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“ Then Nár came up, and found that it was indeed the body of Thrór, but the head was severed and lay face downwards<...> Then Nár turned the head and saw branded on the brow in dwarf-runes so that he could read it the name Azog.
LOTR III, Appendix A, III: Durin's Folk, p. 1409
Последние новости
2024-09-29 Translation of Orcish lullaby based on the Lay of Leithian was finished!
Previously, I published an Orcish lullaby based on the Lay of Leithian composed in English. And after a long time the poetical translation into Nûrlâm is now complete! You can read it at Nûrlâm's wiki.
By the way, the Nûrlâm's dictionary now has more than 2000 words! But a significant revision is coming...
2024-08-03 New tengwar modes added to BSSScribe! Примечания к версии
2024-06-28 Black Speech School site moved
Black Speech School site is now hosted at http://blackspeech.de domain or alternatively at http://blackspeech.tw1.ru/. Old .ru address was intercepted. Beware of any malicious activity that might be hosted at the old address!
I hope, I've fixed all internal links. You can report broken links at Discord server (link at the top of blog's main page).
Sorry for inconvenience.
2024-04-14 Nûrlâm's lessons released!
The first 10 lessons of Nûrlâm dialect are now out!
Feel free to ask questions or report mistakes here in the comments or in Discord channel.