract noun from “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat, cf.)
treason fûrthurm n NL, abstract noun from “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat, cf.)
trick prakh- v all major dialects < LL (to lure); other meanings were added in SV
trophy raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
try (in court) damp- v NL < EL “dûmp-” (doom, cf.) + Quenya “nam” (to judge) + Etym. (AC) “MBAD” (judgement, sentence)
twist dul- v HG < SV, MB
twist nizg- v NL < TK BS “nazg” (ring) + NL “nîr” (good) + Gnomish “narp” (rotten, decayed, corrupt) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ”; compare with NL “nirg-” (rot, decay), “nirz” (corrupted, adj.)
twisted raik adj NL < Quenya “raika” (also “crooked, bent”), Noldorin “rhoeg” < Etym. “RÁYAK”, “RAG”; also Gnomish “raig” (awry, twisted, distorted, perverted, wrong) systematically wrong; wrong by nature, behavior
tyrant mog n TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, WR, Silm., PN “Gothmog”, PN “Gazmog” replaced by “Shagrat” in LOTR;
Etym. “MBAW” (oppress, force, compel); compare with PN “Bauglir” (one of Sindarin names of Morgoth) of the same etymology
untruth lân n NL < early Noldorin “orvlann” (without deceit) < “bland” (lie) uncountable
venom holm n NL < SV, MERP “holm” < Albanian “helm”, Quenya “hloima” < root “SLOY”; related to “fâm” (cf.)
vile haur adj NL < Quenya “saura”, Sindarin “thaur” < Etym. “THUS” (putrid, foul); as in PN “Gorthaur” (abominable horror, fear stench), epithetic name of Sauron; thus in Nûrlâm “Gorthaur” will mean “revered horrible” mostly about smell
villain fikhabauk n NL, merging “fik” with “gabauk” (see corresponding articles)
violent gor adj TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, HOME 3, PN “Gorbag”, PN “Gorgol”;
Etym. “GOR” (violence, impetus, haste, vigor)
war ghûth n NL < TK, AO, DBS, “goth” < LOTR, Silm., BOLT 2, PN “Gothmog”;
from Etym. “KOT” (strive, quarrel);
modified to differentiate from other meanings of “goth” (cf.)
war goth n TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, Silm., BOLT 2, PN “Gothmog”;
Explicitly translated as Gnomish “war, strife” in BOLT II;
from Etym. “KOT” (strive, quarrel);
see also “ghûth”
warlock gîzdushal n NL, lit. “pact-sorcerer”
warp nizg- v NL < TK BS “nazg” (ring) + NL “nîr” (good) + Gnomish “narp” (rotten, decayed, corrupt) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ”; compare with NL “nirg-” (rot, decay), “nirz” (corrupted, adj.)
warrior dog n TK, AO, HOME 3, LR, PN “Boldog”;
Noldorin “daug” (warrior, soldier) < Etym. “NDAK” (slay); explicitly translated as “slayer” in Etymologies
whip hauk n HG (v) < MERP “fashaukalog” < Albanian “fshikulloj”
whip hauk- v HG < MERP “fashaukalog” < Albanian “fshikulloj”
whip thup n LOS, HG (v) < SV, MERP “thupar” (n) < Albanian “thupër” (rod, stick, wand);
compare with Qenya “tump” (to beat)
whore ghrup- v NL, merging LOS “ghru” (penis) with Neo-Quenya “hrupuhta-” (to fornicate, lit. “to do evil sex”);
see also “ghîr-”
whore ghrupauk n NL, see “ghrup-” of any gender
witchcraft dush n TK, DBS, WJ, WR, SD, “Dushgoi” (Minas Morgul), AA translates as “dark sorcery” = Sindarin “Morgul”;
? Valarin “dušamanûðân” (marred)
? Sindarin “dûr” (dark) as in “gûldûr” (dark sorcery)
wither nark- v NL < merging TK “nar” (negative particle) + Qenya “narqa” (to wither), Gnomish “narcos” (to rot, decay) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ” intransitive
wraith gûl n TK, CBS, “Nazgûl” (ringwraith), PN “Yagûl”;
Sindarin “gul”, “gûl” (evil knowledge, magic, sorcery, necromancy) < Etym. “ÑGOL” (wisdom);
in 1970s Tolkien changed his mind and separated etymology of Sindarin “gûl” from “ÑGOL” (wise < dark brown as name of Noldo elves) to “ÑGUL” (sinister dark)
probably not only “wraith”, but any (undead) servant of Sauron
wrath uruth n NL < Sindarin “oroth”, “rûth”, Quenya “ursa”
wrong raik adj NL < Quenya “raika” (also “crooked, bent”), Noldorin “rhoeg” < Etym. “RÁYAK”, “RAG”; also Gnomish “raig” (awry, twisted, distorted, perverted, wrong) systematically wrong; wrong by nature, behavior

See also