
Below there are dictionaries created by me using Lugrekh's dictionary of all Neo Black Speech dialects. Unfortunately its original was lost. Another man published it on the other site, but it didn't work at the moment of writing this text. I have corrected some mispellings, added my own :). Also similar words from different dialects were grouped under one entry. I added some words which I was needed for translating some lyrics. All of them were adopted from other dialects, so they don't break their rules. Please keep in mind that grammatical rules of Lessons are suitable only for Shadowlandian (LOS) dialect.

For translation back from Orcish to English or Russian you can use the search option. Don't forget to check out additional search parameter “Search in: book” in MS Excel. With Adobe Reader it's simplier to find mispelled words, because it doesn't distinct u and û for example.

English–Orcish dictionary
About 4000 word entries for all 4 widespread dialects. It also contains the short view on the rules of these dialects and a list of Orcish names.
Orcish–English–Russian dictionary
More than 6800 words. It is the most correct re-analyzed vocabulary for all Black Speech dialects, with many errors and typos corrected and some kept though. Only this dictionary will be updated in the future.
(Last updated on 28 Jun 2024)
Russian–Orcish dictionary
About 3000 word entries. Non-LOS words were used only in case of their absence in this canonical dialect or when more than one dialect use the form different from LOS.

Can't find a translation?

Dictionaries here contain about 3000 words which are quite enough for orcish way of life (specially killing and destroying). Remember, Black Speech is the “base language for base purposes”, so it isn't suitable for translating Greek or German philosophers' works, science fiction or Visual C++ manual.

But if you can't find a translation for some word into BS in any dictionary there are useful advices:

  1. Try to find a synonym.
  2. Look for the word with same stem and change it into other part of speech using the language's rules.
  3. Find the antonym for the word and add affix nar. For example, “love” can be translated as narmokum: nar (not) + mokum (hate).
  4. Try to describe the word with 2 – 3 other words, that present in dictionaries, and compose a complex word from them. Example: I translate “chariot” as “korn-lufûtûrz” = korn (cart) + lufûtûrz (war, adj.). Attention! Both words here are taken from Svartiska dialect, not the LOS. However one of them (“war”) is contained in LOS vocabulary even in more “orkish-sounding” form. But I wouldn't mix two dialects together, and recommend you do the same.
  5. As stated just above, orcs like to join several short words in one longer. Try to split up lengthy Black Speech word for translation into English.
  6. Think if this word could exist in the world of Arda? Modern words are almost totally absent in this dictionary.
  7. Imagine that you are orc. Would you say this phrase then? See example from p. 3. Do the orcs able to love (mentally) or to spare (without an order)?
  8. Forget English (or your native language). Black Speech has OTHER grammar rules. Try to think in terms of BS.