====== Orcish lullaby from Lay of Leithian ====== I’ll sing ye famous song, how in the days of yore, When flat was our world, when Rings have not yet been made, Our first Dark Lord defeated was by Elfin maid, Where others failed; Tinúviel was name of her. Idea of making a lullaby from Lay of Leithian came to me after reading a Russian translation of "Beren and Luthien" book, where line "Down crumpled Orc, down Balrog proud" reminded me of "Sleep tired toys, books are asleep..."(("Спят усталые игрушки, книжки спят...")) from a children show. But making a lullaby for Orcs required changes to be made, for example baby-orc should be afraid of Lúthien. I've also made a quick research to be sure that scary lullabies are the thing in almost every culture. It also reflects Tolkien's belief that Evil cannot create art or life: > The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own. > //(Frodo to Sam about Orcs, LOTR, ROTK)// > Melkor spent his spirit in envy and hate, until at last he could make nothing save in mockery of the thought of others... > //(Silmarillion)// So, most of the text was taken directly from Lay of Leithian, but with lines and words inside of them re-arranged. Out of 500 words over 300 were "stolen". Words taken directly from corresponding line were marked with **bold**, and line is marked with it's number from original poem. A couple of lines have line numbers specified, but not marked with bold -- this means it's inspired by original, but wording changed too much. ===== English text ===== 1. Why won’t you sleep? Loud is Angband. All day and night there hammers pound. 3861 **The** **rumour** **thunder**s in the **forges** 3852 built deep in Thangorodrim’s gorges. **A burning wind there roaring** blows 3853 **foul vapours up from gaping holes,** 3854 where wretched **captives** cry in **pain** 3865 **amid the iron clink of chain.** 3864 2. Soon, soon it will be **slow**ly **change**d: 3962 the elven witch in **raiment strange**, 3963 **batlike**, will secretly here fly, 3963 bloodthirsty snobbish wood-sprites’ spy, **to Morgoth’s hall, where** splendid **feast** 3876 **he** holds, **and** drinks **the blood of beast** 3877 **and lives of Men**, she’ll boldly raid. 3878 Her **eyes** will blaze with **flame** **and** hate. 3879 3. She’ll **let her flying raiment sweep,** 4068 **enmeshed with woven spells of sleep,** 4069 **as round the dark void she** will **reel**, 4070 and hidden **garment** she’ll **reveal** 3968, 3965 with **starlight caught in** elvish **veil** 3969 which **glimmer**s in Angband’s halls **pale**. 3968 **Dim dreams and faint oblivious sleep** 3970 will **softly** fall on **dungeons deep**, 3971 4. And smell of Doriath’s **flowers** 3972 will cloud fiery glowing towers. **Then softly she**’ll begin **to sing** 3978 **a theme of sleep and slumbering.** 3979 **The fires of Angband** will **flare and die**, 3984 **smouldered into darkness; through the** high 3985 **and hollow halls there**'ll roll **unfurled** 3986 **the shadows of the underworld.** 3987 5. **Wandering, woven with deeper spell,** 3980 her voice all **maw**s **and** **heart**s will quell. 4082 **Down crumpled orc**s, down hungry **beast**s 4080 / 4170 **turned in their dreams of** lavish **feast**s; 4171 **the fires of heart and maw** are **still**, 4082 soothed by enchanting **bird**-like **thrill**; 4083 **in sleep uneasy Balrog**s **stir**; 4172 all lulled by sorcery of her. 6. And as **her song** begins **anew** 4062 and **soft** comes **dropping like a dew**, 4063 that falls from ceiling of that dome and grows to seething silver foam of loudly rumbling rapid **streams**, 4066 **pale falling in dark pools** of **dreams**, 4067 a heart-enthralling dance she winds 4059, 4060 to calm the servants’ restless minds. 7. **All movement** stops, **and sound** ceases, 3988 **save Orc**s’ **and beast**s’ slumberous wheezes. 3989 **All eyes were quenched, save those that glared** 4086 **in** gloomy **Morgoth**’s face **and stared** 4087 at elvish beauty, frail and false, bewitching in the great vast halls **in slowly wandering wonder round**, 4088 all **were in enchantment bound**. 4089 8. **Like stars the Silmarils** glittered, 4092 from Dark Lord’s crown they down flittered, 4135 and **flaring suddenly they fell,** 4096 **upon the floors of Iron Hell.** 4097 -- 4103 **The dark and mighty head was bowed; like mountain-top beneath a cloud the shoulders foundered, the vast form crashed, as in overwhelming storm huge cliffs in ruin slide and fall; and prone lays Morgoth in his hall.** 9. **All eyes** are **quenched, all heads** are **bowed;** 4081 sleeps **crumpled Orc**, sleeps **Balrog proud**; 4080 **the wolves like corpses foul** are **strewn**, 4110 no more they **howling** on the Moon; 4175 sleep **adders, lay like twisted stone;** 4109 **lays Morgoth in his hall**, dream-**prone**. 4103 (word order changed) **His crown there roll**s **upon the ground**, 4104 with **Silmarils kindl**ing; **all sound** 4092, 4105 **died, and a silence grew as deep** 4106 **as were the heart of Earth asleep.** 4107 10. **All movement stayed, and all sound ceased,** 3988 **save** snoring **breath of Orc and beast.** 3989 **All eyes** are **quenched, all heads** are **bowed**; 4081 sleep, child, your bed be soft as cloud. --------------------- ===== New words ===== Words that already had synonyms were not listed here. ^ English ^ Nûrlâm ^ Etymology ^ | adder | fâm | Gnomish "fem" (venom of snakes) + MERP "farmak" (venom, poison) | | anew | nokhar | lit. "once more" | | beauty | fânurm | Quenya "vanya", "vanima", Sindarin "bain" < Etym. "BAN" | | ceiling | pulz | MERP "pulaz"; added to differentiate from "dîlg" (dome) | | crumpled | kunaga | past passive participle "bent" | | Doriath | thurkuzg | translation of Sindarin name "Land of the Fence" | | enchant | lûf- | from early abandoned translations of PN "Lúthien" (Enchantress) < Ilkorin & Noldorin < Noldorin "lhûtha" (to enchant), Middle-Quenya "luhta"; also HG "ful-" (to charm) written reversed;\\ also used to translate "bewitching" | | enmeshed | thuromaga | "thu-" (over) + "rom" (mesh, net) + past passive participle suffix "-aga" | | false | prakhûrz | LL "prakh-" (to lure, deceive) | | founder | dhund- | HG "dhu" (downward) | | frail | dîb | merging Etym. "NIN-DI" (fragile, thin) and early Primitive Elvish roots "(N)DIP", "(N)DUP", "(N)DUB" (drooping, bending) | | gape | hâgh | Quenya "hac-" (to yawn), "hácala" (yawning) | | glitter | thir- | Valarin "ithîr" (light) | | howl | sogl- | HG "sokl-" < MERP "sokalî" (shriek) | | lavish | malgûrz | adjective from "malg" (abundance) | | maw | korl | MERP "korlash" (jaw, mouth); compare with Sindarin "carch" (fang) < Etym. "KARAK" | | oblivious | ribholûgz | from "ribhol-" (to rorget) < "bhol-" (to remember) and active adjective suffix "-ûgz" | | quench | nanstak- | "nan-" (un-, dis-, prefix of cancelling) + "stak-" (ignite, kindle) | | proud | mîb | MERP "mîburr" (pride) < Albanian "mburrem" | | restless | nanborzûrz | "nan-" (un-, dis-, prefix of cancelling) + "borz" (calm, peace, n.) + adjective suffix "-ûrz" | | roar | robh- | Quenya "rávë", "rávëa" < Etym. "RAW"; compare with Sindarin waterfall name "Rauros" | | round | kurn | was already in dictionary under entry "around" | | ruin | ladh | merging "lata" (under), "latr" (bottom) with "dhu" (down), "dhund-" (to collapse) | | save | rihikug | prefix "ri-" (interruption) + present participle from "hik" (part) | | ::: | ap nar | lit. "but not" | | seethe | ghûlsh- | merging ZA "ghûsh-" (to boil) with Gnomish "gwel-" (to boil, bubble) | | Silmaril | Silbrulz | lit. "Crystal glitter", dervied from the same Etym. roots "SIL", "RIL" as original name | | ::: | Shilbrîdh | lit. "Moon-Pearl", calque from early Qenya translation of "Silmaril" | | slumbering | dhûlaut | LOS "dhûl" (sleep) < HG | | snobbish | ardaukûrz | NL "ard" (noble) + deragatory agental suffix "-auk" + adjective suffix "-ûrz" | | snore | pûz | Qenya "pusu" (to puff, snort) | | soothe | bort- | HG "borz" (calm, peace) | | spell | dosh | merging Gnomish "thoth" (evil spell) with TK BS "dush" (dark sorcery, necromancy) | | still | rubh | Qenya "rua", "rúva" (steady, still, tranquil) | | theme | lîth | Qenya "lin", "lind" < early Primitive Elvish root "LIÐI" (to sing) | | thrill | glirsh | merging "girth-" (to quiver, tremble) with "linsh" (music) and with Primitive Elvish root "LIR" (to sing, warble) | | unfurled | nanfraghaga | "nan-" (un-, dis-, prefix of cancelling) + "fragh-" (to wrap, enfold) + "-aga" (suffix of past passive participle) | ------------------------------ ===== Nûrlâm translation ===== It's hard to keep the meter of the original (with every second syllable stressed), as the stress falls on the first syllable in Black Speech, which together with it's agglutinative nature makes it even more complicated. So it's supposed that some even syllables are unstressed. In the translation the syllables with primary stress are marked with **bold** font, and with secondary stress with //italic//; the rest should be read as monotonously as possible. Most of stanzes became larger by 2 lines((except 1, 6, 8)). While repetitive agglutinative suffixes make keeping the stress harder, they make alliteration easier instead; also some internal rhymes appeared due to this feature. During the translation a couple of lines became closer to original poem, however many lost some details. Da**lash**ub **gi**zûr **laush**um **imb**, a**marz** shi **il** rodh **hoir**um//ob//, a**mil** kuzâ gok **thard** dak//ob//, agh **Nazg**um narkrampâkuzâ, ash **niz** golughaib **faik**uzâ âshûrz dak//ob// imbûrz goth **mor**, a**min** isk **saug**uzû naum//or//; na**îst**âkuzâ **zash** Lûth//nind//. 1. Nar**lor** mûr? **Lug**onk **rûrz** kulâ ûk **ârsh** agh **fugh** drang-**sud**aut//sha//. Za **zurm** zurgâ za **ângh**amb//or// za **Sang**rodgai-grik//ob// nûrm//or//, ash **ghâsh**ug **zûl** thûthâ robhug tîg **usk** glob ghu hoz//ah// hâghug, a**min** glûr **blord**û **hrizg**irzi poinaga **onk**-gai-**nôl**aut//ri//. 2. Za **bhad**âkubât//uth// fûrzarz: zin//u// skoirubât//uth// dhûrarz za **gol**ug**kûrzh**niz **râz** fath//or//, za **nûsh**, hîstaga **sog**at **ghor** ardaukûrz **tau**hûb//ûr//, tith//si// na**lîzd**ub **for**arz **shamb**ishi Morgothob amin **birt**or **klor** a**mash** ta**fîth** za **thaik**ûrz **ghor** bork//ob// agh **kîb** tark//ob// ta**shog**. Hont//nab// ghâzhubû sha hûr **mog**. 3. Fath//nab// dabhâkubâ na**rzi** skoirut agh **bhig**ut ash gilb**si**. Fath//nab// kulâ thu**rom**aga sha za dosh **lor**ob **gudh**aga. Kusn **bûrz** shadum kurn nanazhub agh **fauth**aga **fath** natraumub sha **ilz**-ghâzh **gol**ugûrz gaun//or// a**mash** tindâ Lugonk-shamb//or//. Doz ribholûgz lor agh taur **bûrz** lûmpubû **mûlk**arz **yath**ir **nûz**, 4. Agh **nuzd**um **lûth**ob **Thurk**uzg//ob// shustubâ **ghâzh**aut **hûr** lug//ob//. Lârz **mûlk**arz **na** îsub ash **lash** lor//ob// agh **dhûl**aut//ob//. Za **ghâsh** Lugonkânghambob **purd**ubû agh **burz**um//i//shi **nark**ubû yulbaga; za yan, **târ** agh **bha** shamb//i//rzi tuk nan**fragh**aga dâd **thar**dhunumob **nazh**ubû, gûkugul **fûrz**arz **zîg**in//u//. 5. Gudhaga //sha// dosh **dhun** gabug, omog nab **pûgsh**ubâ korl//ûk// agh **tish**ûk. **U**ruk-//hai// dhutû kunaga, **bork** harbûrz dhutû, nazhug taur//or// malgûrz birt//ob//; za **ghîr** hûr **korl**ob agh tish//ob// kulû rubh; **Bal**rogum khirgâ khagarz lortabor; **bort**aga lûfug glirshautirzi aig//si//, ûk **lûrzh**aga dushnabirzi. 6. Agh //kusn// laush//nab// nokhar îsâ agh **mîzd**-lîmp//si// mûlkarz skâtâ, lûmpug dîlgumbo za shamb//ob//, findarz ronk//bûrz//ishi taur//ob//, kusn taghalb **i**birûrz ghûlshug shai//shi// hulz//ob// hîs **rûrz** rumbug, na**gudh** ash **lîd** humbûrz norgug bortat furm **sna**gab nanpuztug. 7. Mrûnurmûk agh khlurm **puzg**û, //tug// pûzû dhûlarz bork agh uruk. Ghâsh//ûk// hont//ob// nan**stak**âkû, ri**hik**ug **zîg** zamash purdû duf **Mor**goth-**thak**ir agh tirnû sha **ghîr**urm **hûr** golugniz//u//, dîb, **sharz**asharz agh **prakh**arz **fân**, lûfug za **shamb**or **bha** agh **yan**, gabug fûrzarz kurnarz ilm//or//. Ash//ûgh// krimpâkû **dosh**um//or//. 8. Za **Silb**rulz **ilz**-si **thir**uzû agh **purd**ug **trosh**arz **lûmp**uzû lârz **tâl**u **uf**dhun//ob// onkûrz latr//u// rainumbo **mâgz**ob **bûrz**. Kunâkuzâ bolg agh bûrz **kaz**, oth **rod**-talm **la**ta ash shust **hath**, za **plan** amd **dhund**uzû, znam **bha** zurguzâ, //oth// bha **fip** rumb//sha// tâtâ agh **barsh**ât//îm// raum//or//; agh **Mor**goth **kât**â **tab** shamb//or//. 9. Hont//ûk// nan**stak**ût//îm//, kaz//ûk// kunûtîm; **kun**aga uruk agh **Bal**rog **mîb** pûzug lorû; fâm **lor**û, **gund**si **raik**, kâtû; glob **loik**si **bûsn**ût//îm// za **harg**, shilumu //tak//sogl narmakar; yal **Mor**goth **kât**â **shamb**or **tab** taur-//nudh//; nâzhâ tâl//ir// rain **tab** za **Silb**rulz-//sha// stakug; ûk **khlurm** matuzût//ûk//, agh ash ghilurm ghalbuzâ zash nûz zash lorurm dushûrz faikulg yal **thard**-tishum. 10. Mrûnurmûk agh khlurm **puzg**û, **tug** uruk agh **bork** sûmû puzug. Hont//ûk// kulû nan**stak**aga agh **kaz**ûk **kul**û **kun**aga za **laush**dush//i//rzi; **lor**, khind, **shuz**, gâkh **khau**fib **kul** zash **mûlk** zash **shust**. ----------------------------------------- ===== Glossing and translation back ===== ^ Nûrlâm ^ Gloss ^ English ^ | **1.** ||| | Narlor mûr? Lugonk rûrz kulâ | NEG-sleep why? Angband((lit. "Tower-iron")) loud be-3SG | Why (are you) not sleeping? Angband is loud | | ûk ârsh agh fugh drang-sudautsha. | all day and night hammer=pound-VN=COM | with all day and night hammer-pounding. | | Za zurm zurgâ za ânghambor | The rumour thunder-3SG the forge=room=INE | The rumour thunders in the forges | | za Sangrodgai-grikob nûrmor, | the Thangorodrim((lit. "pressure= mountain chain"))=gorge-GEN depth-INE | in the depths of Thangorodrim's gorges, | | ash ghâshug zûl thûthâ robhug | a burn-PTCP.PRES.ACT wind blow-3SG roar-PTCP.PRES.ACT | a burning wind blows roaring | | tîg usk glob ghu hozah hâghug, | there vapour foul up hole=ELA gape-PTCP.PRES.ACT | there vapours foul up from holes gaping, | | amin glûr blordû hrizgirzi | REL-where captive cry-3PL pain-INS | where captives cry from pain, | | poinaga onk-gai-nôlautri. | despise-PTCP.PST.PASS iron=chain=clink-VN=ITRT | despised, amid iron chain clinking. | | **2.** ||| | Za bhadâkubâtuth fûrzarz: | It change-PASS-FUT-3SG-AUX=PROSP slow-ADV | It will be changed soon slowly: | | zinu skoirubâtuth dhûrarz | here-ALL fly-FUT-3SG-AUX=PROSP secret-ADV | to here will fly secretly | | za golugkûrzhniz râz fathor, | the elf=witch-FEM strange raiment=INE | the elven witch in strange raiment, | | za nûsh, hîstaga sogat ghor | the spy, send-PTCP.PST.PASS seek-GERV blood | the spy, sent to seek for blood | | ardaukûrz tauhûbûr, tithsi | snob-ADJ wood=sprite-DAT, bat=ESS | for snobbish wood-sprite, bat-like | | nalîzdub forarz shambishi | she=raid-FUT bold-ADV hall=ILL | she will boldly raid to halls | | Morgothob amin birtor klor | Morgoth-GEN where feast-INE splendid | of Morgoth where at (the) splendid feast | | amash tafîth za thaikûrz ghor | that he=hold the taste-ADJ blood | that he holds, the tasty blood | | borkob agh kîb tarkob tashog. | beast-GEN and life men-GEN he=drink | of beasts and life of men he drinks. | | Hontnab ghâzhubû sha hûr mog. | eye=3SG.FEM-GEN blaze-FUT-3PL with fierce hate | Her eyes will blaze with fierce hate. | | **3.** ||| | Fathnab dabhâkubâ narzi | raiment=3SG.FEM-GEN allow-PASS-FUT-3SG she=INS | Her raiment will be allowed by her | | skoirut agh bhigut ash gilbsi. | fly-INF and sweep-INF a butterfly=ESS | to fly and sweep as a butterfly. | | Fathnab kulâ thuromaga | raiment=3SG.FEM-GEN be-3SG INTS-mesh-PTCP.PST.PASS | Her raiment is enmeshed | | sha za dosh lorob gudhaga. | with the spell sleep-GEN weave-PTCP.PST.PASS | with the woven spells of sleep. | | Kusn bûrz shadum kurn nanazhub | While dark void-DEF around she=reel-FUT | As around the dark void she'll reel | | agh fauthaga fath natraumub | and hide-PTCP.PST.PASS garment she=reveal-FUT | and hidden garment she'll reveal | | sha ilz-ghâzh golugûrz gaunor | with star=light elf-ADJ veil=INE | with star-light in elvish veil | | amash tindâ Lugonk-shambor. | which glimmer-3SG Angband-halls=INE | which glimmers in Angband's halls. | | Doz ribholûgz lor agh taur bûrz | faint dis-remember-ADJ.VB sleep and dream dim | Faint oblivious sleep and dim dreams | | lûmpubû mûlkarz yathir nûz, | fall-FUT-3PL soft-ADV cavern=ADE deep, | will fall softly on caverns deep, | | **4.** ||| | Agh nuzdum lûthob Thurkuzgob | and smell-DEF flower-GEN Doriath((lit. "land of the fence"))-GEN | and the smell of flowers of Doriath | | shustubâ ghâzhaut hûr lugob. | cloud-FUT-3SG glow-VN fiery tower-GEN | will cloud the glowing of fiery towers. | | Lârz mûlkarz na îsub ash lash | then soft-ADV she begin-FUT a song | Then softly she'll start a song | | lorob agh dhûlautob. Za ghâsh | sleep-GEN and slumber-VN-GEN the fire | of sleep and slumbering. The fires | | Lugonkânghambob purdubû | Angband=forge=room-GEN flare-FUT-3PL | of Angband's forges will flare | | agh burzumishi narkubû | and darkness-ILL wither-FUT-3PL | and wither into darkness | | yulbaga; za yan, târ agh bha | smoulder-PTCP.PST.PASS; the wide high and vast | smouldered; through the wide, high and vast | | shambirzi tuk nanfraghaga | hall=INS through un-furl-PTCP.PST.PASS | halls unfurled | | dâd thardhunumob nazhubû, | shadow underworld-DEF-GEN roll-FUT-3PL | shadows of the underworld will roll, | | gûkugul fûrzarz zîginu. | fill-PTCP.PRES.ACT-3PL.OBJ slow-ADV there-ALL | slowly filling them, to there. | | **5.** ||| | Gudhaga sha dosh dhun gabug, | weave-PTCP.PST.PASS with spell deep wander-PTCP.PRES.ACT | Woven with deep spell, wandering | | omog nab pûgshubâ korlûk | voice she-GEN quell-FUT-3SG maw=all | the voice of her will quell all maws | | agh tishûk. Uruk-hai dhutû | and heart=all orc=folk sleep-3PL | and all hearts. Orcs sleep | | kunaga, bork harbûrz dhutû, | bend-PTCP.PST.PASS beast hunger-ADJ sleep-3PL | crumpled, beast hungry sleep, | | nazhug tauror malgûrz birtob; | turn-PTCP.PRES.ACT dream-INE lavish feast-GEN | turning in dreams of lavish feasts; | | za ghîr hûr korlob agh tishob | the desires fiery maw-GEN and heart-GEN | the fiery desires of maws and hearts | | kulû rubh; Balrogum khirgâ | be-3PL still; balrog-DEF stir-3SG | are still; the Balrog stirs | | khagarz lortabor; bortaga | difficult-ADV sleep=his=INE; soothe-PTCP.PST.PASS | uneasily in his sleep; soothed | | lûfug glirshautirzi aigsi, | enchant-PTCP.PRES.ACT thrill-VN-INS bird-ESS | by enchanting bird-like thrilling, | | ûk lûrzhaga dushnabirzi. | all lull-PTCP.PST.PASS sorcery=her-INS | all lulled by sorcery of her. | | **6.** ||| | Agh kusn laushnab nokhar îsâ | and as song=her once-CMPR begin-3SG | And as her song begins anew | | agh mîzd-lîmpsi mûlkarz skâtâ, | and dew=drop-ESS soft-ADV come-3SG | and like dew drop softly comes, | | lûmpug dîlgumbo za shambob, | fall-PTCP.PRES.ACT ceiling-DEF-ABL hall-GEN | falling from the ceiling of halls | | findarz ronkbûrzishi taurob, | pale-ADV pool=dark=ILL dream-GEN | pale into dark pools of dreams, | | kusn taghalb ibirûrz ghûlshug | while 3SG-grow silver-ADJ seethe-PTCP.PRES.ACT | while growing to silver seething | | shaishi hulzob hîs rûrz rumbug, | foam-ILL stream-GEN rapid loud rumble-PTCP.PRES.ACT | foam of loudly rumbling rapid streams, | | nagudh ash lîd humbûrz norgug | she=wind a dance maze-ADJ enthrall-PTCP.PRES.ACT | she winds an enthralling mazey dance | | bortat furm snagab nanpuztug. | calm-GERV mind servant-GEN un-rest-PTCP.PRES.ACT | to calm minds of unresting servants. | | **7.** ||| | Mrûnurmûk agh khlurm puzgû, tug | move-NZ=ALL and sound cease-3PL only | all movement and sounds stop, only | | pûzû dhûlarz bork agh uruk. | wheeze-3PL slumber-ADV beast and orc | wheeze slumberously beast and orc. | | Ghâshûk hontob nanstakâkû, | fire=all eye-GEN un-ignite-PASS-3PL | All fires of eyes are unignited, | | rihikug zîg zamash purdû | exclude-PTCP.PRES.ACT those that flare-3PL | except those that flare | | duf Morgoth-thakir agh tirnû | gloomy Morgoth=face=ADE and stare-3PL | on gloomy Morgoth-face and stare | | sha ghîrurm hûr golugnizu, | with lust-NZ fiery elf=woman=ALL | with fiery lust at elvish woman, | | dîb, sharzasharz agh prakharz fân, | frail especial-ADV and deceive-ADV beautiful | frail, exceptionally and deceivingly beautiful, | | lûfug za shambor bha agh yan, | bewitch-PTCP.PRES.ACT these hall=INE great and vast | bewitching in these halls, great and vast, | | gabug fûrzarz kurnarz ilmor. | wander-PTCP.PRES.ACT slow-ADV around-ADV wonder-INE | in wandering slowly around wonder. | | Ashûgh krimpâkû doshumor. | everyone bind-PASS-3PL enchantment-DEF=INE | Everyone were bound in the enchantment. | | **8.** ||| | Za Silbrulz ilz-si thiruzû | The Silmaril((lit. "crystal glitter")) star-ESS glitter-PST-3PL | The Silmarils like stars glittered | | agh purdug trosharz lûmpuzû | and flare-PTCP.PRES.ACT sudden-ADV fall-PST-3PL | and flaring suddenly (they) fell | | lârz tâlu ufdhunob onkûrz | then floor=ALL hell((lit. "deep horrible"))-GEN iron-ADJ | then upon floors of Iron Hell | | latru rainumbo mâgzob bûrz. | down-ALL crown-DEF=ABL lord-GEN dark | down from the crown of Dark Lord. | | Kunâkuzâ bolg agh bûrz kaz, | bow-PASS-PST-3SG mighty and dark head | Bowed was mighty and dark head, | | oth rod-talm lata ash shust hath, | like mountain=top beneath a cloud thick | like mountain-top beneath a thick cloud, | | za plan amd dhunduzû, znam bha | the broad shoulder founder-PST-3PL, form-DEF vast | the broad shoulders foundered, the vast form | | zurguzâ, oth bha fip rumbsha | crash-PST-3SG, like huge cliff noise=COM | crashed, as huge cliffs with rumble | | tâtâ agh barshâtîm raumor; | slide-3SG and crush-3SG-AUX=REFL storm=INE | slide and crush (themselves) in storm; | | agh Morgoth kâtâ tab shambor. | and Morgoth lay-3SG his hall=INE | and Morgoth lays in his halls. | | **9.** ||| | Hontûk nanstakûtîm, kazûk | eye=all un-ignite-3PL-AUX=REFL head=all | All eyes unignite themselves, all heads | | kunûtîm; kunaga uruk | bow-3PL-AUX=REFL; bow-PTCP.PST.PASS orc | bowed themselves; crumpled orcs | | agh Balrog mîb pûzug lorû; | and Balrog proud snore-PTCP.PRES.ACT sleep-3PL | and Balrog proud are sleeping snoring; | | fâm lorû, gundsi raik, kâtû; | adder sleep-3PL, stone=ESS twisted, lay-3PL | adders sleep, like twisted stone (they) lay; | | glob loiksi bûsnûtîm za harg, | foul corpse=ESS strew-3PL-AUX=REFL the wolf | like foul corpses strew themsleves the wolves, | | shilumu taksogl narmakar; | moon-DEF=ALL they=howl NEG-many-CMPR | at they Moon they are howling no more; | | yal Morgoth kâtâ shambor tab | even Morgoth lay-SG hall=INE his | even Morgoth last in his halls | | taur-nudh; nâzhâ tâlir rain tab | dream=prone; roll-3SG floor=ADE crown his | dream-prone; rolls on floor his crown | | za Silbrulz-sha stakug; ûk khlurm | the Silmaril=COM kindle-PTCP.PRES.ACT all sound | with the Silmarils kindling; all sounds | | matuzûtûk, agh ash ghilurm | die-PST-3PL-AUX-PFV and a silent-NZ | died completely, and a silence | | ghalbuzâ zash nûz zash lorurm | grow-PST-3SG as deep as sleep-NZ | grew as deep as sleep | | dushûrz faikulg yal thard-tishum. | magic-ADJ defeat-SJV even earth=heart-DEF | magical had victory even over the Earth's heart. | | **10.** ||| | Mrûnurmûk agh khlurm puzgû, tug | move-NZ=all and sound cease-3PL, only | All movement and sounds cease, only | | uruk agh bork sûmû puzug. | orc and beast breathe-3PL snore-PTCP.PRES.ACT | orcs and beast breathe snoring. | | Hontûk kulû nanstakaga | eye=all be-3PL un-ignite-PTCP.PST.PASS | All eyes are unignited, | | agh kazûk kulû kunaga | and head=all be-PL bow-PTCP.PST.PASS | and all heads are bowed, | | za laushdushirzi; lor, khind, shuz, | the song=magic=INS sleep child too | by the magic song; sleep, child, as well, | | gâkh khaufib kul zash mûlk zash shust. | let.it.be bed=your be as soft as cloud. | may your bed be as soft as cloud. |